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What will happen to our Blue Collar attitude?


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You joshing?

Off the top of my head 9 guys on offense and 7 guys on defense all received millions in signing bonus dollars. I think it's a rich man's game, and, we find guys who do rich and work hard in combination.

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In my opinion,( and like Faithful said), Blue Collar isn't about who you sign and for how much. It's an attitude. One of working hard and doing so as a team for the team. That's Joe Gibbs football there. Nothing in all this can affect that because it's still Joe Gibbs running the show.

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The blue collar work ethic is instilled by pride in beating out quality competition. Just because you sign quality free agents, it doesn't mean those guys are guaranteed to start, at least not with Joe Gibbs around.

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Is it being overlooked? I am as excited as the next man to see the skins so active but it might not be the smartest thing. Our team even last year was a team that didn't handle success very well. We were best when our backs were against the wall.

Faithful, just because we are active in the Free Agency, does not mean we are not looking for Gibbs-type players (a.k.a. Blue Collar Players). If they are showing a me-first attitude, don't you think Gibbs would be the first person to bench that person, or later on trade / cut that person (i.e. Laverneous Coles)? I also think having high-quality Veterans with the Blue Collar Attitude is infectious, and will be passed to players just signing. That is one of big reasons Joe Gibbs likes having Veterans with younger talent playing underneath them, so they can learn that type of attitude.

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These players are making hundreds of thousands, some even millions of dollars right now.

I'd say more than some are making millions. You really cant say were not blue collar when cooley and sellers are still pounding everybody on offense

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We are far from a blue collar team. When joe gibbs was winning before it was partially because jkc opened his wallet. Our players are willing to work hard,but that has nothing to do with being blue collar.

Good point.

Sometimes I think people get too caught up in the "heart of a Redskin" hype and fail to realize this game is about money.

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The whole blue collar concept is so stupid in football and in sports.

No football player is truly blue collar. They make millions playing a sport.

Blue collar is construction work and things like that.

Anyway no nothing will happen to our losing attitude just because we signed some good football players.

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I'd say more than some are making millions. You really cant say were not blue collar when cooley and sellers are still pounding everybody on offense

Everybody on our o-line pounds people. And they all have multi-million contracts except dockery. Ya'll can call it blue collar if you want, I call it doing your job. :)

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Actually, being a blue collar kind of a guy, I have no problem with the term "blue collar" being associated with the attitude of the team. I'm a construction worker. I work 9 hours a day, 5 days a week, ( sometimes more), and sometimes in some pretty adverse conditions. I bust my ass for the paycheck that comes to me every 2 weeks. These guys do the same thing. Sure, they get paid far more than I do, but the attitude is the same. They bust their asses and then some to play the game of football. And they get a paycheck for it. It ain't easy by any stretch of the imagination. They have too. Can't collect the paycheck and then just take the day off.

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Very good post Park City Skins. Doesn't matter what they make, Its how hard they work for it.

Example = Moss was viewed as nothing more than a #3 WR, Gets traded and get a new contract, Alot more than he was receiving What does do he AFTER he gets paid, Goes out and has a career year. Worked hard to earn his pay.

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Considering the well documented physical ailments many football players suffer years later, I think blue-collar is a more than acceptable term. Considering also that Washington's primary team goal is to roll up their sleeves and pound the other teams into submission with the ground game, blue collar fits just about perfect.

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