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Grade Spurrier's NFL Debut


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That little guy on my shoulder keeps telling me that what we saw was our 2nd string beating their 2nd string, and that when the first strings were in there, we went 0-3 passing (and one INT). (But, even if you take that negative view, it still says something reassuring about our depth).

I saw one corner blitz where I and our WR both saw the blitz coming, and the WR pointed it out, but nobody picked up the CB, and the QB didn't even look at the (uncovered) WR who pointed it out.

OTOH, preseason is the time where you expect mistakes. (Our first TD came on one from the other team).

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Guilty as charged your honor! Seriously, I thought we would do well right out of the chute, but I know a lot of people didn't think we'd look this good this early. I know it's preseason, but many could argue that we should have stunk the place up with all the non-stars on offense, new schemes, new coaches, and new players.

I was honestly surprised their weren't more penalties. We looked pretty sharp for this early in preseason. We always had a lot of penalties at UF (usually the most penalized team in the conference) and I think we only had one or two calls and they were on the defense.

I can't WAIT to play Dallas!!!!!!!!

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Larry - Pick that little guy up and crush him between your fingers. That's what I did. :)

I expected a 17-13 victory at best, but this game showed obvious signs of cohesion between the QBs, WRs, and even the O-line. And this is the first preseason game of the ENTIRE YEAR!

I almost wish we would've started Danny last night to see what he could do against the 49ers first string, because he looked stellar going against their backups.

It's a thinking man's offense, and Danny is just that. Please, pass me my crow. I'm a Danny fan. :) I can't wait till week 1. :high:

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Originally posted by Art

I picked the second option because when the team runs as badly as we ran, it's not a dream. Especially when you are the Washington Redskins and that is your pedigree. But, it was close to dreamy :).

I applaud SOS for leaving SD on the bench. No use getting him injured playing in the Far East Vet. I think he has more evaluating to do at QB and receiver anyway and you aren't going to learn much if you are handing the ball off.

Also, as I've said before and as Joey T actually stated something correctly - SOS passes a lot in the first half to get a lead, then runs the ball down your throat in the second half to run out the clock and preserve the lead. I think you'll see a lot of games where SD gets 100+ yards of rushing in the second half alone.

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I am happy he left SD on the bench too, because there was no point in risking him. There really isn't in the next preseason game either. I wish DW started too because I would have like to have seen him go #1's Vs. #1's. But Sage did good to keep himself composed and turn it around. Shane may have his hands full beating DW. I think the competition will only push them harder. But the most amazing thing... DW looked like he did playing at Florida. Everywhere else that he has been, he looked nothing like that.

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Look at it this way. This may be more of Spurrier's genius. Start the guy you expect the least from in the first game. Start your potential backup in the second, and start yor expected starter in the third as the level of competition rises.

Then again I might just be talkin out my :moon: :rotflmao:

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I wasn't impressed with the running game, either. For now, I chalk it up to our O-line's new guys. And, I have to assume, SS's #1 priority for the first few games is settling the QB debate. (Exercising Davis is far down the priority list).

I was hoping to see Rock carrying it up the middle. (I still have the hope that we've got Joe Morris). (I did like the shovel pass to him). And, what little we saw of Betts does make me think we've got some depth, there.

I think you'll see a lot of games where SD gets 100+ yards of rushing in the second half alone.

I really hope so. My biggest complaint about "offensive genius" Norv was the number of 4th-quarter leads we blew. One mark of a dominating team is the ability to sit on a lead. (At least Marty seemed to know that).

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I thought that the "schemes" Speavis used and the understanding of the QB's was really fun to watch (after Sage settled down). Watching them throw to spots and trust their receivers to be in the right place was great. I know that is what a good QB is supossed to do but with the QB talent we are dealing with I was pretty happy. It was 2nd string vs. 2nd string but still they executed very well for the most part. I guessed they would score 35 so I was pretty close. Didn't expect those points out of San Fran though. I guessed 21. I should have respected our D more!

If I was Steven Davis I think I would be a little worried about touching the ball much. I know he ran MORE then threw in college but that had to be depressing to see the pass/rush ratio last night. I'm gonna drop him about 5 places in my fantasy draft for now (I have til Sept. 2nd) and then watch what happens the rest of the games.

Overall I'm more stoked than 24 hours ago so that's a good thing!


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One thing was clear last night, the team was motivated, having fun and playing with decent chemistry. I've been watch NFL football for 37 years and have seen many college coaches make the jump only to discover they are mediocre to bad in the NFL and yes talent on hand is critically important. I'll say this though, its only one preseason game and not much to hang your hat on but SOS is the one guy I think can revolutionize the league. He's certainly beatable and when things go wrong the offense can implode in an ugly way but what I saw last night was the same offense he ran last year at Florida. Its very hard to adjust to his play calling because his paly calling changes over time and as you saw last night, WR's get open because the defenders are constantly beig force to choose their poison. Its a thinking mans game and requires well coached thing QB's to execute decisions with split second timing. Often you'll see the ball on the way to a spot long before the WR has made his final cut and if the timing is on..they'll arrive at the same time. Believe me that easier said than done and tends the negate defensive adjustments.

For all the Wuerfful frenzy yesterday, realize that he is currently #2 on the depth chart. Sage is on the hot seat, that is why SOS is giving him plenty of opportunity to play and catch on. I f Ramsey signs soon, he will compete with Sage for #3 this year. He has no hope of running SOS offense with so little time to learn the system. He he holds out, Sage is secure. Shane the #1 right now and it will be interesting to see him next week.

We'll see how they do by mid-season but our WR's were running wild against SF 1st string last night too and I think DW would have executed better. He's a very steady performer in SOS system, not prone to ups and downs, the question is whether NFL teams can adjust against this offense when it matters.

A final thought, a great defense puts the ball in your hands alot. I think Washington is in good stead in this regard. I SOS can work his magic with his current offensive players (as he has done to great astonishment to many before), this may well be an incredibly enjoyable season.

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SOS has won everywhere. It's impressive that he won at Duke, yeah, and the USFL, and at Florida, but what impressed me most recently was that all-star college game he coached... what the hell was the name of it?... Anyway, he had the players for all of a week, I think, and put up something like 45 points.

38 points in a preseason game, and all of them from the offense, is a good sign. I'll give him an A minus. He has to earn the A plus come time for the Dallas game.

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I give Spurrier an A+! I give Marvin Lewis an A+. Lewis should be a head coach in this league and it showed last night. Lewis is allowing Spurrier to spend time running the offense, which of course is Spurrier's strength and it is making all the differnence in the world.

I do not think Spurrier would have had such a terrific debut, if Spurrier had been running around worrying about the defense throughout training camp.

I do not think the running game should be a concern. We will pass to set up the run this year instead of vice-versa. The running game is in good hands with Stephen Davis...why run him into the ground on artificial turf in a pre-season game. All the question marks were with the receivers and quarterbacks. This team needed confidence in its receivers and quarterbacks, not its running game. This team gained some confidence last night and knows the sky is the limit and that Spurrier's system can work in this league. It was also nice to see big, strong receivers play well. McCants and Thompson had wonderful games! I do not hear anybody asking about Willie Jackson anymore. Everyone kept saying that big receivers have no place in Spurrier's system. Well, the naysayers were wrong again.

Spurrier is going to light up this league. The 49ers were just trashed and embarrassed. Pre-season or no pre-season, we made a statement last night. Bring on Dallas! We want Dallas! Let the chant begin and bring on the season! I stand by my prediction of a Thanksgiving Massacre: Washington 56 Dallas 10

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Originally posted by Larry

That little guy on my shoulder keeps telling me that what we saw was our 2nd string beating their 2nd string, and that when the first strings were in there, we went 0-3 passing (and one INT). (But, even if you take that negative view, it still says something reassuring about our depth).

Surely you are not implying that Sage is first string? Surely you are joking- right?:doh:

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Originally posted by Art

I picked the second option because when the team runs as badly as we ran, it's not a dream. Especially when you are the Washington Redskins and that is your pedigree. But, it was close to dreamy :).

Running might be the "pedigree" of the Redskins, but Spurrier has never been the coach before. Quit living in the past and realize that you have the best coach in football - college or NFL. And he will take you back to the top but with a new weapon. And Danny will be "da man"!

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I think there was a huge intimidation factor involved for Spurrier; It's his first NFL game, albeit a preseason game; It's against the niners; And he has 3 unproven QBs. I think it's quite impressive that SS could still come into this game -- a LONG plane ride under his belt -- and stick to his guns. He wanted to see what his QBs could do. They showed him that his system will work at a higher level than college. NOW, that said, let's see if he can continue his success when the first teams meet again at Carolina.

Overall, I was elated with SS. I think he'll put us in the win column and eventually take us to Super Bowls. Conversely, I think a lot of work needs to be done with the interior O-line and our running game. Hopefully, all of this will be addressed come September 8th. :cheers:

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Running might be the "pedigree" of the Redskins, but Spurrier has never been the coach before. Quit living in the past and realize that you have the best coach in football - college or NFL. And he will take you back to the top but with a new weapon. And Danny will be "da man"!

Living in the past is what we like to do around here. It's fun when you have 3 Super Bowls and 2 NFL Titles. :D

With any luck, SD won't be facing 8 man boxes anymore and he can break off some big runs on a draw. He might not get as many carries, but he'll get at least as many yards.

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No need to worry fellow skins. What you witnessed last night was no flash-in-the-pan.

As for SD, he should flourish in SOS's system just as Earnest Graham has at UF. The main similarities I see between the two are the power and hard to take down type physeke (sp?). But don't be discouraged if SD doesn't get the ball much early. Usually by the middle of the second quarter (when the game is already out of reach), SOS will start to wear the defense down with a power runner with a bunch of draws. It will be very interesting to see SD tear up a winded defense in the second half. Hell, he won't even have broken a sweat by then!

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I've no problem with the "new era" Redskins winning with a different strength than we're "known" for. But, that doesn't explain what was a seriously deficient running game in almost every conceivable way. As inspired and beautiful as Spurrier's design was in the passing game, it was equally unimaginative and rinky dink in the running game.

I didn't want Davis on the field either. But, when we had backs out there, I had hoped to see some perceivable practice time put into the running game and that wasn't present. I agree that this game was more for the passing game so I'm not overly concerned. But, it was very clear we haven't really spent time going over blocking assignments in the running game yet and until we do, I'll be a bit worried. That'll doubtless come.

But, the lack of any semblance of a thoughtful running game prevents the first game from being a true fantasy one in my view.

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