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BA: Accepting the Slurs


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Predictor - You cant be serious.

Team America, You have not helped this situation one bit.

Over 90% of native Americans are not offended by the Washington Redskins. Just an additional tidbit. And Native Americans make up less than 1% of the total population of the US.

10% of 1% of the population is still a good amount of people. And as long as there are people offended then why keep the name? Because it sounds cool? Well that isn't selfish at all...I mean seriously, to those who are actually offended, "Redskins" is like the "N word".

On top of that, those polls are suspected by many to be incredibily flawed. In one poll it is just 10% and all of a sudden it is 25% in another. Fishy, to say the least.

Isn't this just a logical sort of thing? Do you really think so many real Native Americans are okay with the term "Redskins" being used? Just like the with the N word, it's the history of the word that makes it so controversial.

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10% of 1% of the population is still a good amount of people. And as long as there are people offended then why keep the name? Because it sounds cool? Well that isn't selfish at all...I mean seriously, to those who are actually offended, "Redskins" is like the "N word".

On top of that, those polls are suspected by many to be incredibily flawed. In one poll it is just 10% and all of a sudden it is 25% in another. Fishy, to say the least.

Isn't this just a logical sort of thing? Do you really think so many real Native Americans are okay with the term "Redskins" being used? Just like the with the N word, it's the history of the word that makes it so controversial.

And following that logic, the word cheese bothers me very much. If hundreds others like me hate that word, shall we all cease to say it? It's land of the free, not control what we call our sports teams. Some people are way over sensitive. Being politicly correct isn't in anymore. If so many are offended, let those that actually matter (like Indians) decide. Everyone else should just mind their own business. That's the problem in our country today. Everyone worried about what everyone else is doing. If we minded our own business, names of football teams wouldn't matter to us. Stop the madness!

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The name shoulda been thrown out YEARS ago. How sad...I am not even a Redskins fan and I am disappointed. Just weak...

A quick search on this site will teach anyone who wants to learn that there is nothing racist about our use of the name Redskins.

Furthermore there Slappy. In case you didn't know, one of the first uses for the term "Cowboy" was to describe the lowlife criminal element that existed at the time. It was used to describe the murderers, thieves, etc...

It obviously still holds true today.

Cowboy fan = Richard Whiskey

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A quick search on this site will teach anyone who wants to learn that there is nothing racist about our use of the name Redskins.

Furthermore there Slappy. In case you didn't know, one of the first uses for the term "Cowboy" was to describe the lowlife criminal element that existed at the time. It was used to describe the murderers, thieves, etc...

It obviously still holds true today.

Cowboy fan = Richard Whiskey

Slappy :laugh:.
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And following that logic, the word cheese bothers me very much. If hundreds others like me hate that word, shall we all cease to say it? It's land of the free, not control what we call our sports teams. Some people are way over sensitive. Being politicly correct isn't in anymore. If so many are offended, let those that actually matter (like Indians) decide. Everyone else should just mind their own business. That's the problem in our country today. Everyone worried about what everyone else is doing. If we minded our own business, names of football teams wouldn't matter to us. Stop the madness!
So thats how people should run their lives now, according to whats in and whats not? So if it's not in to open the door for your wife any more, are you going to stop? If it is not in to take the bus to school any more, are you going to take your kids to school everyday? :doh: I'm going to lay down...I have a headache.
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I found that definition also. Also natives using red paint to decorate themselves before battle. Still can't find the one about scalps.

Actually I don't care anymore. A rose by anyother name..........If it offends you write your congressman/woman. whatever.

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Of course 'Skins fans don't care about intelligent opinions. Or this thread wouldn't be an issue in the first place, would it?

"The Redskins"...and we get called "hicks". :laugh: Pathetic...I am appalled. Shame shame shame.

Yeah, and Cowboy fans have shown so much "class" over the years with their "Scalp the Skins" signs at Texas Stadium.......now also known as SANTANA'S HOUSE.

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And Native Americans make up less than 1% of the total population of the US.

Well, that's kind of irrelevant...Blacks are a minority, and that doesn't justify calling all of them ******s.

EDIT: By the way, don't listen to anything PREDICTABLE has to say, just add him to your ignore list...trust me.

That being said, a study was recently published (and posted on this board at least twice) that said the roots of the word Redskin are not racist. In fact, its the term that the Indians themselves used to refer to themselves. It may have something to do with scalping, but that came afterwards, and is not the intention of the name.

And Team America is just trying to troll and cause trouble. He's still upset by the Redskins win:




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The term "redskin" is not a racial, ethnic, or any type of slur.

The term "redskin" as defined by the Smithsonian Institute, originated from the act of Native AMericans smearing or coloring their faces with red clay or red paint in war and ceremonial purposes. Thus making it a "badge of honor" so to speak. Nothing negative of being a redskin, only positive and honorable...

Do your research before making false statements. Know the history...

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10% of 1% of the population is still a good amount of people. And as long as there are people offended then why keep the name?

It's people who think like that who should never be allowed to leave the house. One fat kid gets picked on in school, and gym classes can no longer play dodgeball or any sports where the little tubs of lard actually burn a calorie.

The bottom line is that someone is offended by everything. No one can please everyone. When a Pennsylvania poll says that 90% of the people who should have a say in the subject are fine with the Washington Redskins name, then that should be the end of the subject.

No one stepped back and said "The small number of people who voted for Ross Perot were unhappy he didn't become president. We should be more sensitive to their thoughts and concerns."

Oh, and for the record - :dallasuck

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Team America, STFU and go back to porking your sister in your trailer park. I'm offended that your team with the queer little stars is considered "America's Team" but you don't hear any of us ****ing about it.

You're just a crosseyed yokel who doesn't really care about the name of the team, you're just here to cause trouble. If there wasn't a rivalry between the Cow****es and the REDSKINS I'm sure you wouldn't give two ****s about the name. You're not ****ing about the Chiefs, are you? I seriously doubt that you care about other teams like them, the Atlanta Braves, Chicago Blackhawks or any of the many college teams with Indians, excuse me NATIVE AMERICAN nicknames that are used.

I have an idea, if you're so offended next time the REDSKINS come to Dallas, why don't you round up a bunch of Indi..er, NATIVE AMERICANS and have a rally outside of the stadium picketing our name instead of going inside to watch the game. I mean, since you're so OFFENDED and all, you might want to stand up for your stance on the view instead of coming to our site and just starting ****.

:helmet: :logo:

:finger: :finger: :finger: :finger: :finger: :finger: :finger: :finger: :finger: :finger: :finger: :finger: :finger:

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