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Your overall top 5 RB's


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Running,Catching,Blocking,leader,distraction, Who is your Top 5....

When I started this thread I planned to number them from 1st to 5th....

When I started looking over numbers and what I know of them(and don't know) I couldn't???? I only could do 1,1a.1b.1c and #2...LOL

#2Alexander- Most yards but....only 15 catches..only good blocker...and the fit over the record last year worries me.Still the dude is fantastic.

#1c-Johnson-I watched a cpl games...He follows his blockers sooo damn well !!! He catches lots of balls and blocks very well !! I don't know enough about him as a leader and as a distraction...I remember some trouble about splitting time with Holmes...so....1c !

#1b-Tomlinson-Running..great....catching... great.....Very good blocker...Don't know about calling him a big team leader...but not any distraction thats for sure !!! I put him 1b because of the leadership thang and because he has breeze for a QB and that has gotta give him a edge on the field...in other words the guys at 1a and 1 don't have the help of a top 3 or 4 QB.

#1A-Barber- Great Runner.catch.block.leader. No distraction..a good QB...not great(yet) !I put him at 1A...because the dork isn't a Redskin !!!

#1-Clinton Portis----Great runner, Very good reciever,Great leader,No (negative)distraction and has a solid but not top 3-4 QB.And of course...He is a skin !!! He gives so much on every down !!! he creates fun for his teammates and he is completley selfless !!!

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Running,Catching,Blocking,leader,distraction, Who is your Top 5....

When I started this thread I planned to number them from 1st to 5th....

When I started looking over numbers and what I know of them(and don't know) I couldn't???? I only could do 1,1a.1b.1c and #2...LOL

#2Alexander- Most yards but....only 15 catches..only good blocker...and the fit over the record last year worries me.Still the dude is fantastic.

#1c-Johnson-I watched a cpl games...He follows his blockers sooo damn well !!! He catches lots of balls and blocks very well !! I don't know enough about him as a leader and as a distraction...I remember some trouble about splitting time with Holmes...so....1c !

#1b-Tomlinson-Running..great....catching... great.....Very good blocker...Don't know about calling him a big team leader...but not any distraction thats for sure !!! I put him 1b because of the leadership thang and because he has breeze for a QB and that has gotta give him a edge on the field...in other words the guys at 1a and 1 don't have the help of a top 3 or 4 QB.

#1A-Barber- Great Runner.catch.block.leader. No distraction..a good QB...not great(yet) !I put him at 1A...because the dork isn't a Redskin !!!

#1-Clinton Portis----Great runner, Very good reciever,Great leader,No (negative)distraction and has a solid but not top 3-4 QB.And of course...He is a skin !!! He gives so much on every down !!! he creates fun for his teammates and he is completley selfless !!!

Only a Redskins fan could come up with this list. :doh:

1. LT

2. Alexander

3. Johnson

4. Tiki

5. Edge.

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1. LT (best all around - blocks, catches, runs HARD)

2. E. James (I think he's a beast - quietly puts up a monstrous year- sounds familiar huh?)

3. Portis (can't say enough about him)

4. L. Johnson (let's see what happens with a full season :yikes: )

5. Tiki (has finally put it all together even though he's always played at a high level. I personally think he did more with less help then Alexander had)

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Only a Redskins fan could come up with this list. :doh:

1. LT

2. Alexander

3. Johnson

4. Tiki

5. Edge.

While a #1 rating may be a stretch, you have to admit that he was largly cast aside this year. Very little credit given to him. The guy was at it every single down. Blocking like a mad man, making huge catches, running for tough a*s yards. If you can get past the fact that this is a Skins board and try to pay attention to what he's done, you'd see one of the best backs in the league.

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While a #1 rating may be a stretch, you have to admit that he was largly cast aside this year. Very little credit given to him. The guy was at it every single down. Blocking like a mad man, making huge catches, running for tough a*s yards. If you can get past the fact that this is a Skins board and try to pay attention to what he's done, you'd see one of the best backs in the league.

He showed me more this year than he did last year, that is for sure.

#1 is just plain rediculous though.

I could see him around 5 though.

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1. LT

2. Alexander

3. Tiki

4. Portis

5. Larry Johnson (I too would like to see him repeat this years performance over 16 games)

Edit: Edge could easily be substituted in at #5, but the Colts have soooo many other weapons around him that I feel he could be a product of the system he plays in.

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If you base it off this year and don't factor in past seasons like Pro Bowl picks and selections....

1. Sean Alexander

2. Tiki Barber

3. Edge

4. Larry Johnson

5. CP


Clinton Portis had 7 less TDs and 21 less catches than LT this year.

Consider that Portis has a much better line blocking for him as well.

It is not even close.

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1. Barber

2. Alexander

3. Portis and Tomlinson

4. Johnson

5. James

(I put Tiki first because he catches so well out of the backfield and uses his blockers better than anyone.)

(CP catches up to LT due to his play away from the ball.)

(I put Johnson 4th because he still needs to do it for at least another year.)

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1. Portis -- I don't care what you all say -- ostracize me if you want. Portis has done what none of the others on that list have done -- 1300+ yards in all of his first 4 seasons. Who else is on that list? Barry Sanders and Earl Campell. That's it. Portis is a monster. He blocks like crazy, and has breakaway speed to seal the deal. Imagine next season when we get a full season of those last 5 games? Unreal.

2 - 5. Who cares? Skins are in the playoffs, baby!! :) :) :)

I would like to say that what Larry Johnson did this season was nuts -- almost 1800 yards after only starting (EDIT: 9) games?? CRAZY.

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1. LT

2. Alexander

3. Barber

4. Larry Johnson

5. Portis

I agree with most of it but I would switch LJ with CP. LJ is great, but he hasn't been doing it all year. (I know because of Priest Holmes, but Clinton has been just as good if not better during the same time.)

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