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Peter King sinks to a new low, accuses Skins of cheating


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It's almost as loud as the whining in this thread.

Does he need one? It's an opinion article, not a factual news report.

Of course he does. LA and the skins have squabbled over his contract for years now, and all of a sudden everyone is happy and comes to an agreement? That is reason enough to be suspicious...

Blah blah blah...if the Skins and LA are doing anything shady, they'll be caught. King can say what he wants, but his baseless claims will eventually lead to even more people not taking him seriously.

And, by the way, I'm not a King basher. I think his little column is mildly entertaining, but he does seem to find ways to bring Snyder into conversations as often as possible. :2cents:

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It's almost as loud as the whining in this thread.

Or the whining about the whining in this thread. :)

Does he need one? It's an opinion article, not a factual news report.

I don't care if he holds that opinion. I do care that he implies others hold it as well without producing a shred of evidence. If his opinion is credible, he shouldn't need to make stuff up to support it, should he?

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You want to hear King accuse us of cheating? Just wait till the CBA gets extended and we have plenty of cap room. I bet he files a civil suit against us.

A guy saves a team 4 million and gets cut, OMG THATS ONLY BEEN HAPPENING IN THIS LEAGUE... since free agency? Get with the program King.

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From his MMQB column --

2. I think just for the sake of insuring trust in the salary cap from some skeptical front offices, the league needs to make sure LaVar Arrington is really going to forego the $4 million in guaranteed money he gave back to Washington to get his freedom now. Not saying it didn't happen, but I am saying with all the money the Redskins have to spare and how convenient it was that the team could find this money after months of hand-wringing over the Arrington deal, the league needs to double-check that the accounting of this is clean.

Wow, this is really out of left field. You'd think he'd be embarrased to put such purely speculative, random drivel up for public consumption. Especially considering how bitter it looks.
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Does he need one? It's an opinion article, not a factual news report.

Oh, I see. So it is okay to make something up in an opinion piece? It's not like that debunks his whole opinion or anything....

Of course he does. LA and the skins have squabbled over his contract for years now, and all of a sudden everyone is happy and comes to an agreement? That is reason enough to be suspicious...

LA wanted out, plain and simple. He was upset with the organization, and wanted to play somewhere else. But there's a little something in the way of him doing that, which is called his "contract". So, to let him out of his contract, he gave back some of his guaranteed money. Since when has Snyder been caught making dirty deals? Why is it okay for people, especially media people like Peter Queen, to accuse him of breaking the rules when something beneficial to himself and the team happens? Where is the precedent that is cause for suspicion?

*Oh, by the way, LA is happy because he not only gets to be a FA, he becomes one at the start of FA when teams have the money to spend on him. Otherwise, he would be cut between July 1 and 21, when his bonus was due. By that point, he would not be getting a big contract from anyone.

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Profootballtalk.com mentions that with tampering so prevalent in the NFL nowadays, it's almost a certainty that L.A. already has a deal in place that would more than make up for that $4 million. Teams mentioned were the Vikings, Browns, and Steelers.

This of course would lessen the Peter King insinuation that the Skins are doing something wrong.

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Blah blah blah...if the Skins and LA are doing anything shady, they'll be caught. King can say what he wants, but his baseless claims will eventually lead to even more people not taking him seriously.

It's King's opinion, and nothing more. People reading it and assuming hes reporting facts, or has some inside information are the reason everyone around here gets so worked up about it. You got it right. 'King can say what he wants.' You don't have to agree with it.

And, by the way, I'm not a King basher. I think his little column is mildly entertaining, but he does seem to find ways to bring Snyder into conversations as often as possible. :2cents:

That's exactly all it is supposed to be taken as. You read his opinions, take it with a grain of salt and realize that it is nothing more than one man's 'mildly entertaining' opinion. I find it funny that no one mentions how on the first page of the article, King says that the sky isn't falling, and that football will be fine without a salary cap. That doesn't sound like a guy who is out to get the skins...

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With the entire contact disbute with LA and then LA saying he was going to restructure he is looking for a needle in the haystack, however if he is right and we are guilty then the skins look bad.

I was shocked to hear he wanted out when all along he said he was going to be a redskin for life etc...

The other thing is depending on what happens with the cap the guy would have been paid over 10 million this year, with his past health issues why would he give that up not knowing what he will get on the open market.

Something is not right, not saying the skins did anything illegal it just seems wierd.

I think Peter King and some others have underestimated how stupid LaVar is.

As long as King is making things up, I'd prefer to think LA gave up the $4 million to get into freeagent-land early, instead of late-when the money dries up (an option the Redskins could have pressed.)

No, Peter King is a Giants-loving, anti-Redskins fan....and now he has to stoop to making things up.

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I was shocked to hear he wanted out when all along he said he was going to be a redskin for life etc...

What are you talking about? The HUGE problem with Lavar was he kept going back and forth between "I want to be a Redskin for life" and "I can't see myself being here next year" (see the Elfin story in the Times during Philly week).

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I don't care if he holds that opinion. I do care that he implies others hold it as well without producing a shred of evidence. If his opinion is credible, he shouldn't need to make stuff up to support it, should he?

where exactly does he imply others hold his opinion as well?

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so you want to kiss him?



King is a notorious Redskin hater. This is nothing new. If this was an isolated occurence I'd be in agreement with you, but it's not. King finds any way that he can to sway opinion of the Redskins. He may never say that his opinion is shared by others, but he doesn't say it's not, either.

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Yes, king has the RIGHT to be incredibly dumb and stupid, and make a fool of him self.

Doesnt mean he should do it, or that ESPN should pay him to do it. Just means he has the right to.

Does King fail to realize EVERY contract deal/cut goes through the league front office? I think they know what they are doing...

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King is a notorious Redskin hater. This is nothing new. If this was an isolated occurence I'd be in agreement with you, but it's not. King finds any way that he can to sway opinion of the Redskins. He may never say that his opinion is shared by others, but he doesn't say it's not, either.

So why didn't he take the opportunity on page 1 of that article to say the sky is falling like so many other reporters?

Whatever, I'm not gonna win this. It's not like you guys will ever take off the B&G glasses and read it objectively.

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So why didn't he take the opportunity on page 1 of that article to say the sky is falling like so many other reporters?

Whatever, I'm not gonna win this. It's not like you guys will ever take off the B&G glasses and read it objectively.

Generalize much? I read most articles on the 'Skins objectively. But I've learned through experience that most items that come from King or Pasquerelli are quite honestly ****.

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Usually I don't get all up in arms over media hatred of the Skins and to some degree I have agreed with criticisms in the past, however PK went way over the line. If I were Snyder I would file suit over this.....He basically came out and accused them of fraud with no evidence....

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So why didn't he take the opportunity on page 1 of that article to say the sky is falling like so many other reporters?

Because he, like many others in the media, is now realizing that we're in much, much better shape than anyone hoped or though.

And it burns their asses to realize that.

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Generalize much? I read most articles on the 'Skins objectively. But I've learned through experience that most items that come from King or Pasquerelli are quite honestly ****.

Yes, I am generalizing that most people on this board think that anything King writes about the skins is negative, and he can't stand them.

Even when he talks about what a great player Sean Taylor is.

Even when he picks the skins to go to the superbowl next year.

yet, here we are, 4 pages of how King is a notorious skin hater and he should be put out of his misery. Typical.

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where exactly does he imply others hold his opinion as well?
I think just for the sake of insuring trust in the salary cap from some skeptical front offices, the league needs to ...

He could have just said "I think what the Redskins did was fishy" which I could not have cared less about.

Instead he chose to call for league action based on what other front offices think. If he's going to do that, I would hope he would be able to back his claims up. And if he could back his claims up he should have done so.

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