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Jarhead.....Anyone else excited about this movie?


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Well I am interested to see how they "hollywoodize" the military. But I think that I will probably wait awhile to see it.

It doesn't look like a depiction of Marine experience, it looks like something a fat-@$$ed Hollywood type imagines the Marine experience might be. Sort of a We Were Soldiers meets Kanye West. As a Marine, I'm not enthused. I'd prefer to see something that's obviously fiction (like that Bruce Willis film a couple years ago) or something that actually tries to honestly depict events (Like We Were Soldiers or Blackhawk Down).

However, if I get good reports from some of my fellow Marines, I'll probably go see it.

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Take it from a Marine, this movie was HORRIBLE!!!!

That was honestly the worst movie I ever seen in my life. I must have missed it....what exactly was the story? You know, besides oversimplifying Marines as stupid, careless, heartless a-holes who only date whores.

It was so unrealistic it wasn't even funny. I guess that SSgt was like the Commandant since he was the senior guy when the young Marines kept ****ing up. I also enjoyed how half the movie was a group of 8 Marines walking aimlessly around the desert by themselves.


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The movie infuriated me more than anything. I'm sorry, Marines are not like that, they don't interact with each other like that, don't talk to each other like that, etc.

It's as if the story writer asked a bunch of Marines seperately what is the worst/funniest/grossest thing they ever seen another Marine do to another Marine and then tried to fill an entire 2 hour movie full of them as if it was normal day to day activity.

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Take it from a Marine, this movie was HORRIBLE!!!!

That was honestly the worst movie I ever seen in my life. I must have missed it....what exactly was the story? You know, besides oversimplifying Marines as stupid, careless, heartless a-holes who only date whores.

It was so unrealistic it wasn't even funny. I guess that SSgt was like the Commandant since he was the senior guy when the young Marines kept ****ing up. I also enjoyed how half the movie was a group of 8 Marines walking aimlessly around the desert by themselves.


I was guessing it would be something like this, based on the commercials. Typical Hollywood.

Semper Fi, Westbook36, and Happy Birthday!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I caught it over the weekend and I rather liked it. I saw it with a guy who was in the army and he thought it was pretty accurate, although he felt there were some pretty typical urban legend stuff that he thinks never actually happened (i.e, the wife on the video tape, the sausages catching fire and setting off the weapons).

But what I thought was remarkable was how the movie was somehow able to stay down the middle, as far as not being a pro-military movie nor being an anti-military move. It was much more about belonging to a group than it was about war. It kept its sense of humor intact.

The cinematography was amazing on the big screen.

But what got me was the Peter Sarsgaard character, Troy. He made the movie for me. I totally bought into his character, or at least I had the sense that Sarsgaard conveyed real emotions in a very realistic way.

On a related note, Peter Sarsgaard has to be one of the best actors of this generation. He knocks the ball out of the park in every movie he does.

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