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Read this and tell me your thoughts,i got this from a Seahawks message board


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Guys, I ain't kiddin'. If that team shows up on Sunday, this game is gonna be UUUUUGLY. Things I noticed:

1) God bless Ray Brown but he is WAY to slow to play in the NFL anymore. Based on pure speed, Chuck Darby or Rocky Bernard would eat his lunch. There was one sack where the guy ran by Brown like he was standing still. One thing we do not have to worry about is any play that would require the right guard to pull. Yikes.

2) The plays where Chris Simms was hurried, the pressure came from the left side of the offensive line. The Bucs LT is TERRIBLE and the LG is right behind him. There was one sack where they both completely whiffed. I'm pretty certain that won't be a problem for the Seahawks. The only match up that concerns me on the O-line is Cornelius Griffin on Chris Gray. Get it done old guy.

3) Something is wrong with Brunell. He's definitely not stepping into his throws. He didn't throw a single accurate pass down the field. If he can't at least threaten the secondary with the deep ball, they can forget about it.

4) The middle of their defense is WIDE open. It's got Jerramy Stevens and Joe Jurevicius written all over it.

5) Their two TDs both came off of silly turnovers. One was an INT that was thrown directly to Arrington. The other was a cheap fumble with some amazing bounces. Neither Matt nor Shaun have been careless with the ball this year. Both are FAR more experienced than their Buc counterparts. I'm not even remotely concerned with our ability to protect the ball.

6) After the field goal in the second quarter, they're offense went to sleep. They didn't score again for the rest of the game. Now you KNOW that won't fly against us.

7) Tampa Bay's defense didn't do anything special. It wasn't like they were sending exotic blitzes or anything that we don't see the Seahawks do every Sunday. My point is that it seemed like they played the Redskins pretty straight up to beat them. With our starting corners back, I really think we'll be vastly improved against the pass, especially considering they only have one real threat at WR. Little known fact: Though the Bucs are rated number one overall in total defense, they are ranked number 6 in rushing defense. Anybody want to guess who number 5 is?

Some are saying this will be a hard fought game. Given all the factors (them being beat up, long travel, and our homefield fans) I don't see this being close. Yeah, they were hot coming into this game (against teams that faded down the stretch) but they sputtered last week. Methinks this is the game they flame out.

Is it Saturday yet?

PS...I have been saying it for weeks. The best-case scenerio in the playoffs would be to face the Redskins and after watching the Redskins beat the Bucs, my opinion hasn't changed.

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Yea, I am on that thread making some comments. They really think last week was indicative of what offense they are going to see this Saturday. :doh:

Considering the Redskins have the 13th ranked scoring offense in the NFL, the Seahawks have got to be shaking in their boots. This is NOT going to be a close game: Seahawks 49 - Redskins 17

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Obviously a drug-induced hallucination thinking that this game will be a blow-out by the 'Hawks. The Seahawks rushing D is indeed ranked number 5 - BECAUSE EVERYONE THREW THE BALL ON THEM! Their pass D is ranked 25. They jumped out to huge leads most of the time, against those hapless NFC west opponents, and the opponents had to throw the ball all day. I also believe that we will put the pressure on Hasselbeck, and he's never handled the pressure well in the playoffs. Remember GB?

I also believe that our D will be able to contain Alexander, just as we did in the first meeting on 10-2. Alexander rushed for 98 yards (SO SO) but he had a 34 yard run. Without that, he was held to 64 yards on over 20 rushes. We can hold him in check.

Lets see how their D holds up when Santana catches a deep one and opens up the middle for Portis to run and Cooley underneath.

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1. Say what you will about Ray, but he has only allowed (i think) 1 sack in 3 games. And he faced defensive fronts better than Seattle for perhaps all 3 of those games. At least 2.

2. Seattle's OLine is obvious very, very good. They are right to say that we'll struggle to get pressure more than we have in a while. Can't disagree. But that doesnt mean we can't do it still.

3. I guess they didnt hear about his MCL sprain, but he's right to an extent. Brunell is having a bit of trouble planting that front foot. But that noted, lets just say I hope Mike Holmgren is as willing to dare us to throw the deep ball as this fan is. Moss will toast their mediocre secondary.

4. The middle was open against Tampa because we had to spend so much time helping our corners. With Springs back and Taylor not ejected, we'll be far more solid over the middle. Notice that its not like that has been a major problem for us overall.

5. Both INTs were tipped at the line, so this guy obviously didnt watch the game. Don't disagree that veterans like Hasselback and Alexander are less likely to throw turnovers though. But Drew Bledsoe is a veteran, and he didnt have a fun day a few weeks ago...

6. I would agree that 1 FG of offense won't be enough, but Seattle only got 17 last time, so perhaps they're being a bit arrogant here?!

7. Tampa is the #1 defense. Seattle has a nice rush D, but who have they played? Answer: NOBODY.

8. Gotta love them taking a shot at the teams we've beaten at the end there! Hilarious, from the team who played the single weakest schedule in the NFC!!!!

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Why not?

Our corners will have no trouble doubling Moss - your only threat.

We'll stack 6 in the box to slow down the run.

Brunell is old and hurt - he can't move in the pocket or run for a first down.

We have the #1 offense in the NFL (pts scored).

We're playing at home - just ask the Giants what that means.

I'm not rich, but I put down $250 on the Seahawks as 9.5 pt favorites. There is absolutely zero chance we lose this game. It won't even be close.

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1. Ray Brown held Bogger MacFarland in check, you guys have no one that is on Boogers level.

2. We had pressure on Simms whenever we blitzed from all sides and angles. Walter Jones and Hutchinson are complete studs, but we did get to Hassellbeck the first time.

3. Brunell will be fine the Bucs did get pressure on him and he hurried a lot of throws. Given time he will be fine but if you pressure us like TB did then Brunell will get rid of the ball fast and limit the sacks.

4. It was game planned to let TB dink and dunk, with Springs back and our secondary as healthy as it has been in sometime, look for a more aggressive defensive gameplan but with Gregg Williams you never know.

5. Both INT's were tipped balls, there was nothing silly about that, but I do agree your backfield is better then TB's.

6. If we're up 17-3 against you at half, then our D is obviously holding you guys in check and Gibbs will go conservative again.

7. TB's D did a lot in the game, as far as blitzing, but their D-Line is also a better pass rushing crew then yours. Moss had a good game against your secondary and I see no DB on your roster better then Ronde Barber. Trufant is good but he's no Ronde. Your run D is a statistic developed against lesser teams, Arizona and St. Louis are pass first teams and Hou, Ten, and SF had obvious problems with the ground game, that's 8 stat padding games right there. What did you guys give up against us, NYG, and Dal.

You guys should be confident, you are the #1 seed, but if you think Washington is just going to roll over and play dead, then you don't know your opponet and you better hope your team takes us more seriously then you do.

:dallasuck :gaintsuck :eaglesuck

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Our corners will have no trouble doubling Moss - your only threat.

We'll stack 6 in the box to slow down the run.

Brunell is old and hurt - he can't move in the pocket or run for a first down.

We have the #1 offense in the NFL (pts scored).

We're playing at home - just ask the Giants what that means.

I'm not rich, but I put down $250 on the Seahawks as 9.5 pt favorites. There is absolutely zero chance we lose this game. It won't even be close.

60k fans? We get more than 90k. No problem.

The Giants kicker missed 3 FGs in that game, they should have won.

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I'm not rich, but I put down $250 on the Seahawks as 9.5 pt favorites. There is absolutely zero chance we lose this game. It won't even be close.

You're not rich, but come Saturday you'll certainly be poor.

Why you think the Hawks are going to run over anyone left in the playoffs is beyond me.

They may win, but it won't be by more than 9.5 points.

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Guys, I ain't kiddin'. If that team shows up on Sunday, this game is gonna be UUUUUGLY. Things I noticed:

1) God bless Ray Brown but he is WAY to slow to play in the NFL anymore. Based on pure speed, Chuck Darby or Rocky Bernard would eat his lunch. There was one sack where the guy ran by Brown like he was standing still. One thing we do not have to worry about is any play that would require the right guard to pull. Yikes.

Well the Skins gave up one sack all day and that came from Simeon Rice who beat Chris Samuels who plays on the opposite side and different positon than Ray Ray. So yeah, we gave up only one sack and accept for the TB game our running game hasn't missed a beat since Thomas left.

2) The plays where Chris Simms was hurried, the pressure came from the left side of the offensive line. The Bucs LT is TERRIBLE and the LG is right behind him. There was one sack where they both completely whiffed. I'm pretty certain that won't be a problem for the Seahawks. The only match up that concerns me on the O-line is Cornelius Griffin on Chris Gray. Get it done old guy.

Funny when Wynn got hurt the pressure was coming from both sides. Evans had a sack and he plays the right side. Stoutmire had a sack and he came on a blitz. Daniels also had one and he comes from a left. So in terms of sack production it came from both sides and a blitz. Not to mention some good hurries by Griffin and Sal'vea up the middle. Heck when Simms made his taunting 4 yard scramble..he was being chased by Griffin..again selective memory.

3) Something is wrong with Brunell. He's definitely not stepping into his throws. He didn't throw a single accurate pass down the field. If he can't at least threaten the secondary with the deep ball, they can forget about it.

Agree that he is not right....but I think it has more to do with Gibbs playing calling not to risk turnovers agst the TB D. In the Philly game when he had a few bombs that he connected on. Seattle's D is not TB so we will go deep. And if his knee wasn that bad, Gibbs would not be playing him despite popular opinion (heck he isn't even sitting out practice) and he would not be having these key scambles for first downs.

4) The middle of their defense is WIDE open. It's got Jerramy Stevens and Joe Jurevicius written all over it.

THis was due to specific game planning for Galloway..Williams will have something different for Seattle as they do not have the deep threat with the caliber of Galloway. Oh please test the middle and Sean Taylor will be written all over Stevens and Jurevicius.

5) Their two TDs both came off of silly turnovers. One was an INT that was thrown directly to Arrington. The other was a cheap fumble with some amazing bounces. Neither Matt nor Shaun have been careless with the ball this year. Both are FAR more experienced than their Buc counterparts. I'm not even remotely concerned with our ability to protect the ball.

I guess it is silly to pressure the Qb and tip the ball causing it to fall short in a defenders arms or to strip the ball while tackiling. Last i check that is what good defenses do. Call it luck, call it whatever, this D has produced key turnovers agst some good offenses over the past month.

6) After the field goal in the second quarter, they're offense went to sleep. They didn't score again for the rest of the game. Now you KNOW that won't fly against us.

7) Tampa Bay's defense didn't do anything special. It wasn't like they were sending exotic blitzes or anything that we don't see the Seahawks do every Sunday. My point is that it seemed like they played the Redskins pretty straight up to beat them. With our starting corners back, I really think we'll be vastly improved against the pass, especially considering they only have one real threat at WR. Little known fact: Though the Bucs are rated number one overall in total defense, they are ranked number 6 in rushing defense. Anybody want to guess who number 5 is?

The number 5 rush defense gave up 140 yards to us last night and this time we have a much improved rush offense. Plus Portis is running much more differently. in the first game he had too much of the dashing style. The OL now incorporates a zone blocking scheme that when mixed in with our traditional schemes has kept defenses guessing and is evidenced by Portis getting 5 straight 100 yard games. And TB never blitzes...or rarely...their DL creates pressure on its own...Seattle's DL can not hold TB's DL combined jock strap.

Some are saying this will be a hard fought game. Given all the factors (them being beat up, long travel, and our homefield fans) I don't see this being close. Yeah, they were hot coming into this game (against teams that faded down the stretch) but they sputtered last week. Methinks this is the game they flame out.

Is it Saturday yet?

PS...I have been saying it for weeks. The best-case scenerio in the playoffs would be to face the Redskins and after watching the Redskins beat the Bucs, my opinion hasn't changed.

Careful what you wish for.

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Guys, I ain't kiddin'. If that team shows up on Sunday, this game is gonna be UUUUUGLY. Things I noticed:

1) God bless Ray Brown but he is WAY to slow to play in the NFL anymore. Based on pure speed, Chuck Darby or Rocky Bernard would eat his lunch. There was one sack where the guy ran by Brown like he was standing still. One thing we do not have to worry about is any play that would require the right guard to pull. Yikes.

Really? I think Micheal Strahan may think a bit differently about that.

2) The plays where Chris Simms was hurried, the pressure came from the left side of the offensive line. The Bucs LT is TERRIBLE and the LG is right behind him. There was one sack where they both completely whiffed. I'm pretty certain that won't be a problem for the Seahawks. The only match up that concerns me on the O-line is Cornelius Griffin on Chris Gray. Get it done old guy.

:laugh: Good luck there.
3) Something is wrong with Brunell. He's definitely not stepping into his throws. He didn't throw a single accurate pass down the field. If he can't at least threaten the secondary with the deep ball, they can forget about it.
I can only agree with this. :doh:
4) The middle of their defense is WIDE open. It's got Jerramy Stevens and Joe Jurevicius written all over it.
I also agree with this, but once( after their second trips across the middle) Stevens and Jurevicius both have their heads removed from there shoulders by massive hits from our secondary. :security: It's because we want them in the middle.
5) Their two TDs both came off of silly turnovers. One was an INT that was thrown directly to Arrington. The other was a cheap fumble with some amazing bounces. Neither Matt nor Shaun have been careless with the ball this year. Both are FAR more experienced than their Buc counterparts. I'm not even remotely concerned with our ability to protect the ball.
Just love people who watch sportscenter and then pretend they watched the game. Everyone knows that was a tipped ball. What an idiot. Oh, and maybe he didn't watch his own teams last game. S. Alexander fumbled the football his last play of the season!!! :laugh:
6) After the field goal in the second quarter, they're offense went to sleep. They didn't score again for the rest of the game. Now you KNOW that won't fly against us.
7) Tampa Bay's defense didn't do anything special. It wasn't like they were sending exotic blitzes or anything that we don't see the Seahawks do every Sunday. My point is that it seemed like they played the Redskins pretty straight up to beat them. With our starting corners back, I really think we'll be vastly improved against the pass, especially considering they only have one real threat at WR.
He is kidding right? He really believes that the Seahawks D can compare to the Bucs D?
Some are saying this will be a hard fought game. Given all the factors (them being beat up, long travel, and our homefield fans) I don't see this being close. Yeah, they were hot coming into this game (against teams that faded down the stretch) but they sputtered last week. Methinks this is the game they flame out.
Gotta love those Seahawks fans that say the Skins played nobody this season. :D
Is it Saturday yet?

PS...I have been saying it for weeks. The best-case scenerio in the playoffs would be to face the Redskins and after watching the Redskins beat the Bucs, my opinion hasn't changed.

Glad you think you have your best case scenario. Wonder what this fool will be writing on his site come Sat. night after they lose?

:seahawksu :point2sky

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whats funny is when was the last time the Seahawks beat us, they choke every year 'WE WANT THE BALL AND WE ARE GOING TO SCORE'' what happen that year ,2 years ago Smoot gets an int and we win what a choke, this year they miss a easy field goal to win the game againts us what a choke. They all most lost to the 49ers this year didn't we put up 52pts on them,give me a brake:laugh:

Considering the Redskins have the 13th ranked scoring offense in the NFL, the Seahawks have got to be shaking in their boots. This is NOT going to be a close game: Seahawks 49 - Redskins 17
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Our corners will have no trouble doubling Moss - your only threat.

We'll stack 6 in the box to slow down the run.

Brunell is old and hurt - he can't move in the pocket or run for a first down.

We have the #1 offense in the NFL (pts scored).

We're playing at home - just ask the Giants what that means.

I'm not rich, but I put down $250 on the Seahawks as 9.5 pt favorites. There is absolutely zero chance we lose this game. It won't even be close.

I hope that wasnt your rent money........I would be shocked if Gibbs and company cant come within 9.5. This is a game that the REDSKINS can win. Thats why they play the games.

I am a fan of horse racing and they have these fancy books with lots of numbers and stats. They also consider the quality of race that the animals have been running in, time off, age, weather, equipment and post position. The favorite only wins some 30% or less. My point is, if this game were handicapped like a horse race I doubt that the spread would be 9.5 and furthermore I would not be out betting the babys formula money the gulls.


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Our corners will have no trouble doubling Moss - your only threat.

We'll stack 6 in the box to slow down the run.

Brunell is old and hurt - he can't move in the pocket or run for a first down.

We have the #1 offense in the NFL (pts scored).

We're playing at home - just ask the Giants what that means.

I'm not rich, but I put down $250 on the Seahawks as 9.5 pt favorites. There is absolutely zero chance we lose this game. It won't even be close.

Damn, dude. Gotta have balls but I guess somebody has to pitch in to keep the spread up.

Tell me again, what quality opponent the Seahawks have beaten by more than 3 points this year? :whoknows:

And the 2 they beat were home games against the Giants and Cowboys where a kicker missed 3 game ending field goals in one and in the other the team just gave up a 10-3 lead at the end. How is it that a team as good as yours would be down 10-3 with 40 seconds to go in the 4th to Dallas anyway? I mean, your offense is so powerful and all. :rolleyes: At HOME down 10-3 against Santana's ***** with 40 seconds to go in the game. Your offense is truly 100%, completely off the freaking hook! :rolleyes:

We beat them 35-7 and 35-20 in our house. Seems you guys, as superior as you are, could at least win by double digits against teams we straight spanked.

Guess not. :point2sky

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