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Everything posted by eparks11

  1. Loving that too. The quality is better than I was expecting. Their UI isn't very good when watching in full screen mode; for example I have to hit esc and back out to the main screen to choose a different game, but all-in-all I'm pleased. It drives me nuts that they don't offer something similar during the regular season for us out of market fans. Apparently the NFL would rather force non-DirecTV subscribers like me to find illegal means of watching instead of taking money I'm willing to give them if they'd just let me.
  2. Thats cool they offer that, I didn't know that, but the second they pull the starters I'm going to stop watching. I'm not going to pay for that, but I would happily pay $250 for the standard Sunday Ticket package (with preseason games included) if they'd let me. It's sad, I actually want to give them money and they won't let me. But on a good note at least they make me not feel bad about watching a bootleg stream.
  3. Man the quality on this stream sucks. F#*^ the NFL for their policy on streaming games. The NFL should do just like the UFC by this point and stream games on nfl.com for a seasonal fee. Unless you use DirecTV they pretty much force you to look for pirated streams if you want to watch a game. What an idiotic policy. Not everyone has DirecTV, but everyone has the internet. Move NFL SUnday ticket to a steaming service already so everyone has access to it. Grrrr! /rant
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