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Taylor Ejection (audio & NOW video) Merged


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Sounds like Taylor clearly lied to coach Williams then. He went on record after the game stating that Taylor told him he did not spit, and he believed him.

So now what happens?


I'll play lame-azz spin doctor on this, Chuie. Ya know how we all get the childish denial thing goin sometime but we'll try to get off on some technicality in our head that we use to deny our entire gulit? :D

Since Sean didn't actually nail the guy with his loog, and yet he was prob both embarrassed he blew his cool and knew how his coaches and at least some of his team-mates would be shaking their heads, he gave into that regret-impulse to avoid the "uh-oh" and went for the technicality of "I didn't do it", as in "the spit didn't hit, so you must aquit."

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I love the Redskins with all my heart but for you to say that spitting in another mans face is no big deal really makes me scratch my head. Where I'm from, if you do that you better get ready to get your ass beat

Unless the guy doing the spitting is Sean Taylor, in which case odds are you would probably take it.

But I don't see how it is "clear" that he spit. I need to see the video where it is apparent a loogie is hanging from his face mask because I don't hear the spit flying out, I hear the usual smack talk that is from 2 flem filled men. I sound like that playing basketball without spitting, I don't see how it can be assumed anything different without video evidence.

Doesn't matter though, Spitting is no big deal. The big deal will occur when sean taylor sh!ts on Sean Alexander's soul on saturday.

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if the spit did not hit, WHO gives a

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

BTW... If the 2 went at it, who do you think would have won. My money is on Pittman with his woman-beating experience and all...

Woman beating is not funny at all BTW. I am just trying to lift the spirit a little. Sorry if I offended anyone...

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the telling part to me is the second ref... kept asking about flagging Pittman...

Are you sure Mike, you sure you not going flag him for hitting back... in a puzzeled tone.

And He said Taylor spit in his face... but he didn't... and at the distance between them... He could easily hit him in the face... Taylor spit, but there's no way to say.... he meant it to hit Pittman.

If a DB trys to interfer with a WR, but misses... should he be flagged because the ref thinks he wanted to interfer????


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I think the refs made the right call IF taylor did in fact do it. I wouldn't have flagged Pittman, because there isn't a man here who wouldn't do the same thing if someone spit in their faces. Pittman didn't ask to be spat on.

A whole bunch of you and extremely hypocritical. Regardless, I still don't think he did it on purpose.

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I still don't like the idea that Pitman kind of "took the law in his own hands" and referee thinks that physical retaliation is right and the most natural thing to do. Since when hitting someone who you fill insulted you is a justifiable act?

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Bubba is right how can you have a call for almost spitting at someone where there is no way from the video replay there saw exactly what happend . The sound seems to kick in from the head slap and then Pittman screaming he spat in my face .....

...one thing gets me in the audio he tells players "hes gone and your gone too" was he going to eject both and then get hooked in the emotion...

...Also interesting precident if you get spat on or spat near you can take any retaliation, even if it is a worse offence (actual physical contact) without penalty ? Isn't retaliation prohibited in the rules ?

True if you got spat on in the street you may launch into an assult and probably feel justified in doing so but you know what if a police man was walking by you would either both get charged or more likely just you if the spitter never layed a finger on you .

The other question is when are we going to have penaties unsportsman like conduct "saying something bad about his mother" .

Not that any of this matters we won they lost Taylor still get to play this week .

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I still don't like the idea that Pitman kind of "took the law in his own hands" and referee thinks that physical retaliation is right and the most natural thing to do. Since when hitting someone who you fill insulted you is a justifiable act?

is it strange that i tell my son to turn the other cheek unless he feels his life is threatened, but i tell my daughter to beat the hell out of any boy that so much as touches her?

football players are taught to play on the edge of rage, to push back harder when pushed upon. i understand his reaction.

but by the same token, why would they have bothered to go back and look at video tape during the pregame monday night fight (ATLvPHI) and throw EVERYONE out who took a swing, and not do it here? i mean, here's a rule that is cut and dried, with no room in it's language for judgement calls by the referee or anyone else on the crew. you hit, you go- end of story.

ST made a mistake, butmike carey made a mistake, as well. fortunately for us pittman is a suckbag who had zero impact on the game.

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This is what happened, IMO

The two started jawing, From two different clips, Pittman butts face mask with Taylor Taylor steps back... He spits, but not on Pittman (in fact at the distance they are at... he should have hit Pittman... but it wasn't even close)


In the other Clip Pittman looks down at the spit... BUT DOESN'T react at first, Taylor says something that is bleeped... THEN PITTMAN HITS HIM, a full two seconds after Taylor spits. That shows flat out, the spit did not hit Pittman, he watched it fall, and his punch was not provoked by the spit, but what Taylor said to him.

The ref sees the spitting, but no way he sees it all, because he says Taylor spit in his face... when he didn't

Right after the Ref throws the Flag, then Pittman puts his finger in his mouth and screams "He spit in my face", showing his finger he put in his mouth.

As stated above, at first the Ref was flagging them both... Then says Pittman is not going to be flagged... and a second ref... keeps asking The head ref, are you "sure" you not going to flag Pittman for hitting Taylor.

Pittman saw the Ref see Taylor Spit, and faked being spit on, to keep from being penalized for punching Taylor.


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Guest Dave959

Based one the amount of the fine ($17k) the league must not have thought it was all that serious since the fine for a uniform violation can be as high as $25K.

Now that I think about it, maybe the fine for a loogie hanging from his facemask was just a uniform violation? :cool:

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I think you people just want to win at any cost might as well bring in TO to play. He lied to Greg and I think they should sit his ass out of this weeks game.

No he didn't

Williams said he told him he did not spit in Pittmans face... and he didn't. The Ref ejected him for spitting in Pittmans face... but he didn't

There is a huge difference, from

Spiiting, spitting AT someone, and Spitting ON someone

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I love the Redskins with all my heart but for you to say that spitting in another mans face is no big deal really makes me scratch my head. Where I'm from, if you do that you better get ready to get your ass beat

I think he meant if Taylor just spit and it went on his own facemask, like so many players do during a game, it isn't a big deal. Players look at each other and spit all the time. I don't think it hit Pittman. If it did it is bad, but I don't think it did because Pittman never wiped himself...

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This is what happened, IMO

The two started jawing, From two different clips, Pittman butts face mask with Taylor Taylor steps back... He spits, but not on Pittman (in fact at the distance they are at... he should have hit Pittman... but it wasn't even close)


In the other Clip Pittman looks down at the spit... BUT DOESN'T react at first, Taylor says something that is bleeped... THEN PITTMAN HITS HIM, a full two seconds after Taylor spits. That shows flat out, the spit did not hit Pittman, he watched it fall, and his punch was not provoked by the spit, but what Taylor said to him.

The ref sees the spitting, but no way he sees it all, because he says Taylor spit in his face... when he didn't

Right after the Ref throws the Flag, then Pittman puts his finger in his mouth and screams "He spit in my face", showing his finger he put in his mouth.

As stated above, at first the Ref was flagging them both... Then says Pittman is not going to be flagged... and a second ref... keeps asking The head ref, are you "sure" you not going to flag Pittman for hitting Taylor.

Pittman saw the Ref see Taylor Spit, and faked being spit on, to keep from being penalized for punching Taylor.


I agree.

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so your trying to tell me of all of that big wad of spit none of it hit Pittman your kidding right?

:laugh: look at the pics, it's not even close to Pittman face, if fact Pittman LOOKS DOWN at it....you don't look down if spat on in the face

also notice Pittman doesn't react, not for a couple seconds...

10/10 people will react immediately if spat on in the face.... to wipe it off at least

you, like the ref, assume Taylor spit in his face, when evidence shows otherwise.

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so your saying you have no problem with him spitting at someone as long as his aim is bad

1. how do know he was aiming at Pittman?

2 . if he misses, no flag..... period, the flag is for spitting on another player, not spitting at

3. I find cheap shots, a hell of a lot more disgusting than spitting, yet the penalty is less severe :insane:

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