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Anyone here going to Bonnaroo?

Big Weirdo

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Can't believe it's going to be 10 years since I went. That recycled water was so ****ing nasty. Showered in the rain and with the stockpile of water we brought. The heat was brutal, and a funnel cloud formed a few miles away during a thunderstorm on steroids. My heart sank when I imagined what it would do if it hit the campgrounds. Our tent was ruined after that storm, we slept in a small car for the last two nights.

The music was great, and weed was getting passed around everywhere. People were going from tent to tent selling varieties of weed every few hours. Wasn't all that bad of a time, lol.

Everyone around us would play bongos 'til 2am. Being a drummer, I took lead most of the time. The drum circles during the day were lame, but at night the drumming at camp was awesome.

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Went to the first two and had plenty of fun.


The lineup style has undergone massive changes over the years.  Very commercial now, it seems, with most of its jam roots left behind.


I'd be interested to hear how the scene has changed along with it.  There was a definite sense of "community" in the early years.  And I remember marveling at how there was no visible corporate sponsorship anywhere.  Still the case?


There was also a lot of talk, at the time, about how people were watching out for each other.  No fights fires or rapes (big contrast vs reports out of the woodstock 25th anniversary that was a few years before).

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