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Chiefs RB Priest Holmes to retire as early as tommorow?


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Source: NBC Affiliate in KC [ Full Article ]

At 10 PM Central NBC News led off with a story about news on RB Priest Holmes. Jack Harry, Sports Director for that station reported that he spoke with two higher sources within the Chiefs organization and they have said that Priest Holmes indeed may retire as early as tomorrow. In Florida today, Holmes was getting a 3rd opinion on the hit he took from SD DE Shawn Merriman two weeks ago. Apparently what has been found is a lump on or within Priest's spine and if he were to take one more big hit, he could face paralysis.

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I have Larry Johnson in one of my fantasy leagues.

Here's a guy in his prime and about to lose his livelihood and this is what you come up with? Nice.

I feel terrible for the guy. The only good thing is that they caught it before he was seriously hurt on the field.

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I'll miss Priest if he does retire. There is no one in this game that was as good at running patient as Priest. He simply knew how to work a blocker in the open field like nobody's business. Maybe we could hire him as a consultant to teach our backs a thing or two about running patient.

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Really too bad. Seems like a good guy and still had several more years of football in him. I pray that if it is serious he does retire though and not try to pull a Bruschi. He's still got his whole life ahead of him. It sucks to retire early but sometimes you just have to do whats best for your body.

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