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Joe Gibbs needs a hobby


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I'm not talking about building model railroads here.

Years ago, Riggins greeted Joe Gibbs at 9am, beer in hand, and Joe got him back in uniform. Joe knows how to deal with characters.

Everyone talks about how Joe Gibbs only wants his kind of players -- players with character. A lot of the media and fans are confused about that. They think that Joe Gibbs wants Girl Scouts. He doesn't. He wants tough-minded, physical, coachable team players who are willing to work to succeed.

But Joe, historically speaking, has NOT gone out and found those types of players. He'st taken regular players -- and wild cards like Riggins -- and turned them into those kinds of players. Remember, Riggins once laid in the locker room, drunk, pissing in the air. Gibbs ignored him.

Now that Joe has handed over most of his day job to Gregg and Al, I think it's time he picked up a new hobby: a player like Riggins who needs guidance. I'm thinking someone like TO. Sign him to a cap-friendly contract with little money up front but with fat bonuses for performance -- and a character clause.

I know that just collecting big-time receivers is no recipe for success, which is why I think all the collective hand-wringing over finding a complementary receiver is dumb. The Raiders tried it. The Lions tried it. So I'm not interested in TO just because he's talented. I think it would be incredibly interesting to see if Joe can turn a troubled guy like TO into a team player.

Is there anyone else out there who would make a good hobby? Marcus Vick, naturally, is a thug scumbag and doesn't fit the model. David Boston is one piss test away from a year suspension, so he's out too. Anyone else out there?

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Sean Taylor is already on the team. Once he's out of the woods, get another problem child to fix up.

No *****...once we're sure that Taylor won't be incarcerated for the entire '06 season, we can worry about another troublemaker on the team.

I love Taylor, but TO isn't what we need.

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are you kidding me!!!! TO is cancer.....Joe Gibbs is trying to build a team.....to some...grabbing TO would be a step forward for a shot at the superbowl...others like me would say signing TO would be similar to russian roulette ..... I could see it now......TO complaining ruining what team chemistry Gibbs has built thus far after coming back from retirement.....If I was a betting man...... I would say there is no chance in he11 TO will be a skin anytime soon

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T.O. is exactly what this team needs. He's a pure team player and will do anything the team asks of him. This is the first post I've agreed with in a while. :D

When an Eagles fan agrees with you on this MRMADD, you should then realize that this is NOT a good idea.

I can't believe ANY Redskins fan is still talking about T.O. :doh:

Sorry, dude. :2cents:

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I don't agree with acquiring TO, but at least MRMADD had some decent points. Joe Gibbs can handle difficult players, and doesn't simply kick them off the team. In fact, the instance with Riggo shows that on occasion he has even gone after them despite his knowledge of their unruly behavior.

I like your way of thinking MADD, and I think you raised a good point since we are seeing news articles stating that "If you're not a Joe Gibbs guy, you're gone". However, I don't care if you are Mother Teresa, T.O. is a bad apple, and always will be.

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I don't think most of you guys understand the proposition. We're not talking Maurice Clarett or Lawrence Philips or Marcus Vick. Those guys are seriously disturbed thugs whose contributions on the field will be overshadowed by their probably incarceration at some point.

TO is nothing like that. Yes, he's a me-first kind of player, but he's not an off-the-field menace. He's actually coachable. He's also a phenomenal talent. He'll be playing next year.

The question is, do you think Joe Gibbs could tackle a challenge as large as TO? Most of you seem to think he couldn't. You think TO would tear apart the Skins, and Joe Gibbs -- the man who handled Riggins and Manley and is now handling Taylor -- would be overwhelmed.

I feel otherwise.

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T.O. is exactly what this team needs. He's a pure team player and will do anything the team asks of him. This is the first post I've agreed with in a while. :D

LOL, nice try.

By the way, I've seen your posts around quite a bit recently and I must say I'm impressed. You actually contribute something meaningfull to the discussion more often than not, and even when it's just a joke like this one they are never mean spirited. Whodathunkit, an Eagles fan with class? Isn't that like the 9th sign of the apocolypse or something? LOL!

Keep up the good work, I like having respectable fans of other teams around. It's good for discussion.

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Herrmag, I hear where you're coming from, but even if TO is a bad apple, couldn't Joe squeeze some juice from him?

I think the guy could become a Barry Bonds (minus the, um, juice): unlikeable, but high performing. It would take some incredible coaching, but I think Joe Gibbs is so much better than Andy Reid in that regard that it's not even comparable to the Philly situation.

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