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FedEx Field - Gripes!


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1) Replays replays replays. Show replays, especially when a challenge has been issued!

2) They rarely show out of town scores. Most other stadiums constantly run a ticker. FedEx barely shows them.

3) Is it just me, or does the FedEx experience seem like you are watching one giant commercial? Whenever a play isnt going on they are constantly selling something.

4) PA Announcer. Listen buddy, we KNOW when it is 3rd down. We don't need you telling us its time to be loud.

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1) Replays replays replays. Show replays, especially when a challenge has been issued!

2) They rarely show out of town scores. Most other stadiums constantly run a ticker. FedEx barely shows them.

3) Is it just me, or does the FedEx experience seem like you are watching one giant commercial? Whenever a play isnt going on they are constantly selling something.

4) PA Announcer. Listen buddy, we KNOW when it is 3rd down. We don't need you telling us its time to be loud.

1) I hate that ****.

2) That sucks too.

3) Don't really pay much attention to notice that.

4) Some people in the club section really don't know...it helps them. Anything to pump up the crowd is a good thing.

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1.) Snyder has already announced the slacking in replays due to outdated technology.

2.) There is a ticker over on the side, I look at it most of the game.

3.) Football sells buddy, it's no different anywhere you go.

4.) He is just as excited as us, he cant help himself.

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1) Replays replays replays. Show replays, especially when a challenge has been issued!

2) They rarely show out of town scores. Most other stadiums constantly run a ticker. FedEx barely shows them.

3) Is it just me, or does the FedEx experience seem like you are watching one giant commercial? Whenever a play isnt going on they are constantly selling something.

4) PA Announcer. Listen buddy, we KNOW when it is 3rd down. We don't need you telling us its time to be loud.

1) Replays are for people who aren't fortunate enough to be at the game. There may have been a time when there were NO REPLAYS at any game. Yeah it would be nice to see them, but I will take the game day experience, at the stadium any day over some replays.

2) I have had no problem keeping up with scores on the board behind each bench. Once again, there is only ONE score that matters and that is ours. The people that give the replays at home also can keep you up to date on other scores.

3) I have seen no advertisements on the field, which is what I am watching. The number of advertisements pales in comparison to what is shown on tv at home. They may as well sell some time at the stadium since the NFL provides so many tv timeouts.

4) What do you want him to do?

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I wouldn't say they rarely give out of town scores. They probably run them about 20 times a game. They're not constant, but they're there.

I have no idea why they don't have a fantasy ticker in addition to the scores. 90% of the people in the stadium during any given game play fantasy football. It would be really nice to have that.

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This past game, the only time the posted scores was at halftime when the player were in the locker room, and when the game was pretty much over....

That's not true at all. You must have either just been focused on the game or happened to look up at the wrong times.

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For me, the fireworks and the hype man are okay. I do agree that being at the game is like being in a neverending commercial. But I really do not have a problem with that because most of the time I am concentrating on the field. As for the announcer, he is okay except when he is chanting something and he is not on beat. Particularly when chanting "De-Fense." There is a thumping sound that is suppose to conincide with saying DE- Fense. I have been to several games this year and he has never managed to get that one right.

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Its a big commercial at every game. I went to the STL game at Edward J Dome, same stuff. Its the NFL now and that chat with Dan S. explains the replay gripe.

After reading the Dan S. Chat I got chills reading what he said about J. Gibbs!!!

In closing quit whining and be happy that you have the ability to go to these great games!!! I have only been to Fed Ex once and would give anything to make the trip again.

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They show the other games scores all of the time, im guessing your

referring to when they show them on the jumbo trons like once a game?

Well behind EACH teams bench, on the upper deck facades is where they show them alot... see the attatched pic .. the red square is where they

show the out of town scores alot. Its acually in between the loge seats and suites levels.

The replay system is outdated and Snyder said he was going to update it at some point (See TKs Dan Snyders post here)

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