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Taylor Ejection (audio & NOW video) Merged


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My question is--do you think Mike Carey got in trouble from the league for not throwing the flag on Pittman? I've never heard of a ref allowing retaliation even if the player was instigated....that's ridiculous

It sets a bad precedent, imo. So now will every player who gets dissed or cheap shot feel like they can get away with retaliating since Pittman did? I could understand if ST physically attacked him, but that isn't the case.

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Come on Bubba. It is more than obvious he was spitting at Pitman and it got deflected by the face mask. Whether he hit Pittman or not is irrelevant, he should have been ejected. It was a classes act that he hopefully grows out of.

Agreed. It was a classless act and ST deserved to be ejected. But Pitmman's reaction (delayed and no wipe) shows that he wasn't hit, and so his behavior was deserving of ejection also.

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It sets a bad precedent, imo. So now will every player who gets dissed or cheap shot feel like they can get away with retaliating since Pittman did? I could understand if ST physically attacked him, but that isn't the case.

Right--it's an impossible standard--and I don't think that Carey had the discretion not to throw the flag on Pittman--that's why you hear the other ref ask carey twice: "are you sure, no flag on pittman?" I wouldn't be shocked if we don't see Carey's crew in the playoffs again this year. That was a big, big mistake on his part.

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Whether or not the spit hit Pittman isn't the point. Assuming you are correct, this is the SECOND time he's been "accused" of it. He plays at a high level, and he's a damn good player. I'm hoping with age he matures ON THE FIELD.

Since when does accusations make you guilty? Spitting on a player is wrong and should be punished, but you can't hold accusations against someone if that's all they are.

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Come on Bubba. It is more than obvious he was spitting at Pitman and it got deflected by the face mask. Whether he hit Pittman or not is irrelevant, he should have been ejected. It was a classes act that he hopefully grows out of.

that close he'd hit him

you have TO MAKE contact to be flagged and ejected, calling someone horribe is classless... but not a penalty

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If you measure the trajectory of the spit from mouth to facemask and the distance between the two players, the aim of the spit is a little off target to hit Pittman in the face. But then there are the spit flecks that could have broken off from the bigger spit and hit Pittman. Then again, maybe there was a second spit, or maybe even a third. I didn't know we were jockeying for the next Oliver Stone script. He spit, he got ejected, he was fined. Hopefully he's learned his lesson about spitting and keeping his cool. :)

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Why couldn't we see it on TV with the angle they gave? I find it hard to reconcile that we can see that much spit from this angle and no spit at all in the camera angle that we saw on TV. Something's wrong.

The spit was superimposed, just like the King in those BK commercials. Special effects are amazing! :silly:

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:laugh: look at the pics, it's not even close to Pittman face, if fact Pittman LOOKS DOWN at it....you don't look down if spat on in the face

also notice Pittman doesn't react, not for a couple seconds...

10/10 people will react immediately if spat on in the face.... to wipe it off at least

you, like the ref, assume Taylor spit in his face, when evidence shows otherwise.

Back up the video a few frames it looks like it hit to me.

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I don't care if he did spit on him or not...he served his penalty and fine. Still, without contact on the other player, I don't see how you eject him. That's crap... Especially considering that it dribbled off his own helmet. He jerked his head, for all we know, he was jerking his head to the side to spit off to the side of him, and continue screaming...

Throwing someone out for your interpretation of what would have happened is crap!

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The trajectory of the spit, in my opinion, looks like he was trying for Pittman. Seems it hit his facemask and fell downward.

Say what you will, but to me it seems like he had the intention of spitting on him, and it just didn't happen that way. Kinda like driving 40 over the speed limit or whatever is "Driving with the intent to kill"; spitting that way is "spitting with the intent to hit somebody"

As much as I supported ST over the past few days, its disheartening to see this not becuase I care he spit on someone, but because he told his coaches he didn't do it. LITERALLY he didn't. I don't htink anything hit Pittman, but it seems to me he wanted to.

But, I agree that Mike Carey is f'n stupid for ignoring a RULE by not ejecting Pittman for punching him. It's just as bad as if Pittman had been ejected, and not Taylor. Rules are in place for a reason. THEY ARE RULES. There is no clause to the punching rule that says, if spat upon, this rule no longer applies. What I want to know is, if punching isn't flagged, what else is acceptable after being spat on? Kicking hte guy in the groin? Sucker punching him in the kidney? I mean honestly, it could get out of hand real fast.

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