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Anyone else want Madden to retire?


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I was reading some other thread about next year Sunday Night games and a chill went down my back.. I know I can't be the only one who thinks his annoucing days are severly numbered! Have you really ever listened closely to what he says? It's normally along the lines of... "in order to win this game the colts are going to have to put alot of effort in trying to out score the other team...." If you know what I'm talking about please back me up on this... I often time just mute the old guy and slap myself in the forehead to make sure he hasn't infected me. :2cents:

p.s. if this thread is already in existance let me know! and sorry

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No. I don't want him to retire. He is funny. I think his incoherency is what makes him funny. I find it ammusing when he studders because he loves to talk, but doesn't know what the hell to say.

You should not be listening to him to learn something new about football. He is absolutely Captain Obvious :obvious: !

But he is funny to watch. It is like you can't wait to hear what dumb analogy he comes up with next!!!

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It is sad he has lost it, the jazz he had and his sense of the game. Years ago I remember going to RFK when the Super Bowl went through RFK. We would walk around the outside of he stadium where the Madden cruiser was parked and wait for him to come out of stadium, he would talk to us for a couple minutes. Great guy but, sooner or later time passes us all by.

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John Madden: "Al, I was talking with the field officials earlier and they told me this is hybrid grass, which means half is fake turf and half is real, but BRETT FAVRE is real. You could cut off his arms and I still honestly think he would be one of the better QB's in the league"

Brett Favre!

Brett Favre!

Brett Favre!

Brett Favre!

Brett Favre!


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Best thing John Madden has ever said..

Madden 2004-Current.

"90% of the game is HALF mental"

I dunno why but that cracks me up.

That's actually a Yogi Berra quote from many years ago.

I've always liked Madden...his passion for the game and his encyclopedic knowledge of football made him a pleasure to watch and listen to. He might be getting a bit more loopy in his old age, but he's still a trip. :D

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That's actually a Yogi Berra quote from many years ago.

I've always liked Madden...his passion for the game and his encyclopedic knowledge of football made him a pleasure to watch and listen to. He might be getting a bit more loopy in his old age, but he's still a trip. :D

That's actually a Madden quote as well. Whether he stole it or not, I dunno.. I just assumed he was a moron

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Pat seemed to know what he was talking about, but if anyone has heard skits by that John Madden impersonater, he appeared on Opie and Anthony years ago. Anyways, his impression was just great. "This explains Pat Summerall, John Madden just drives him into drinking with his incessant rambling".

Madden is a smart guy, and does know what he's talking about. However, he doesnt quite say it right, and I hope he does step down. Seems like a Hall of Fame bid is good enough reason to.

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I think he is kind of senile and overrated, but maybe I am being too harsh. Is he really popular because of the video game industry has his name on the football game. Could they have used Jack Pardee instead and he would have been jsut as popluar??? maybe...

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I don't know, I like it when he does do color commentary although he can ramble on at times but some of his sayings are pretty funny, "that guy is a sharp as a cookie" was always one of my favorites. But you have to ask yourself this, would you rather have Dennis Miller back? My answer is NO!!!

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Madden appeals to the average fan. He states the obvious all the time. I will give him credit though sometimes he comes along with some good stuff, but not nearly as often as he used to.

Personally I cant stand him, when I play Madden I turn down the sound and put on music, when hes on TV I use my selective hearing to tune him out.

So yeah, I hope he retires realll soon

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