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Immigration Rallies Draw Thousands Nationwide


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It takes time - if you can't deal with that too damn bad. Reality isn't going to change for you or anyone.

It will if we do it right. Very simply.... Stop printing social welfare forms (welfare, unemployment, Social Security, etc...) in anything other than ENGLISH. Stop the multi-lingual office staffs in those offices as well. You'll see these people learn ENGLISH VERY QUICKLY. I guarantee it.

So people are supposed to dumb themselves down to not offend the locals? lol I got news there are tons of Americans that speak more then one language - it's considered a good thing. Maybe people should make themselves forget the metric system too....can't have people knowing and using both in the US.

Most people don't speak two languages where I come from. If it hadn't bee a requirement in high school I would never have taken a second language and I don't remember more than a handful of phrases from that horrible experience, thankfully. I'd like to get rid of the Metric system as well.

Also it wouldn't hurt if Americans got over their language hatred completely. It would benefit American business if schools put out students fluent in more then one.

No. It would benefit American business if they STOPPED allowing the use of languages other than English in their American offices. When I walk into a business and find the people speaking something other than English, I turn around and walk out. If a company wants to have an international presence, fine. Have a SEPARATE division, based OUTSIDE THE USA to deal with that international business.

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For being almost impossible legaly,they sure let a few in.:

Almost a million people legally immigrated into the U.S. in 2004 under qualifying categories:


946,142 to be exact.

Of that number, more than half (583,921) were already in the United States either temporarily or illegally and found a way to legalize their permanent status. The best strategy is still to get in and ask questions later...

More fun facts: More than one fourth (252,193) married a U.S. citizen. More than one-fifth were other relatives (214,355) and had to wait from 4 to 20 years depending on what country they are from and how closely related they are to citizens. 155,330 had employee sponsors and had to wait up to 5 years depending on their job and the country they are from.


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ONE of you please tell me why it should be o.k.?

Up legal immigration by xyz% to keep the jobs right etc...

Crack down on illegal immigration absolutely... (Fill out the paperwork in the next 6 months or get caught and kicked out).

It removes the criminal aura of the illegal persona... That removes quite a bit of jail/injury/drugs/etc.

It adds to the economy to both us and them, being able to recoup at the end...

I guess it makes too much sense and can't be used against the other party????

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I never said it was a GOOD system. Just that it was a system. The system that I'd personally like to see in place would probably keep even more of those people out of the United States, but I don't get to make that decision. Unfortunately.

Yay! Then we could be like europe and about to implode on itself with old people and bloated social welfare!!! YAAAAAAAY!!!! Let's put up huge walls to keep all the hispanicos out! Yaaaaaayy!!!! Huge walls will make us safe!! Better yet lets just tattoo numbers on their arms! Then we can keep track of them!


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Which part of "illegal" don't people understand here?

Round up the illegals and simultaneously shut down the welfare system and other handouts like WIC and food stamps, and you'll suddenly find all kinds of people willing to pick fruit.

Hunger makes people do strange things, like work

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ONE of you please tell me why it should be o.k.?

Up legal immigration by xyz% to keep the jobs right etc...

Crack down on illegal immigration absolutely... (Fill out the paperwork in the next 6 months or get caught and kicked out).

It removes the criminal aura of the illegal persona... That removes quite a bit of jail/injury/drugs/etc.

It adds to the economy to both us and them, being able to recoup at the end...

I guess it makes too much sense and can't be used against the other party????

We actually had provisions like that when the Democrats were in power. The INA 245(i) grandfather clause allowed undocumented immigrants to receive green cards at the attorney general's discretion if an employer was willing to sponsor them and they paid a $1,000 fine. However, that doesn't apply for any applications filed after April 30, 2001.

On the other side, Republicans have been pretty supportive of large increases in the quotas for temporary workers in technology industries with H-1B visas and similar measures.

However, nobody is willing to make any of these solutions permanent in any way. All we get is a patchwork of laws that recognize the problem and try to deal with it as best as possible ... that's why half the "immigrants" that get green cards every year are people that are already in the country.

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Legislation to criminalize illegal status in this country? You're going to jail these people? Why? For seeking the American dream? Moral questions aside, WTF is going to pay for this? We can't even send violent criminals in this country to jail for long enough, and yet some foolish politicians want to make that much harder to do so? With finfite resources, what's more important?

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It will if we do it right. Very simply.... Stop printing social welfare forms (welfare, unemployment, Social Security, etc...) in anything other than ENGLISH. Stop the multi-lingual office staffs in those offices as well. You'll see these people learn ENGLISH VERY QUICKLY. I guarantee it.
The reason so many things are printed in multiple languages is to SPEED UP their intigration into american life. There is nothing positive to be gained by new arrivals not being able to get drivers licenses or fill out tax forms. We want them to work and you want to put a massive language barrier between them and doing so?

Thank goodness the leaders of this nation are more concerned with results then poorly thought out ideals.

Most people don't speak two languages where I come from. If it hadn't bee a requirement in high school I would never have taken a second language and I don't remember more than a handful of phrases from that horrible experience, thankfully. I'd like to get rid of the Metric system as well.
Most people in the US don't - and it's all thanks to people that advocate ignorance because they don't like foreign languages. Keep up the good work!
No. It would benefit American business if they STOPPED allowing the use of languages other than English in their American offices. When I walk into a business and find the people speaking something other than English, I turn around and walk out. If a company wants to have an international presence, fine. Have a SEPARATE division, based OUTSIDE THE USA to deal with that international business.
Right because satisfying the tiny fraction of American xenophobes that hate to even hear foreign languages is far more profitable then courting the many MILLIONS of foreign born or first generation people currently in the US. Keep telling yourself that, maybe it will come true.
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Why the **** are half the people picture draped in Mexican flags?

If they like Mexico so much go ****ing live there.

That's my major hang up with the whole thing. People used to want to come here to be American. Now they want to come to America and make this place just like the place they just left behind.

I don't mind people coming here (legally), and I don't mind them being proud of their culture. But I surely don't want them setting up the Turd World here.

Case in point, a lot of local governments are passing laws mandating how many adults can live in a single family home. To us, it's usually 2 adults. To the Turd World, it's OK to have 20 people living in a 2/3 bedroom house.

Why in the world do we want crap like that happening here?

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The reason so many things are printed in multiple languages is to SPEED UP their intigration into american life. There is nothing positive to be gained by new arrivals not being able to get drivers licenses or fill out tax forms. We want them to work and you want to put a massive language barrier between them and doing so?

Thank goodness the leaders of this nation are more concerned with results then poorly thought out ideals.

Most people in the US don't - and it's all thanks to people that advocate ignorance because they don't like foreign languages. Keep up the good work!

Right because satisfying the tiny fraction of American xenophobes that hate to even hear foreign languages is far more profitable then courting the many MILLIONS of foreign born or first generation people currently in the US. Keep telling yourself that, maybe it will come true.

Man, you're a raving lunatic. As a first generation American myself, let me tell you that my parents, uncles, aunts, etc. had absolutely zero problems integrating into American life and society back in the '60's and '70's before the advent of political correctness. Shut up. You know nothing.

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Front page of CNN.com has a sign written in Spanish.... if you love this country so much learn English. Their rallying cry is "Si Se Puede..." sounds like they represent immigrants from ALL COUNTRIES...

Did the price of lettuce and strawberry's peak yet!?

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Front page of CNN.com has a sign written in Spanish.... if you love this country so much learn English. Their rallying cry is "Si Se Puede..." sounds like they represent immigrants from ALL COUNTRIES...

Did the price of lettuce and strawberry's peak yet!?

Absolutely correct. My entire family accepted and embraced this country immediately when they immigrated back in the '60s and '70s. Guess what? They are not out there on the streets waving foreign flags and carrying on like idiots. Most are successful professionals and business owners.

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I'd like our government to go through the crowd and do a search for people with outstanding warrants next time there is a protest like this.

That might offend someone. Then the ACLU would crawl out from under their rock and make a Federal case out of it

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Absolutely correct. My entire family accepted and embraced this country immediately when they immigrated back in the '60s and '70s. Guess what? They are not out there on the streets waving foreign flags and carrying on like idiots. Most are successful professionals and business owners.

See, if everyone came here (legally) and did that, I'd wouldn't even be in this thread

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Man, you're a raving lunatic. As a first generation American myself, let me tell you that my parents, uncles, aunts, etc. had absolutely zero problems integrating into American life and society back in the '60's and '70's before the advent of political correctness. Shut up. You know nothing.
You telling me what immigrants go through? I came here myself, I know all about adjusting first hand, not through family fun story time.

The process of fulling integrating can take no time or a life time. There are plenty of factors that predict how well it will go. Age, education level, and economic position being the most significant. I've seen first hand how it can go well - and I've watched it go bad for others.

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Man, you're a raving lunatic. As a first generation American myself, let me tell you that my parents, uncles, aunts, etc. had absolutely zero problems integrating into American life and society back in the '60's and '70's before the advent of political correctness. Shut up. You know nothing.

My entire family came here in the 70's and 80's (well, only my parents, an uncle, and two aunts), and they are also had few problems integrating into American life and society. However, we always spoke Chinese at home, my parents read the Chinese newspaper, Chinese novels, and even now they watch the news in Chinese every night. People who grew up in another culture speaking another language will always retain that as their primary identity. Even Ang Lee, who just won an Oscar for Best Director for a movie that is far more Hollywood than Asia, has said that he still thinks in Chinese. This has been the case for generations of German, Irish, Italian, Greek, and Jewish immigrants, and many ethnic communities still exist around the country that reflect this reality. In the private sphere, immigrants will always retain ties to their country of origin.

One thing that helped my family and earlier immigrants assimilate was the very fact that they were legal - they could get jobs at real American companies, they could get driver's licenses, they had to file their taxes, and after five years, they could become citizens. In the public sphere, legal immigrants must live in America.

What is keeping immigrants from assimilating today is the very fact that a growing number of them are undocumented. As undocumented immigrants, they don't do many of the things that Americans do, so they live their entire lives in the private sphere, speaking their native language without any contact with the government.

The problem is not that we're attracting people that don't want to be Americans. The problem is that we're attracting people, and our laws are set up in way that doesn't allow them to become Americans.

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My entire family came here in the 70's and 80's (well, only my parents, an uncle, and two aunts), and they are also had few problems integrating into American life and society. However, we always spoke Chinese at home, my parents read the Chinese newspaper, Chinese novels, and even now they watch the news in Chinese every night. People who grew up in another culture speaking another language will always retain that as their primary identity. Even Ang Lee, who just won an Oscar for Best Director for a movie that is far more Hollywood than Asia, has said that he still thinks in Chinese. This has been the case for generations of German, Irish, Italian, Greek, and Jewish immigrants, and many ethnic communities still exist around the country that reflect this reality. In the private sphere, immigrants will always retain ties to their country of origin.

One thing that helped my family and earlier immigrants assimilate was the very fact that they were legal - they could get jobs at real American companies, they could get driver's licenses, they had to file their taxes, and after five years, they could become citizens. In the public sphere, legal immigrants must live in America.

What is keeping immigrants from assimilating today is the very fact that a growing number of them are undocumented. As undocumented immigrants, they don't do many of the things that Americans do, so they live their entire lives in the private sphere, speaking their native language without any contact with the government.

The problem is not that we're attracting people that don't want to be Americans. The problem is that we're attracting people, and our laws are set up in way that doesn't allow them to become Americans.

I'm not debating that point about immigration law - it needs to be revamped. I'm commenting on the fact that immigrants need to assimilate and become Americans. First and foremost learn the English language.

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You telling me what immigrants go through? I came here myself, I know all about adjusting first hand, not through family fun story time.

The process of fulling integrating can take no time or a life time. There are plenty of factors that predict how well it will go. Age, education level, and economic position being the most significant. I've seen first hand how it can go well - and I've watched it go bad for others.

Um, I lived through it all as a first generation American, and understood what my family went through. So honestly, just piss off w/ regards to your derisive, pathetic remark.

The bottom line is that America is the land of opportunity, not guarantees - something that the Left fails to comprehend or accept. The best way to succeed is to assimilate. Start by learning the freakin' language and stop raising your native country's flag over our flag.

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