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It Is Time For Some Paycuts!!! Who's On Your List?


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It is obvious that our beloved Redskins are struggling right now. The thing is, we have a pretty good team, but, we also have some big holes that will be hard to fill do to our current salary cap situation.

Everyone who is a Skins fan also knows we have a FEW overpayed players on our team. I think it is time for Joe Gibbs to sit down with a few of this teams leaders and discuss paycuts. Chris Samuels, John Jansen, Mark Brunell, Clinton Portis and LaVar Arrington. If these players want to win a championship, if they truly play for the love of the game, if they really want to WIN, they won't mind giving up 1 or 2 million each so that we can bring in some talent to fill our holes. Everyone always says that right now Joe Gibbs' has "character" player's. Well, if these players have such great character they should realize, "Hey, if I give back 1 or 2 mil, out of my 10 mil salary, we can bring in that Robert Mathis or John Abraham or Reggie Wayne out there to get us over the hump and to a Championship."

It's not unheard of in the NFL. But it takes a truly unselfish, team oriented player to do such a thing. That's the kind of players we claim we have. Let's restructure some contracts, get the needed talent from FA and win that Super Bowl in '06. What does everyone think?

:dallasuck :eaglesuck :gaintsuck :D

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Sorry bud, Washington is a place to get paid, not to win a championship. We should have considered such a dynamic before sending a private plane to woo free agents. Why would Samuels give back the money he just took the cleaners to get when he resigned last year? He had plenty of an opportunity to help the team then, instead he fleeced us for Walter Jones money. I could see Jansen helping with a simple restructuring (converting salary to bonus), but I doubt he actually gives back any money. The whole reason Portis is here in the first place is for the money, can you see Rosenhaus signing off on some kind of refund? In the meantime, Brunell already traded some salary for incentives -- all of which he's now met. What can I say about Arrington other than the fact that he probably thinks the team owes him six and a half million dollars.

The only solution is to hit the frickin jackpot in the draft and bring in 4-5 Chris Cooley-types to offset some of the value destroyed by the five guys you name.

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The only player I can think of off the top of my head who actually took a legit pay cut was Reynaldo Wynn. The contract he signed when coming to Washington has absurdly high salaries in the later years. When those years came due he accepted a pay cut that put his salary higher than what he'd get anywhere else, but lower than what his original contract dictated.

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Who is the last player to take a true pay cut? Just curious.

I don't know about the Redskins but Corey Dillon took a pay cut to play for the Patriots.

Yeah I don't know what is wrong with our O line tackles, if we don't fix the problem teams are just going to keep spreading their D lines wide with speed rushers on the outside going for a strip. If we can stop turning the ball over we can win any game we want.

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This is just a thought. Large salaries can be spread over a longer period. Am I wrong?

Players are always looking for guaranteed money. I believe that was TO's beef. This in my opinion is the dangling carrot; the call to the table of compromise.

Contracts have always been a puzzle to me. Incentives, base salaries, bonuses confuse the hell out of me. I always thought that to spread the salary over a longer period in time may help ease the pressure. When a good size portion of it is slated to payment on the final year of the contract, shouldn't that be the owner's incentive to talk extension?

Currently, the guaranteed money of the NFLPA Collective Bargaining Agreement is called the "signing bonus".

LaVar Arrington's contract: Is the larger portion of $12M owed him next year the signing Bonus? Knowing this, I doubt any franchise would be interested in taking him on, no matter how effective a player he is.

The Offensive Line must be kept intact despite the cost. It takes awhile for the OL to gel. If the line is incompatible with each others play, we are screwed.

Portis is running much better now that he is comfortable with the blocking schemes. Trade him? I doubt that. Rewrite his contract? I think it's too early for that. After next year the franchise will be in a better position to renegotiate the contract, as three years with consistent coaching will clearly determine whether the correct decision was made in trading away Champ Bailey. Portis would be foolish to "give away the farm" because the front office cares not to see the inevitable. The administration wants a Superbowl Championship so bad they would ignore the foundation of the team ie. talented bench players.

Thank God for the following: Ladell Betts, Mike Sellers, Ryan Boschetti, Demetric Evans, Cedric Killings, Nic Clemons, and Ryan Clark just to mention a few. I think the real problem coming is to hold on to these players. They are a secret no more.

Hail Redskins!

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wat the nfl dont know is for rich owners is, there is no salary cap...If they want a player really desperate, player and owner can always hook up privately.. not say nothing to the nfl... owner pays extra money to that player. under the table.. then says to the nfl, the media.. he only sign him for that much.. www.donedealproductions.com!!

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I wouldn't go as far as to cut or trade anyone. That would just hurt the cap more. I'm sure that, unless he is really naive, Chris Samuels realizes he hasn't been earning his pay around here lately. As well as the other guys I've mentioned(to different degrees). Maybe, and I'm not hoping for this but, maybe if we continue to flop this season and end up 6-10 or so, these guys will get tired of losing and rethink their priorities. Maybe they could turn into Dillon, or Bettis, or Trotter and take a pay cut for the team. If Robert Mathis is a FA this off season we can tell LaVar, "We are close to bringing in Mathis, that big pass rusher your defense needs. If we get him than offenses won't be able to always focus on you and you'll be able to run freely and wreak havoc. We just need to find a way to get a couple mil under the cap to sign him." LA might like that and bite. We can tell Brunell and Portis,"Reggie Wayne would open our passing game WAY up. To legit receivers means no more crowding the line to stop the run. Mark you could pick defenses apart with one more threat and Clinton you can definately top 1600 yds if defenses have to back off." Tell Samuels and Jansen, "With a couple mil we can bring in a solid blocking tight end to help you guys, with a blocking TE by your sides you'll both be pro bowlers in no time."

Those are just some ideas. The point of that was to say that, maybe if we massage their egos a little and convince them that bringing in new talent would make THEM more of a superstar, they'll consider a little paycut. I'm sure the Redskins have better negotiators than me that could take this idea and possibly make something of it. We should definately take this into consideration thought. If it somehow works we will have a SQUAD next year and be ready to take on anyone.

Maybe we as fans could start a petition or send some letters to the Skins FO or Players to try and push for this idea. Just a thought.

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These players do not take paycuts..... they restructure their deals to push back money... essentially it saves money NOW but screws us later. While players certainly do NOT have to do this, a lot of them do. Brunell, Jansen, Ramsey were a few I can think of from last year.....

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Samuels just signed a contract extension with a $15.5m signing bonus. He has us by the balls. We can't cut him without destroying our cap, so he holds all the leverage. Bottom line: We should have cut both Lavar and Samuels when their contracts became exorbitant, just as the Pats cut Lawyer Milloy or the Chargers cut Junior Seau. Instead, we have good but not great players sucking up all-pro level cap space. This will be the greatest impediment to Gibbs gathering the personnel he needs to win another SB.

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Samuels just signed a contract extension with a $15.5m signing bonus. He has us by the balls. We can't cut him without destroying our cap, so he holds all the leverage. Bottom line: We should have cut both Lavar and Samuels when their contracts became exorbitant, just as the Pats cut Lawyer Milloy or the Chargers cut Junior Seau. Instead, we have good but not great players sucking up all-pro level cap space. This will be the greatest impediment to Gibbs gathering the personnel he needs to win another SB.

That and the fact he's not a proven GM.

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Who is the last player to take a true pay cut? Just curious.

I think I remember hearing that Brady took less money than he could have for the betterment of the team.

Let's face it, Samuels is the only guy on the list who needs to pay back some of the money that he got because he is just not worth it.

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1. Dan Snyder. His management, the turnover in players and staff, the whole dysfunctional organization is his responsibility. He shouldn't put another dime in his bank account until this team has a winning season. Maybe that'll motivate him to get smart.

2. Did you know that as HC of the Redskins Steve Spurrier was 11-15 after 26 games? Do you know Coach Gibbs record since he came back? I've said all along that it wasn't really Gibbs fault, he just doesn't have the players. But after the last off-season, when he was allegedly in charge, and you guys still came away losing 4 starters and giving up 3 picks for 1 guy who probably won't see the field this year. Isn't Gibbs the highest paid coach in the league? I'll 2a Joe Bugel and 2b Gregg Williams. These guys needed to know whether or not they could get it done with the personnel they had, and if they know how bad their units were going to be, they needed to lobby for some help via the draft or FA.

3. There's little doubt you have some players who are overpaid, but you can hardly blame them for taking the money the above 2 groups threw at them.

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