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Can dems get the conservative vote?


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I've read somewhere that conservatives are starting to turn on the Republican party... considering what's been happening with our Federal Government, any effort to reduce its power and curb spending would echo well with conservatives.

It seems Dems are in position to steal some of that republican conservative base. Is it possible for Dems to actually put a strategy together that would do this?

At this point it seems the Conservative way of thinking would agree with pretty much any anti-Republican movement. (by the way, have conservatives always been republicans?)

Thank You.

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I've read somewhere that conservatives are starting to turn on the Republican party... considering what's been happening with our Federal Government, any effort to reduce its power and curb spending would echo well with conservatives.

It seems Dems are in position to steal some of that republican conservative base. Is it possible for Dems to actually put a strategy together that would do this?

At this point it seems the Conservative way of thinking would agree with pretty much any anti-Republican movement. (by the way, have conservatives always been republicans?)

Thank You.


The Conservatives who are abandoning the Republican party are on the absolute opposite end of the political spectrum from the Democrats. They're the REAL Conservatives, who would not vote for a Liberal or Moderate candidate which is predominantly what the Republicans have become. They're much more likely to vote for a third party candidate they know can't win, than to even consider voting for a Democrat.

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The Conservatives who are abandoning the Republican party are on the absolute opposite end of the political spectrum from the Democrats. They're the REAL Conservatives, who would not vote for a Liberal or Moderate candidate which is predominantly what the Republicans have become. They're much more likely to vote for a third party candidate they know can't win, than to even consider voting for a Democrat.

Yes, there are people who take that "political spectrum" business way too seriously.

Still, I would suspect there is quite a number of conservatives who are actually intererested in seing their cause advanced.

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Yes, there are people who take that "political spectrum" business way too seriously.

I have to take some issue with your downplaying of the "political spectrum". It exists. I don't consider it the only way to look at things, but it's a very useful tool at times.

Still, I would suspect there is quite a number of conservatives who are actually intererested in seing their cause advanced.

Ok. I can agree with that. However, I am a Conservative and I don't believe I've ever met a Democrat who even pays lip service to the same causes that I believe in. Nevermind actually putting them into practice. At least the Republicans say the right things on many of those issues, and will occassionaly throw us a bone. There is no such thing as a Conservative Democrat these days.

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Still, I would suspect there is quite a number of conservatives who are actually intererested in seing their cause advanced.

I suspect that you would like this to happen because you'd like to see the Democratic party gain members, correct?

If this is the case, I can assure you that any Democratic party which succesfully draws the votes of the conservatives in question is not going to be a Democratic party you would continue to support.

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I suspect that you would like this to happen because you'd like to see the Democratic party gain members, correct?


I think both ideas are good and I'd like to see a combination of them. That's long-term.

Short-term - it seems present day Republicans have little in common with ideas they are supposed to represent.

I think events of Bush presedency set quite a bit of very dangerous precedents. I want to see this whole thing coming down in flames (which it will as soon as Dems win elections and start digging).

I think the upcoming snowball effect may turn out very beneficial as far as transperency in government goes.

If this is the case, I can assure you that any Democratic party which succesfully draws the votes of the conservatives in question is not going to be a Democratic party you would continue to support.

Who is talking about support? I want certain things to happen, and at this point the Democratic party is the only party that can make them happen.

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I have to take some issue with your downplaying of the "political spectrum". It exists. I don't consider it the only way to look at things, but it's a very useful tool at times.

A very useful took for what and at what times?

Ok. I can agree with that. However, I am a Conservative and I don't believe I've ever met a Democrat who even pays lip service to the same causes that I believe in.


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A very useful tool for what and at what times?

It's a very useful tool for explaining the comparative differences between two or more political groups, ideas or platforms.


Gun-owner Rights, Border Security, Illegal Immigrants, Social Welfare, American Independence vs. World Citizenship.

Should I go on?

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Who is talking about support? I want certain things to happen, and at this point the Democratic party is the only party that can make them happen.

What are those things? List them, and we can see if those things are the kinds of things conservatives could get behind.

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I think the upcoming snowball effect may turn out very beneficial as far as transperency in government goes.

Only if part of that transparency is AMATEUR politicians instead of the Professional politicians we currently have. Additionally term limits and a number of other serious restrictions on the powers of politicians would need to be put in place to bring anything near this to fruition. We both know that will never happen.

Who is talking about support? I want certain things to happen, and at this point the Democratic party is the only party that can make them happen.

If you really want the things the Democrat (NOT Democratic) Party presents as their platform, then we have nothing in common.

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It's not a matter of can the Democrats draw conservative support. The question is, can the neo-Cons drive away enough conservatives - either from the polls entirely or to other parties (libertarian, e.g.), for the Democrats to win?

I'd say they're doing a bang-up job at that, but we'll only know when election day rolls around.

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It's not a matter of can the Democrats draw conservative support. The question is, can the neo-Cons drive away enough conservatives - either from the polls entirely or to other parties (libertarian, e.g.), for the Democrats to win.

I'd say they're doing a bang-up job at that, but we'll only know when election day rolls around.

Yes they are doing a good job of it. Just realize that the people they're driving away are the ones of us who would likely be more willing to use violent force to oppose and possibly overthrow a Democrat controlled government.

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Yes they are doing a good job of it. Just realize that the people they're driving away are the ones of us who would likely be more willing to use violent force to oppose and possibly overthrow a Democrat controlled government.

LMAO. We already had a war with you f**** in the 1860s. We'll trounce you again if need be.

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LMAO. We already had a war with you f**** in the 1860s. We'll trounce you again if need be.

LOL. Yes, you folks did. The difference is that this time it would not be a matter of states seceeding from the Union. This time it would be a matter of people like me looking over the sights of a rifle or handgun and pulling the trigger on political figures and other high-ranking members of your loony, left-wing government.

Even the Secret Service admits that they could not stop someone who was willing to give up their life to penetrate their security curtain.

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Actually, the more important question is can the true Dem party reign in their fringe members and stop pissing off its core.

Then and only then, can it stop losing its members votes to moderate GOP candidates.

The fringe members are its core. That's where the Democrats' funding comes from.

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LOL. Yes, you folks did. The difference is that this time it would not be a matter of states seceeding from the Union. This time it would be a matter of people like me looking over the sights of a rifle or handgun and pulling the trigger on political figures and other high-ranking members of your loony, left-wing government.

Even the Secret Service admits that they could not stop someone who was willing to give up their life to penetrate their security curtain.

You are a pscyho.

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Just curious what many on here think of the way Dean ran the finances as a gov of Vermont. I bring him up because many on here buy into the smear of him as a liberal and think of him as the far left who can never get popular support.

Consider these facts about Deans time as Gov:

paid of Vermonts public debt and balanced the budget 11 times. Oh, and he lowered icome taxes 2x in that span.

Yes, he is a liberal socially, but economically he wasn't all that liberal. You don't balance a budget and cut taxes without cutting spending. However, you see many posts on here still pretending ALL dems are tax and spend dems. The simple unfortunate truth is that is how Republicans will campaign. How many of those on here who have posted about how all Dems are liberal knew there were Dems amongst them who have this type of track record, one most conservatives wish Bush had with the Federal Gov? Keep in mind, I am not a Dean supporter. I just bring him up for those who claim no Dem would ever espouse much less impliment "conservative" practices. To all those who think such, all I can ask is that they actually look at the canidates instead of Republican ads and charactures.

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You are a pscyho.

If that's how we now define people who know the difference between Right and Wrong as Universal concepts and are willing to act against those people who choose to champion the Universal Wrongs, then I'll wear the title proudly.

Way too many people nowadays are unwilling to make the differentiation between Right and Wrong or more importantly to ACT on the difference between them.

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What is going to happen now for the conservatives, is that they are not going to specifically go out and vote along party lines, they will do more research into the candidates and pick on that most closely fits their ideals

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If that's how we now define people who know the difference between Right and Wrong as Universal concepts and are willing to act against those people who choose to champion the Universal Wrongs, then I'll wear the title proudly.

Way too many people nowadays are unwilling to make the differentiation between Right and Wrong or more importantly to ACT on the difference between them.

Uh huh...murder is wrong.

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