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BA: Accepting the Slurs


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Accepting the Slurs

by Salim Muwakkil,

published on Oct 17, 2005


NEW YORK, NY---How do black players on the NFL’s Washington Redskins reconcile their team spirit with the racial slur that is their team’s name?

The word “Redskins” derives from the genocidal practice of scalping Native Americans to earn a bounty. Certain parts of the country valued these bloody clumps of flesh and hair (red skins) as currency.

How could African-American athletes, who need only look to their own history to find similar demeaning slurs, tolerate such overt disrespect of another historically oppressed group?

This is a question not just for black ball players.Public acceptance of the Redskins mascot reveals America’s race consciousness (or lack of it) better than any politician’s speech hailing American democracy. What’s more, how can we allow such a symbol of savagery to be the name of a sports team in America’s capitol city?

These thoughts occurred to me as I pondered the recent decision of the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) to implement a limited ban on Indian mascots. In May, the NCAA decided to prohibit the use of American Indian mascots and logos by sports teams during postseason NCAA tournaments.

The rule, which goes into effect August 1, 2008, prohibits displays of “hostile or abusive” references on uniforms of teams, cheerleaders and bands during postseason tournaments. And beginning February 1, 2006, the group will ban institutions with such mascots or imagery from hosting any NCAA championship event.

Of particular interest are the names of 18 college mascots: Seven of the mascots are “Indians;” six are specific tribal names, like the Chippewas or the Utes; three are “Braves;” and the remaining two are the “Savages” and the “Redmen.” This long standing practice of adopting Indian mascots is in itself an act of dehumanization, but one often compounded by garishly costumed performances and insulting gestures.

And although several colleges and universities have banished demeaning mascots, the impulse to stereotype dies hard in a culture that long has normalized cultural slurs. That difficulty is evident even in the NCAA ruling, which, while better than nothing, is still rather weak. For example, the group limits its prohibition to post-season games.

The persistence of such biased portrayals into the 21st century is as much a failure of progressive politics as it is a product of racial atavism. Why, for example, haven’t major civil rights organizations been at the forefront of protest against mascots demeaning Native Americans? Where are the armies of D.C.-area progressives in the battle against the name “Redskins”—a slur that repudiates the democratic principles of the nation whose capital the team represents?

The silence from rights groups is one reason black athletes have failed to see their kinship with Native American groups struggling against biased depictions. It also helps explain why an allegedly progressive hip-hop group like OutKast shamelessly promoted racial stereotypes by donning “Indian” costumes and dancing cartoonishly during a 2004 performance on the televised Grammy Awards show. Several Native American groups filed complaints to CBS about Outkast’s minstrel-like performance.

The group later apologized for any offense they may have caused, but these “conscious” rappers’ initial lack of sensitivity to Native American concerns was surprising. Stereotypical depictions of America’s indigenous people are cultural assumptions with deep roots.

“The real issue is about power and control,” wrote Cornel Pewewardy, an assistant professor of education at the University of Kansas and widely published writer on Native American issues, in a 1999 essay. He argues that negative images of Native Americans still nourish this nation’s frontier legacy. “Through the politics of colonization, indigenous peoples were socialized into stereotypes that we were inferior, stupid, lazy, thereby fulfilling the need to be everybody’s mascot.”

Nearly 15 years ago, the American Indian Mental Health Association of Minnesota tallied the toll of these images. The group wrote, “We are in agreement that using images of American Indians as mascots, symbols, caricatures, and namesakes for non-Indian sports teams, businesses and other organizations is damaging to the self-identity, self-concept and self-esteem of our people.” Since then several other groups have joined to denounce the cultural impact of negative depictions.

The reasoning that links the purpose of such mascots to their debilitating effects, likewise applies to the stereotypes deployed (and still utilized) to depict African Americans. The struggle to decriminalize the image of African-American men, for instance, is part of the same struggle to banish the Redskins.

If the civil rights community is truly serious about attacking racist stereotypes it must full heartedly join ranks with Native American groups to demand that we cease and desist in demeaning our indigenous hosts.

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The name shoulda been thrown out YEARS ago. How sad...I am not even a Redskins fan and I am disappointed. Just weak...

And your a Cowboys fan, so thus, WE DON'T CARE!!!!

:dallasuck :dallasuck :dallasuck :dallasuck

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And your a Cowboys fan, so thus, WE DON'T CARE!!!!

:dallasuck :dallasuck :dallasuck :dallasuck

Of course 'Skins fans don't care about intelligent opinions. Or this thread wouldn't be an issue in the first place, would it?

"The Redskins"...and we get called "hicks". :laugh: Pathetic...I am appalled. Shame shame shame.

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Old Salim needs to get off the pity/victim bandwagon. Slavery ended 150 years ago...and there are no AFRICAN AMERICANS in this country unless they were born in AFRICA and then took a test and became citizens through a process.

All the BLACKS I know were born in neighborhoods in this country and have never even been to AFRICA...don't want to go to AFRICA....and don't know anybody in AFRICA. Why in the hell that would make them an African American I have no clue. I didn't know Hitler but I have German blood in me...more German blood than most blacks have African blood so does that make me a Nazi American.

I was born in this country...my Dad and Mom were born in this country....and I have never been to Germany. I am an American. These stupid black people who want to keep fighting the civil war and keep the victim and pity party going are in it to get money or attention. They need to get a life...grow up.....get sane...and get on with it.

Indians...Redskins...who cares? Its the frikken name of the franchise. Get the frick over it. You don't hear big people complaining that New York needs to stop using the word "GIANTS" do you? Get the Frick over it.

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The name shoulda been thrown out YEARS ago. How sad...I am not even a Redskins fan and I am disappointed. Just weak...
It is not surprising that a cowboys fan would have that opinion. However, the article was not really posted with the intentions on collecting everyones opinions on whether the name should be thrown out or not. I just thought that it was a interesting article that I wanted to share.
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These stupid black people who want to keep fighting the civil war and keep the victim and pity party going are in it to get money or attention. They need to get a life...grow up.....get sane...and get on with it.

Shame on you guys. Stupid black people? Pity party? Because they don't want to brush the past under the rug? Some things should never be forgotten. Ever.

Hey, I guess they just have a different mentality in Mississippi...you are entitled to your opinion though. As are all Redskins fans that support their franchise's name.

Damn...even having type "Redskins" in 2005 is a shame.

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Old Salim needs to get off the pity/victim bandwagon. Slavery ended 150 years ago...and there are no AFRICAN AMERICANS in this country unless they were born in AFRICA and then took a test and became citizens through a process.

All the BLACKS I know were born in neighborhoods in this country and have never even been to AFRICA...don't want to go to AFRICA....and don't know anybody in AFRICA. Why in the hell that would make them an African American I have no clue. I didn't know Hitler but I have German blood in me...more German blood than most blacks have African blood so does that make me a Nazi American.

I was born in this country...my Dad and Mom were born in this country....and I have never been to Germany. I am an American. These stupid black people who want to keep fighting the civil war and keep the victim and pity party going are in it to get money or attention. They need to get a life...grow up.....get sane...and get on with it.

Indians...Redskins...who cares? Its the frikken name of the franchise. Get the frick over it. You don't hear big people complaining that New York needs to stop using the word "GIANTS" do you? Get the Frick over it.

It's idiots like you that are the reason why we are limited in what we can post here. That was the dumbest, most mindless piece of drivel that I have ever read in my life. Mods, you might as well just close this thread now. Theres no use...ignorance lives.
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The word “Redskins” derives from the genocidal practice of scalping Native Americans to earn a bounty. Certain parts of the country valued these bloody clumps of flesh and hair (red skins) as currency.

I would like to see the source that this article used. I'm having trouble finding anything to suport it.

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Old Salim needs to get off the pity/victim bandwagon. Slavery ended 150 years ago...and there are no AFRICAN AMERICANS in this country unless they were born in AFRICA and then took a test and became citizens through a process.

All the BLACKS I know were born in neighborhoods in this country and have never even been to AFRICA...don't want to go to AFRICA....and don't know anybody in AFRICA. Why in the hell that would make them an African American I have no clue. I didn't know Hitler but I have German blood in me...more German blood than most blacks have African blood so does that make me a Nazi American.

I was born in this country...my Dad and Mom were born in this country....and I have never been to Germany. I am an American. These stupid black people who want to keep fighting the civil war and keep the victim and pity party going are in it to get money or attention. They need to get a life...grow up.....get sane...and get on with it.

Indians...Redskins...who cares? Its the frikken name of the franchise. Get the frick over it. You don't hear big people complaining that New York needs to stop using the word "GIANTS" do you? Get the Frick over it.

You know when I sit down a nd really think about it I feel like there really is no reason to change our name. We don't intend it as an offense so it's not really fair to call it offensive. That combined with the fact that very few native americans actually seem to mind makes me think these writers could be spending thier time on better issues.

But then posts like these come along and I feel like we should change our name just to piss you off. People like you are the reason this is an issue. If we were all more mature about it and had some interest in elevating the discussion maybe it wouldn't be such a big deal. But seeing you post this garbage reminds me that no, we do live in a world where hate is a way of life for some people, and that huge groups of people are disproportionately victimized by that hate. So maybe we should just throw em bone to watch you squirm.

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Shame on you guys. Stupid black people? Pity party? Because they don't want to brush the past under the rug? Some things should never be forgotten. Ever.

Hey, I guess they just have a different mentality in Mississippi...you are entitled to your opinion though. As are all Redskins fans that support their franchise's name.

Damn...even having type "Redskins" in 2005 is a shame.

Get over it. Keeping this crap going about pity and the civil war is STUPID. You want to study the civil war...go ahead. There are some great movies on it. I never said you couldn't study it. Hell....study the Roman empire while you're at it. But I don't see any italians wanting reperations or claiming that their ancestors are diminished in glory because a condom has been named trojan. Get over your pity if you're black and if you're white...get over trying to show everybody you're sensitive and touchy feely. And no matter what color you are...if you can't stand it here in this country and you just want free money...go someplace else because its a free country with open borders.

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Pronunciation: -sk?n`


A common appellation for a North American Indian; -- so called from the color of the skin. It is now considered pejorative by some persons of North American Indian heritage.

(Football) A member of the Washington Redskins, a football team.

Source: Question.com (to name one)

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PREDICTOR for NAACP spokesman!!!!

To the blacks of America "Get over it. Work harder. Or leave. The past has absolutely nothing to do with your current position in this society. Kthxbye"

Now why didn't they think of that before? I mean we all know discrimination ended 150 years ago. The prospect of free money must have clouded their vision...I see now...I see...

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Get over it. Keeping this crap going about pity and the civil war is STUPID. You want to study the civil war...go ahead. There are some great movies on it. I never said you couldn't study it. Hell....study the Roman empire while you're at it. But I don't see any italians wanting reperations or claiming that their ancestors are diminished in glory because a condom has been named trojan. Get over your pity if you're black and if you're white...get over trying to show everybody you're sensitive and touchy feely. And no matter what color you are...if you can't stand it here in this country and you just want free money...go someplace else because its a free country with open borders.

First of all, your analogy was so pathetic and off-base I'm not surprised you have such an ignorant opinion. I'm sure actual people who descended from the real Trojans don't care about the name of the condom, because quite frankly, THEY CALLED THEMSELVES TROJANS. You don't see Native Americans calling themselves Redskins, do you? :doh:

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Poll: 'Redskins' Offends Few American Indians

Friday, September 24, 2004

WASHINGTON — A poll of American Indians (search) found that an overwhelming majority of them are not bothered by the name of the Washington Redskins (search) pro football team.

Only 9 percent of those polled said the name is "offensive," while 90 percent said it's acceptable, according to the University of Pennsylvania's National Annenberg Election Survey (search), released Friday.

Annenberg polled 768 Indians in every state except Hawaii and Alaska from Oct. 7, 2003, to Sept. 20, 2004.

The survey found little disparity between men and women or young and old. However, 13 percent of Indians with college degrees said the name is offensive, compared with 9 percent of those with some college and 6 percent of those with a high school education or less. Among self-identified liberals, 14 percent found the term disparaging, compared with 6 percent of conservatives.

The football franchise began in Boston as the Braves but was purchased in 1932 by George Preston Marshall, who changed the name to honor head coach William "Lone Star" Dietz, an American Indian. The team kept its monicker after moving to the nation's capital in 1937.

The name and feather-wearing mascot have since been challenged.

Source: Foxnews.com

It's a little dated but I couldn't find anything more recent. I would be happy if the changed the name to Crackers or Honkies, as long as the make the image in the logo a picture of someone as dignified as the current.

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Predictor - You cant be serious.

Team America, You have not helped this situation one bit.

Over 90% of native Americans are not offended by the Washington Redskins. Just an additional tidbit. And Native Americans make up less than 1% of the total population of the US.

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"The football franchise began in Boston as the Braves but was purchased in 1932 by George Preston Marshall, who changed the name to honor head coach William "Lone Star" Dietz, an American Indian. The team kept its monicker after moving to the nation's capital in 1937."

Have you read the Baltimore Sun story on this a few months ago?

There is some controversy about whether or not Dietz was an actual Native American or whether he was a white guy pretending to be a Native American.

But, the intention is just the same.

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actually if you look at some other threads on this issue you will see that native americans have on occasion called themselves redskins.

More importantly though.......


I see. Yet I never said Troy was a part of Rome. :laugh: I said "those people who descended from trojans."

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