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First Game Day Beer Thread


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You, sir, frighten me

hahaha... i guess four years in college and only being able to afford Natty in cans does that to ya.....

Now that i have graduated and have a job.. i have stepped it up to Natty in a bottle hahaha...Michelob is my preference though....

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So let me get this straight. I should pull a beer for me lady and make her drink it RIGHT NOW?

I'll let you know how this goes. We stayed up late last night.

It always works for me! Plus the fact that I made her into a redskin fanatic like myself never hurts either. :silly: :applause:

:bucsuck: :point2sky

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Beer? Beer is for wussies. :laugh:

I'm drinking Wild Turkey 101!

Beer is just my appetizer.

Bud light and Labbatt Blue.

Around half time, I'll pull out my bottle of Capt Morgan Private Stock and my six-pack of Coke, and then the party gets rolling.

Life is good.



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I was going to hold out until I got to the pub, however I found a lone Yuengling on the fridge door...hid among the mustard, ketchup and assorted condoments. Looks like he's a goner. What better way to have a beer than among fellow Skin's. :cheers:

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Its 2 pm and I am cracking my 4th Natural Light (only thing I can get my wife to buy). Walking over to Gingerbread Man (Former Watering Hole for Skins when they spent summer here) after this to move up to good stuff and watch the BIG show. I thought I was only one with a "little alcohol problem" .............

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Guys: go get a beer, finish it, and post here, repeat as desired.

You are a great, great man. I was going to wait for kickoff before beginning the alcoholism, but I'm starting early on your behalf.

I'm having a little Redskins party today ('bout 7 or 8 of my "boys" are coming over to watch), and believe me... there WILL BE COPIOUS AMOUNTS of CHEAP American beer poured down our collective gullet.

And if... WHEN we win, it's off to the pub for some more celebrating.

Oh, and regarding Michael Irvin, I just can't believe ESPN lets that freakin' ex-Cowboy crackhead on the air. He's a freakin' idiot who just says sh*t for the sake of getting attention.


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Shiner Bock... (yes its a texas beer... but it hasnt hurt us the last 5 weeks!)

Texas beer, brings me back to the early 60s when we used to have Class Party Rehearsals at the Pearl Brewery in San Antonio. Free beer, all you could drink back then if you took the tour first. I could coach the new tour guides by the end of the year. I'm sure the drunk driving laws have curtailed that by now.

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A homebrewer so high up on the totem pole out here??? Awesome! Always great to meet anutha brutha!

Wise to drink homebrew today, by the way. Unfiltered is good for the hangover, you know!


I'm a new disciple - felllow extremer Raub got me into it. Now I can't stop :)

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