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Prediction Thread: Eagles


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I searched "prediction" with "Philly, Philadelphia, PHI and Eagles" couldn't find anything. So here it is, the prediction thread for Sunday's game against the Eagles.

Redskins 27

Eagles 13

(I also think the Giants will lose, ergo, we win the division!)


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The Eagles have 0 running game and will be forced to throw against a defense that is expecting it. Expect more muggings from the OL this week and its in Philly so it probably wont be called.

Cooley and Portis score and have pretty good games.

Redskins 31

Eagles 13

I'm tempted to say 6 but something will happen to put them close enough for a td or maybe they break a return or get a big turnover (don't throw picks Ramsey).

I just hope its not early in the game. The Skins need to take the crowd out of it early. I hope Ramsey has a great game so Brunell can spend gametime from now on keeping JG company on the sideline.

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Skins win 35 - 17. Plus, Ramsey has a breakout game against the iggles. About the Ramsey picks.......

The only reason he throws all those picks is that, that is what Spurrier had been training him to do. Throw it downfield and take a chance. That was the mentality. Gibbs is definitely not about that which is why Ramsey has seen so much of the bench. But I think those bugs are now out and Ramsey will be a great QB. I can taste it. Besides, I have a Ramsey jersey that I don't want to see go to waste. How many of you guys have a worthless Redskins Jersey of:

- Deion Sanders

- Lav Coles

- Fred Smoot

- Champ Bailey

- Brad Johnson

to name a few.....


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The only rushing offense they have (if you can call it that) is McMahon as a scrambler. I predict he will scramble for a first down and get exploded by one Mr. Taylor. That leaves us with Detmer passing to McCants. If we lose in this situation...shame.

I think Coach Gibbs has rethought his stance on running up a score and is now most willing to let it happen, therefore:

Skins = 35

Iggles = 10 (INT for TD and FG)

I wonder how many Iggle trolls we'll hear from this week.


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21-10 We win...but I don't expect a blow out. Eagles always play us tough, and it seems like every time we play them, we let 'em hang around and have a penchant for giving up a dumb play, or two.

Don't get me wrong...no negativity here, I truly think it's possible to stomp the piss out of 'em, but I see heavy doses of CP, with a sprinkling of Moss/Cooley/Betts thrown in for some good old-fashioned Joe Gibbs football

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Oh Boy. I am setting my expectations low for this game, despite the Beagles woes.

Skins 20

Eagles 13.

One pick by Ramsey leads to 7 by the Eagles in the 1st quarter. Ramsey rebounds aptly, leading two touchdown drives in the first half (one TD to Cooley, one TD run by Portis). Eagles get one FG. Second half we are efficient enough to get to FG drives, but Walt Harris gets burned by several decent deep passes by McMahon, which alows the Eagles three more.

Thankfully, as the Eagles are driving to tie in the 4th, Sean Taylor comes up with an INT, and we ride out the clock.

Biggest game ever! I'm am not even close to writing this one off.



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