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Abramoff admits kickbacks, influence peddling


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Lobbyist admits kickbacks, influence peddling

Abramoff agrees to cooperate in corruption probe

Tuesday, January 3, 2006; Posted: 3:01 p.m. EST (20:01 GMT)

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Former high-powered lobbyist Jack Abramoff pleaded guilty Tuesday to conspiracy, fraud and tax evasion charges, agreeing to cooperate in a federal corruption probe in Washington.

Abramoff, 46, admitted that he did not disclose receiving kickbacks on payments from Native American tribes to a partner's public relations firm.

He also acknowledged that some of his money did not go to charities, as he had reported, but paid for a golf trip to Scotland.

Abramoff's plea agreement could spare him the maximum 30-year sentence if he provides valuable assistance in the corruption investigation.

Click on the link for the full article.

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Here is a decent little list of people "involved" with Abramoff.



Sen. Conrad Burns +

Rep. Tom DeLay

Rep. Bob Ney *

Adam Kidan *

Neil Volz

Tigua Casino

Sen. John Cornyn

Rep. Bob Ney *

Ralph Reed

Michael Scanlon *

Neil Volz

Mariana Islands

Sen. Conrad Burns +

Rep. Tom DeLay

President Bush

Saginaw Funding

Sen. Conrad Burns +

Sen. Byron Dorgan +

Rep. J.D. Hayworth +


Grover Norquist

Ralph Reed

Capital Athletic Foundation

Julie Doolittle *

Coushatta Campaign

Rep. Roy Blunt

Rep. Eric Cantor

Sen. Thad Cochran

Rep. Tom DeLay

Rep. John Doolittle

Sen. John Ensign

Sen. Charles Grassley

Rep. J. Dennis Hastert

Rep. Ernie Istook +

Sen. Trent Lott

Sen. Harry Reid

Rep. David Vitter +

Rep. Roger Wicker

Grover Norquist


Sen. Conrad Burns +

Rep. Tom DeLay

Rep. John Doolittle

Rep. Bob Ney *

Grover Norquist

Tony Rudy

Neil Volz

J. Steven Griles

Susan Ralston


Rep. Bob Ney *

Rep. David Vitter +

Doug Bandow

Italia Federici

Timothy Flanigan

J. Steven Griles

Gale A. Norton

Susan Ralston


Rep. Tom DeLay

Rep. Tom Feeney

Rep. Bob Ney *

Ed Buckham

Susan Hirschmann

Ralph Reed

David Safavian


Rep. Tom DeLay

Rep. John Doolittle

Sen. Tom Harkin +

Rep. J.D. Hayworth +

Rep. Bob Ney *

* denotes individuals who have been subponaed, indicted, or found guilty in the Abramoff investigation.

+ denotes individuals who have returned donations from Abramoff, his clients, or his partners.

Methodology: Members of Congress were included if they received over $10,000 from Abramoff, his clients or his partners and have allegedly done favors for Abramoff, his clients or his partners. Members who were acting on behalf of a constituent in their state were excluded, even if those constituents were Abramoff clients. Certain members who received less than $10,000 in Abramoff were included because of extensive allegations of favors done for Abramoff.

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As it should be right now:

IF you accepted money/gifts/favors AND your a committee chair/leader


He names you ......

Back into the crowd of Congress right away... no leadership/coleadership for you!

Screw that, breaking the law and abusing your power should be jail time, not just a slap on the wrist, and yes that goes for the democrats on the list as well.

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I wonder how many people were very unhappy to see that he accepted a plea agreement.

why would you be unhappy?? he is going to rat out every single congressman that took a bribe, hopefully each one goes to jail, this is what we need to finally wake up these guys/girls that enough is enough

that is all i want from this guy

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I don't know, I see, read and hear everyone who's excited over "justice" as if he's the only crooked lobbyist, and these congressman are the only crooked politicians. In my opinion all politicians are corrupt. It's too hard to get to the top without getting dirty.

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why would you be unhappy?? he is going to rat out every single congressman that took a bribe, hopefully each one goes to jail, this is what we need to finally wake up these guys/girls that enough is enough

that is all i want from this guy

:doh: Reread what he wrote, he didn't say he was unhappy, he wondered how many people were unhappy that Abramoff accepted a plea agreement, as in how many people who are likely to be named are now unhappy.

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Screw that, breaking the law and abusing your power should be jail time, not just a slap on the wrist, and yes that goes for the democrats on the list as well.

I agree with Chomerics.... they should go to jail....hard time... so that the rest of the Politicians (read ****roaches) understand that the American people won't stand for this corrupt behavior.

It's far time that Congressmen/Senators starting getting the same sentences and treatment that ordinary John Q. Public receives.... the same John Q. Public who votes them into offices WITHOUT a "get out of jail free" pass.

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