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REDSKINS $3.8 millon under the cap


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yeah, but do we have to come within 1 penny of the cap maximum every season?????

The cap money does not accumulate, so if it is not spent, at some time you cant spend it, the skins spend the full amount because they can, teams that dont spend it dont do to well, Mr Snyder and Co know what they are doing because they are being overseen by Coach Gibbs now, and since he came back who did Coach Gibbs bring into the team who was a bust.....money spent wisely is money well spent:2cents:

Hail all things redskins:especially cap hell:logo:

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There is no difference between being $1 under and 3 mill under during an NFL season. The bills dont win any more games based on how much they save. We have always been under the cap and been able to sign all our draft picks. But hey, people believe the media.

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yeah, but do we have to come within 1 penny of the cap maximum every season?????

Actually..................YES! Why wouldn't we, the fans, want to get to the limit every year. Now if I was the man signing thos checks, well then I might think differently.

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We should be under the cap. The cap isn't a figure you should always be a dime away from each and every year. You need some breathing room for the draft, and some possible f/a pickups. It's good to be under for once.

Yep, no F/a pickups this year :laugh:

Redskins Sign DE Evans, CB Wright

Redskins Sign O-Linemen Pucillo, Walter

Redskins Sign DE Andre Carter

Redskins Sign QB Todd Collins

Redskins Sign Safety Adam Archuleta

Redskins Acquire WR Brandon Lloyd

Redskins Sign WR Antwaan Randle El

And you know were going to get Mo Banks... how could you not sign a Safety with that name.....

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Anybody remember The Upright Citizens Brigade, on comedy central. A brief show starring Amy Poehler of SNL fame? Remember the "asspennies" sketch? Every owner in the league has held D.S's ass pennies. We hold the advantage because our owner, every day of the last five years has stuck thirty dollars worth of pennies up his ass. After five years at 30 dollars a day...even J.J.'s FA signings are payed with snyder's ass pennies. A farcical sketch on a show that didnt make it, just like farciacal theories by the talking heads who know as much about cap manuverings as they do the pennies they spend. Personally if Gibbs blesses it, I would spend it. Up dan snyders ass or not.

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At this point in the season, we need to be several million under the cap in order to sign our draft picks and maybe pick up another inexpensive FA or two. Then we need to keep a couple of mil cap space during the season to be able to pick up a player or two in case of inury. Then, late in the season, we need to use up every last penny of cap space by restructuring at least one existing contract, or doing a clever LTBM deal to carry over our excess cap room to next year. But the goal is to finish the year with all cap money spent or carried over. I think the skins cap guys are good at this game, so we probably don't waste any cap space, ever.

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Actually..................YES! Why wouldn't we, the fans, want to get to the limit every year. Now if I was the man signing thos checks, well then I might think differently.

Exactly. We want to use as much money as we can on the team, intead of being like other teams that have so MUCH money they can not spend it all because they never spend it and their team ends up sucking.

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I don't know if people truly understand the Salary Cap.

Just because the salary cap is $102 million, it doesn't mean these teams have the $102 million to spend.

I can have a credit card that has a $250,000 dollar credit limit, but if I don't have the money to pay it off, what good does it do me to spend to the limit?

Remember, the Redkins generate so much money that Snyder has it to spend.

"Cash creates cap" is the way I think Vinny called it.

I truly believe that alot of these teams that are under the salary cap by double digits do so because their owners don't have the money to spend.

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I don't know if people truly understand the Salary Cap.

Just because the salary cap is $102 million, it doesn't mean these teams have the $102 million to spend.

I can have a credit card that has a $250,000 dollar credit limit, but if I don't have the money to pay it off, what good does it do me to spend to the limit?

Remember, the Redkins generate so much money that Snyder has it to spend.

"Cash creates cap" is the way I think Vinny called it.

I truly believe that alot of these teams that are under the salary cap by double digits do so because their owners don't have the money to spend.

Every NFL owner/team has the money to max out. They may make "less money" but they still make money. Its the tight wads who are the greediest that like to complain and want equal shares from every teams revenue. The Redskins are not a large market team like the Bears or Giants but the fan base generates enough income for Snyder who seems willing to spend as much as allowable to put a winning product on the field and this is where many owners draw the line or refuse to do that. They would rather make 40 million and be 15 million under the cap than make 25 million and have a better product on the field.
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