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Time to pitch: The Redskins charter was busy Friday. It picked up safety Adam Archuleta in Los Angeles and went to San Francisco to pick up 49ers defensive end Andre Carter and wide receiver Brandon Lloyd. Then it flew to Chicago to pick up wide receiver Antwaan Randle El.

Then, the recruiting pitch will begin. Owner Dan Snyder will take them to a Wizards game Saturday night and hopes to land all four Sunday.

Brandon Lloyd could get as much as $10 million in guarantees if the Redskins wrap up their trade with the 49ers Sunday. Lloyd is a restricted free agent and he was given the first round tender.

The Redskins are supposed to give up a third-round choice this year and a fourth next year.

The plan for the Redskins is to get Lloyd and Randle El. Lloyd's a lock. Randle El will need some convincing.

Lovie Smith continues to call Rams safety Adam Archuleta hoping to talk him out of any deal with the Redskins. Smith and Archuleta are tight from their days together in St. Louis. If you remember, Smith devised defenses around Archuleta's range and skills. The Redskins still have the best chance to get him and hope to get a deal done by Sunday.

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any new news???????

So far - ::sigh:: no

I have been all over the place from KFFL to ESPN and nothing yet.


I know it's 11 but I'm going to work out my stresses... :)

Friggin waiting is gonna kill me

Lloyd deal got done when I went to dinner and to Wal Mart... so hopefully the others will start falling into place when I start hitting the weights :)

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That Bears defense will be downright NASTY if they get Archuletta.

But what can you say about Gregg Williams? .... I cannot think of another defensive coach ever in the history of the game to place so much value and focus on the safety position.

Look at his time in TN, Buffalo, and now here. He has ALWAYS gone out of his way, year in and year out, to make sure that his defense is stacked at the safety position. Yet he's comfortable with 5 linebackers and 4 cornerbacks.

Whatever works though. :)

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That Bears defense will be downright NASTY if they get Archuletta.

But what can you say about Gregg Williams? .... I cannot think of another defensive coach ever in the history of the game to place so much value and focus on the safety position.

Look at his time in TN, Buffalo, and now here. He has ALWAYS gone out of his way, year in and year out, to make sure that his defense is stacked at the safety position. Yet he's comfortable with 5 linebackers and 4 cornerbacks.

Whatever works though. :)

I was getting ready to say - wouldn't you just love to work with GW if you were a safety? I would kill to do so....

I can't imagine him not signing with the Skins... but alas... there are his ties with Lovie that might make it more difficult...

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I don't mean to be pessimistic, but I don't think we're gonna land Randel El. If we do get him, we'll have to grossly overpay since the Bears are loaded with cash and the Steelers are a good fit. (see Super Bowl XL). If he is wise, he will sign with Washington so he can win back-to-back super bowls.

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Brunell... the key guy is Moss, IMO.

Lloyd and El would be upgrades for the distraction factor to help out Moss and make some contribution... though Lloyd may surprise me by catching more than 60 if thrown to properly...

I think El will be a slot WR and contribute 30-40 catches... more of a possession style WR...

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Why would Randel El come here for a demotion? Since acquiring Lloyd, it is clear that Randel El would just be the #3 receiver. Considering that the #2 here didn't get a whole lot of balls, what is the encouragement to be here other than the money?

Meanwhile, Chicago doesn't have much for WRs. He'd have more of a potential to be a star there.


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Maybe having these guys coming from Southern California (Carter) and a dome stadium (Archuleta) will help.

Chicago weather sucks! Randle El might be a lost cause either way, since he is used to it.

It was nice and sunny in DC today, wasn't it?

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