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Immigration Rallies Draw Thousands Nationwide


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That's my major hang up with the whole thing. People used to want to come here to be American. Now they want to come to America and make this place just like the place they just left behind.

I don't mind people coming here (legally), and I don't mind them being proud of their culture. But I surely don't want them setting up the Turd World here.

Case in point, a lot of local governments are passing laws mandating how many adults can live in a single family home. To us, it's usually 2 adults. To the Turd World, it's OK to have 20 people living in a 2/3 bedroom house.

Why in the world do we want crap like that happening here?

Dude, Sarge, I agree with you on a lot of things... However, this is one thing I think our founding fathers are turning in their graves over. But, I think people are being a little paranoid of these immigrants here. They're coming here looking for a better life. Something, that I guarantee people in your family did at some point as well.

99% Percent of the posts I read on this subject on this board by purported liberals are seem to be anti-immigration. You use the explanation that they don't bother to assimilate into the culture. However, how long did it take the chinese too assimilate? How many Chinatowns are there? Or how about German and polish towns in PA? This is one of the founding principles of our country and I'm utterly shocked at the callous responses by some of the liberals here on the board.

Our founding fathers had no intention of having a national language or any nonsense like that for a reason. A national language promotes inequality which is contrary to our doctrines.

I don't seem to understand what people are really afraid of here. From my experience most hispanics come to this country not to cause trouble but it search of a better life. If they take over a few towns and mexicanize it so be it... its nothing new-- immigrants have been doing it since 1492 ;) And trust me, when their children decide that they don't want to nail roofs on houses or pick oranges I'm sure they'll do a fine job of assimilating.

Anyways, I need to go erect some more straw men for nibbs to blow down.

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Um, I lived through it all as a first generation American, and understood what my family went through. So honestly, just piss off w/ regards to your derisive, pathetic remark.

The bottom line is that America is the land of opportunity, not guarantees - something that the Left fails to comprehend or accept. The best way to succeed is to assimilate. Start by learning the freakin' language and stop raising your native country's flag over our flag.

hahaha whenever you are confronted with anything you just slip right back into campaign speak. Whatever, you got everything figured out so there's no sense in taking this further.
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hahaha whenever you are confronted with anything you just slip right back into campaign speak. Whatever, you got everything figured out so there's no sense in taking this further.

Actually, it's more like whenever you are confronted with a sound argument, you just fall back to empty rhetoric. Am I wrong? If so, then prove it through debate instead of lobbing pathetic, trite words.

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Actually, it's more like whenever you are confronted with a sound argument, you just fall back to empty rhetoric. Am I wrong? If so, then prove it through debate instead of lobbing pathetic, trite words.

This crap is political fluff - "The bottom line is that America is the land of opportunity, not guarantees - something that the Left fails to comprehend or accept. The best way to succeed is to assimilate. Start by learning the freakin' language and stop raising your native country's flag over our flag."

You pulled it out of you ass when I called you on your daddy-told-me BS. Who in this thread has argued that coming here comes with a "guarantee" Oakton? Who has argued that people shouldn't speak English? Where are the lefties that "fail to comprehend or accept" this little strawman of yours. Quote them. I've argued that it takes time - I can cite entire city blocks that say I'm right about that, what have you got?

Empty rhetoric. heh

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This crap is political fluff - "The bottom line is that America is the land of opportunity, not guarantees - something that the Left fails to comprehend or accept. The best way to succeed is to assimilate. Start by learning the freakin' language and stop raising your native country's flag over our flag."

You pulled it out of you ass when I called you on your daddy-told-me BS. Who in this thread has argued that coming here comes with a "guarantee" Oakton? Who has argued that people shouldn't speak English? Where are the lefties that "fail to comprehend or accept" this little strawman of yours. Quote them. I've argued that it takes time - I can site entire city blocks that say I'm right about that, what have you got?

Empty rhetoric. heh

Riiight... go back and read your drivel. I'm not doing your work for you. Go back to being a whiny, pathetic troll.

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Yay! Then we could be like europe and about to implode on itself with old people and bloated social welfare!!! YAAAAAAAY!!!!

Not in the least. I'm not sure what sort of plan you think I'm advocating but it would significantly REDUCE the amount of Social Welfare that we hand out to these people by significantly reducing the number of them in this country.

Let's put up huge walls to keep all the hispanicos out! Yaaaaaayy!!!! Huge walls will make us safe!!

The wall wouldn't make us safe, though it would be a good start. The men with automatic weapons ON those walls, the 100 yard wide minefield and the ROE that allow those men to fire on ANYONE trying to cross the border are what would make us safer. Especially once these measures were put into place along both the Southern AND the Northern border.

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The reason so many things are printed in multiple languages is to SPEED UP their intigration into american life. There is nothing positive to be gained by new arrivals not being able to get drivers licenses or fill out tax forms. We want them to work and you want to put a massive language barrier between them and doing so?

Thank goodness the leaders of this nation are more concerned with results then poorly thought out ideals.

So far as I'm concerned there's nothing positive to be gained by allowing foreign nationals who don't read and speak a fair amount of ENGLISH into this country to begin with. Either to visit or to live. Until they can survive in an English-Only environment I don't want them here, never mind working.

Most people in the US don't - and it's all thanks to people that advocate ignorance because they don't like foreign languages. Keep up the good work!

I don't see that there's any need to speak more than one language. It's a waste of time, money and energy to be teaching these kids foreign languages. Those resources could be much better used teaching them proper ENGLISH, History, Civics and other useful subjects.

Right because satisfying the tiny fraction of American xenophobes that hate to even hear foreign languages is far more profitable then courting the many MILLIONS of foreign born or first generation people currently in the US. Keep telling yourself that, maybe it will come true.

It's the only way to be profitable if you want MY money. I've already commented on the subject of foreign born or first generation people who can't deal with English being in this country, so I won't go over it again.

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