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SI: Peter King's MMQ: Refuses to admit he was wrong


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From his mailbag:

MORE REDSKINS SUPPORT, THIS TIME FROM NEW YORK. From Anthony of New York City: "Mr. King, I love your work and I mean no disrespect, but why do you and other media figures criticize the Redskins free agent moves? Every year it's the same thing, that they spend too much money, that the players they get are overrated. I know Snyder is not a loveable figure, but don't you think that the Redskins improved greatly last year. They have had some good offseason moves in recent years (Washington, Griffin, the Moss trade worked out well and Portis is a good, hard-nosed RB. ) They've hired good coaches. They have been running pretty smooth since Gibbs returned. So why would you say that they are out of their minds for getting two young receivers in Lloyd and Randle El. Maybe you don't agree, but it seems like they have a plan. Don't you think an organization being run by a hall of fame coach deserves the respect to see how these moves play out before calling the team's decisions this offseason 'crazy?'"

We'll see.


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With all due respect to Cory Raymer and Patrick Ramsey -- arguably, even LaVar -- what Redskins football games are Peter King watching to make the bold claim that they were "good players"?

Furthermore, to make the claim that Ramsey wasn't given a fair shot is flat out inaccurate. :laugh:

King proves, once again, that he pays little attention to the topics on which he writes.

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Cowboy fan here and I wish King answered the first question instead of dodging it by saying winnning is all that matters. What also matters is that people who cover the NFL for a living understand the salary cap. Either admit you have no idea how it works or be able to predict that the Redskins will go on a shopping spree every other year!

The fact that the Redksins are not in cap hell in 2006 is damning on every NFL writer in America. The fact that Synder is aquiring very good players in this cap hell offseason is amusing. It's like Synder is flipping every NFL "expert" the bird.

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Perhaps the greatest sin that the Skins commit is that they consistently prove all the doom and gloom cap predictions to be farcicle. This makes King and Pasqy look like they don't know what they are talking about (which is true). So they have to fall back on the "well what have they done" to avoid looking like total idiots. Fact is these guys are average writers with decent connections and no knowledge of how contracts actually work.

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King once again proves he is an idiot. He says we haven't won in the Snyder era, although the person who wrote in clearly is sating he shouldn't criticize Gibbs moves yet. Gibbs has only been back for two seasons. One of those seasons we wnt 5-1 in the division, made the playoffs, and one our first playoff game on the road. How is that not winning? Then, King goes on to say the only reason we got out of cap trouble was b/c the cap went up 16.5 million? What? The cap went from 94.5 to 102 million. That's only 7.5 million by my count. King could have counted that those fat sausages he calls fingers. It has already been explained that our conversion of roster bonuses cleared up 10 million, the cap saved us 7 million, LA saved us 4 million, two restructures saved us around 5 million, and the few releases saved us 8 million or so. Per the new CBA we were ten million over, w/ the simple math just displayed, we were 17 mill under the cap before signing the new FA's. So what's the problem?

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Anyone else see how he answered the first question? Here it is . . .

STOP RIPPING THE REDSKINS. From Jeff of Philadelphia: "Since 2000, all of the experts have been telling me how bad the Cap Hell will be for the 'Skins. In 2003 they were supposed to be in Hell from the 2000 signings. They weren't. I was told that the 'Skins would then have to pay the piper in 2004 ... didn't happen. Then it was supposed to be 2005 for sure ... didn't happen. Then it was a stone cold guarantee the 'Skins would be in undeniable Cap Hell in 2006. There was no way they could get out of it ... Um, didn't happen. Mr. King, how can this be true? How can the predictions constantly be wrong? At what point does the media correctly predict the 'Skins Cap Hell? Or is it just that Dan Snyder & Co. do a much better job at cap management than anybody in the media is willing to give them credit for?''

Maybe they do. But what have they won in the Snyder Era? That's the point here. Winning. And building a good, consistent team year to year. The reason the Redskins got out of a historic cap jail situation this year is very simple. The cap went up $16.5 million, far more than in any other year in the 12-year history of the system. And let's remember this about the Redskins: To get to the cap, they had to whack good players like LaVar Arrington, Cory Raymer and, soon, Patrick Ramsey, who cost the Redskins a first-round pick in 2002. What bothers me about the Redskins management in general is how they dart almost willy-nilly from one way of doing things to another. I mean, you spend a first-round pick on Ramsey and never give him a serious chance to win the job. Ever. Sooner or later, that's going to haunt you.

Dumbass. The question was about why all the so-called pundits forecasts of cap hell were wrong. Peter Queen completely dodges that question and goes right to whether Snyder has won with that strategy. Well, to disgress just a bit, yes, Snyder has won. Like in last year. 10-6? Playoff win? Remember that, Mr. Queen? Of course, how 'bout going back to the question. Why have been so wrong each year on the 'Skins cap situation?


We won't be holding our breath.

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It won't matter if we win the SB for the next five years straight. King will never admit he was wrong. He already gave himself an out (what have they won so far during the Snyder era?) which is what he will fall back on. What a bag of smashed *******s that guy is.

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As a child, Peter king was the kid that nobody wanted on thier team. Remember when you would choose sides to play ball? Peter was probably the last one standing and the reaction was probably, oh man, c'mon. That's not fair. I got stuck with him yesterday. It's your turn today!

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Guys, I realize that most of you are emotionally charged about the Skins and those that don't see things as you do. That said, is "we'll see" really a bad comeback? Snyder has been doing the same thing for years and it's provided very little in the way of production and even less in the way of playoff appearances.

I'm not going to bash the signings, altho the $$ is rediculous with regards to the players' production, but I would think that anyone in their right mind is not going to suggest that the Redskins have done anything different than they usually do.

It looks great in the Spring, "we'll see" how all of this pans-out in the Fall.

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There is a long time argument that any professional sport gets more national attention and revenue when the "big name" teams are winning, because casual fans tune in to see the Yankees, Red Sox, Cowboys and Lakers (for example).

It seems there is a similar case among NFL sports writers about their business regarding the Redskins. Namely, their market is bigger and better when the Redskins are bad and they can play up the "turmoil" aspect.

To me, it looks like King is clinging like a coward to this idea by refusing to give credit to the Redskins. He specificly responds to the OP's question by giving this very reason - 'Skins are being run too inconsistantly.

There was a lot of turnover, but its obvious the Redskins aren't getting the same consideration he, or any of the others, give the rest of the league.

Just look how the 'Skins and Snyder have responded to the turnover. Hire a Hall of Fame coach, then work your hiney off getting him everything he says he needs to build a consistant winner. . . already resulting in a divisional playoff appearance in only the second year. . .

The simple answer is they are afraid of what is happening in Washington because it means having to use their brain to find something new to talk about. :2cents:

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Peter King is a colossal turd. :pooh:

That Skins fan writes a passionate, articulate, and well supported argument, and all King can do is provide a pathetic two word response. What arrogance! That fan brought up some very valid points and asked some legitimate questions. King had a real opportunity to explain himself and possibly let us know why he and his media cohorts so frequently take this hostile position in regard to the Washington Redskins.

I didn't think it was possible, but I hate him so much more now.

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