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Anyone else not amused over Dungy's death?


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Am i the only human being that will say that this whole suicide extravaganza is outrageous and absurred. The media and the whole NFL wants to give their condolonces publicly. Come on people this is still a Christian society we live in and suicide is one of the most serious acts anyone can perform. Even the president a known christian wants to publicly address his concern and blessings.

Even tony Dungy said that he is in heaven with someone in his family. Get real Dungy you are a fake your team will never win the superbowl and you will never win the superbowl. As if anyone believes that his son is really In a better place. I dont know about you but, i can pretty much assume that his fate has been decided.

Thats just my opinion.

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The media does what the media does, and there is nothing that can be done about that. But to come out and say something like that about a respected man's son and the unfortunate events surrounding his death is cold and heartless. Christian society or not, nobody wants to hear that crap. No matter your opinion on the situation, momma should have taught you better manners.

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Huh? I'm not sure what you're trying to say, but I am mildly perturbed at the press this is receiving. If my kid killed himself, nobody would give a rip, but since his dad is a football coach its front page news. Yes, it is sad...but why was this kid any different than the thousands of others that kill themselves each year?

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I am going to try and balance the line here

People feel much more sorry and in pain FOR Tony Dungy's loss, rather then James Dungy taking his life

I can relate. A year ago my best friend died due to a heroine overdose

Now he was the one who took it, who became an addict, and who lied to us all in order to get his fix

BUT, people were at the wake and funeral FOR ME, and HIS FAMILY, not neccessarily for him. People felt sorry for us because we lost someone so close and someone we loved so much, regardless of what problems he had

Thats what is going on with Tony Dungy. It is just awful to have to bury a child, and I witnessed it with my own eyes a year ago. People were there for those who were close to my friend, and people felt our pain

When dealing with death, its the people who were left behind that you greive for, not those who have left us. You pray they are in a better place

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Huh? I'm not sure what you're trying to say, but I am mildly perturbed at the press this is receiving. If my kid killed himself, nobody would give a rip, but since his dad is a football coach its front page news. Yes, it is sad...but why was this kid any different than the thousands of others that kill themselves each year?

You answered your own question...it's because his dad was famous throughout the country. That makes his death more newsworthy...but there IS a difference between being more newsworthy, and being a more worthy human being. Don't think for a second that being in the paper is meant to attach value to a person.

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I can understand why Redskinsloyal feels the way he does

This kid took his life, and its been rammed down our throats by the football media. All you hear of late is the Colts and the emotional stuff going on around them

BUT, and this is HUGE

Tony Dungy is one of the classiest guys in the NFL. He has a lot of friends in the NFL media, as well as around the NFL. People feel SORRY FOR HIM, feel PAIN FOR HIM that he can't watch his son grow up, go to college, get married have grandkids

That is why its such a HUGE story, even if his son did some that is damnable

You feel FOR TONY, not neccessarily for James

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Wow. I don't believe I'm reading this on a Redskins board.

The sympathy and condolences I see are for Tony Dungy and his loss, regardless of how it happened. No father should have to bury his son (ask my father-in-law). No parent should have to bury a child. But it happens and it's tragic for anyone it happens to. Tony Dungy just happens to be in the public eye and he is a very well liked and respected coach and person. That makes his loss newsworthy.

Personally, when my husband died, I didn't want all the attention. I just wanted to be alone with my grief.

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This story would not have garnered a fraction of the attention it did had the Colts record been reversed at the time of his apparent suicide. I'm just tired of hearing about it, frankly. Don't expect to have any sympathizers, but it's just the way I feel.

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I don't think it's wrong to feel sorry for somebody who took their life or for their family, from a Christian view or not. If his fate has been determined as you say, then it seems to me that Christians should feel sorry that that is the case. I do, however agree that it's not a good idea to pronounce that a person who commits suicide has gone to heaven. It seems to me that it's God's perogative to decide the fate of people.

Having conceeded those things, it's not good to come across as overly cold or unfeeling either, despite what your beliefs may be. That just tends to turn others off, and makes them shun the views of people who claim to hold to Christian values. You'll recall that the Christian Bible says that there is a time for everything.

When someone dies, it's a good time to offer support to their families to help them overcome their grief. In doing so, some well intentioned people sometimes go overboard in trying to lend their support. But, at least they are trying to lend support, despite how accurate they are in doing so.

Mature Christians should understand that, and try to lend comfort in a way that is Biblically sound, but that doesn't make others glad that they have no faith. Some Christians, though perhaps biblically accurate in their views, tend to do more harm than good in the way that they express their views. There is a time to be firm in your positions, but there is also a time to be compassionate. One would do well and lend more credibility to the Christian way to learn the difference.

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Am i the only human being that will say that this whole suicide extravaganza is outrageous and absurred. The media and the whole NFL wants to give their condolonces publicly. Come on people this is still a Christian society we live in and suicide is one of the most serious acts anyone can perform. Even the president a known christian wants to publicly address his concern and blessings.

Even tony Dungy said that he is in heaven with someone in his family. Get real Dungy you are a fake your team will never win the superbowl and you will never win the superbowl. As if anyone believes that his son is really In a better place. I dont know about you but, i can pretty much assume that his fate has been decided.

Thats just my opinion.

I'd hate for you to have a child or good friend take their own life for you to understand how devestating it is. You think Dungy is just going to say "to hell with him" towards his own flesh and blood because he committed the immoral sin of suicide? Dungy's probably more religous then you are.

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You seem to be more upset with Dungy's statement that his son is in heaven more than the media coverage so I will focus there.

I'm Catholic, I was taught that suicide is a sin and those who take their life have a less then desirable eternity. But who knows what was in James Dungy's heart that night, who knows how God judges us when we die. I've had friends die who weren't perfect Christians, are they in hell too?

I don't know where you get the balls to judge this great man of character and his son who made a bad decision but if you are so offended as a Christian that Dungy said his son is going to heaven - perhaps you should do the Christian thing and pray for his son rather than damn him.

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This story would not have garnered a fraction of the attention it did had the Colts record been reversed at the time of his apparent suicide. I'm just tired of hearing about it, frankly. Don't expect to have any sympathizers, but it's just the way I feel.

I don't think so. Dungy's been in the NFL for a long time. He helped a lot of people, and I'm sure the outpouring of affection would be the same.

And saying the kids fate is sealed because he took his own life was just stupid. Even if you feel that way, it's the wrong time to discuss, and if you see, there is no discussion, just anger. Your thread title? Not amused? Very poor choice of words.

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Am i the only human being that will say that this whole suicide extravaganza is outrageous and absurred. The media and the whole NFL wants to give their condolonces publicly. Come on people this is still a Christian society we live in and suicide is one of the most serious acts anyone can perform. Even the president a known christian wants to publicly address his concern and blessings.

Even tony Dungy said that he is in heaven with someone in his family. Get real Dungy you are a fake your team will never win the superbowl and you will never win the superbowl. As if anyone believes that his son is really In a better place. I dont know about you but, i can pretty much assume that his fate has been decided.

Thats just my opinion.

Why? :doh:

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1. As a parent WHY? Why would he come out and say anything else about the child he raised and loved...

2. Having been off for the last week There is no difference between this on ESPN and CNN/Fox News [insert name of missing blond girl here] so get over it..

There are "some" that don't believe taking your own life = 4c863 Air force helpdesk in the Pentagon err I mean 4th ring in hell.

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