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Grade Spurrier's NFL Debut


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Originally posted by Art

it was very clear we haven't really spent time going over blocking assignments in the running game yet and until we do, I'll be a bit worried. That'll doubtless come.

But, the lack of any semblance of a thoughtful running game prevents the first game from being a true fantasy one in my view.

Hey Art, last week you joined in the forum's gang rape of me for daring to question Kim Helton (Redskin OL coach).

Care to revise your earlier remarks? There's still time to beat the bandwagon!

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Sorry, ASF.

Helton passed yesterday's game with flying colors. Spurrier put in a passing game first method of practice leading up to the game and in the game itself. Helton's line held up better than last year's line held up in the first preseason game, and hell, was even a strength in terms of limiting pressure in the passing game.

Spurrier sets the tone and makes the play calls. The running game clearly wasn't his priority and that's fine. It didn't have to be. It just was clearly not any slight focus of practice leading up to the game and it will have to become that for Helton to properly teach what needs teaching.

When Spurrier is ready to teach the running game to this team, he will and Helton will be there to assist. Until he is, we'll probably not have as good a running game as I'd like, but, we seem to have a better passing game than I'm accustomed to of late :).

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Originally posted by OrangeSkin

Nice copout, ASF. Now do you have a real reply?

(examining buckshot in shoulder) Ouch, OrangeSkin.

Yes, pass protection was good. Run blocking sucked. Art has a theory as to why that was so, and his theory can't be disproved based on one game.

For what it's worth, I hope Art is right. I'm certainly not hoping for poor run blocking. That's why I'm campaigning for better guards. If Helton can get better play without better people, more power to him.

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i watched the entire game. Lets just say, Marvin Lewis will be gone next year. That defense was flying around outhere and knockin folks head off!:notworthy

Sage looked overwhelmed at the beginning but settled down after the Sf 2nd stringers were in there.

I was very impressed with Robert Gillespie, Andre Lott and Derrius Thompson.

I jumped out of my chair when he hit that receiver outof bounds!

Gillespie showed quickness i saw at Fla, and Thompson's hands has gotten a whole lot better.

I wasnt that impressed with Ladell Betts. I know its early but he just didnt show me the quickness I heard he had.

This offense of SOS looks like its gonna be hard to stop once everyone is on the same page.

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Run blocking is a legitimate concern. It was no secret that at UF under Spurrier the Gator OL spent most of its practice time on the passing game. I am hoping that will change with the fact that the pros have much more practice time than is allowed in college. But it's still up to the coaches to balance that time.

Both games that the Gators lost last year (costing them a trip to Pasadena) was when their great running back Earnest Graham was out with injuries. Without him, the running game sucked. They had a good back named Robert Gillespie, but he couldn't run over people like Graham when there were no holes there.

I sure hope Spurrier lets Helton "coach 'em up" on run blocking more than was done at UF.

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I think if you really look at Steve's offense over the years at Florida, you will find he loves to run the ball. Let some team start lining up in nickel and dime coverages .... you will think it is Nebraska's coach calling plays out there. Think the Ala games with Emmitt Smith ... TN and PennSt with Fred Taylor ... where Florida actually had considerably more yardage on the ground.

In fact, the NC year, Florida had more attempts rushing than passing. Steve will attack where you show a weakness ... any weakness.

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There was a decline in the running game after Fred Taylor. That may have been partly due to the absence of a Fred Taylor, but I have to believe it also had to do with lack of practice time on run blocking. In games Earnest Graham had to do an awful lot on his own.

There was also SOS's tendency over the last few years to give up too early on the running game. But then why stick with something that wouldn't work?

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Don't fret about the running game.

Spurrier will utilize Davis, he'll have plenty of opportunities. I predict he will gain over 450 yards this season on draw plays alone. He'll get plenty of carries in the 2nd half to protect leads when the opposing defenses are tired and will have lots of receiving yards.

Davis is a proven commodity, the timing in the running game is not as important as in passing. Watch for Spurrier to keep focusing on getting the timing down and evaluating QB's and receivers. I just hope he is clearly communicating this to Davis.

Also, the shotgun is in the playbook although it may not debut until the regular season.

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:shootinth I am amazed at the people who continue to think they know more about the game than the coaching staff. Art, where do you coach? What is your pedigree in regard to football.

Some say they saw the second string beating the second string but when the first string was in the QB started 0-3 and an interception. First, has no QB ever started with stats like that before? And second, who says Sage is the starting QB?

Sage is in all liklihood either gone to the practice squad or cut. Ramsey will start out as #3, Matthews #2 and Wuerffel #1. SOS really likes the guy and he believes in him. Arm strength or not, he proved in Europe and last night he can play at the top level if given a chance. Spurrier stated if a team wanted to win the Superbowl, they would make DW their QB.

And I think he is the one who makes the decisions. Davis has nothing to worry about, he will get his yardage.:shutup:

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Spurrier brings an exciting brand of football that we just arent accustomed to seeing around these parts. I still question Danny's ability to lead the team throughout the duration of the season but judging by his initial appearance this pre-season, myself as well as countless others could be wrong. I was impressed by Wuerfel Saturday night.

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The concern I had when watching the game was seeing Tim Rattay doing pretty well in the late first and second quarter. His scrambling worked too well and i was worried that if he can do that them what happens when we face first-stringers like mcnabb? Mind you the d did play well especially some of those back-up d-linemen. Ok I wasnt expecting much out of our back up d-line so i was VERY surprised at their performance.

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Originally posted by Romo sits to pee

The concern I had when watching the game was seeing Tim Rattay doing pretty well in the late first and second quarter. His scrambling worked too well and i was worried that if he can do that them what happens when we face first-stringers like mcnabb?

Against our first string D, the QB will be introduced to his second career as an insurance salesman, courtesy of LaVar Arrington.
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Some say they saw the second string beating the second string but when the first string was in the QB started 0-3 and an interception.

Since I think I was the first to express myself in that exact way: I'm not listing those stats as a way of saying "We (or at least Sage) can't beat starters". All I was saying was "We (or at least Sage) hasen't proven it yet". (But, even then, I think Sage or Danny will be more confident their next time out. Even against the 2nd string, TD passes are good for confidence).

It's not Sage's (or SS's) fault the 49'ers pulled their starters after 3 plays. We practiced against whoever they sent in.

The same thing applies to the "running up the score" whiners: Our objective was to pick a QB. We stated, in advance, that each would be in for one half. Our mission was to learn something (and get in some reps). Mission accomplished.

(SFs mission was different: they know who the starters are. Their mission was to rate the scrubs))

And, even if what we saw was only "our 2nd string beating their 2nd string": How many people, here, were worried about our depth?

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Originally posted by SurfinSkinFan

I think if you really look at Steve's offense over the years at Florida, you will find he loves to run the ball. Let some team start lining up in nickel and dime coverages .... you will think it is Nebraska's coach calling plays out there. Think the Ala games with Emmitt Smith ... TN and PennSt with Fred Taylor ... where Florida actually had considerably more yardage on the ground.

In fact, the NC year, Florida had more attempts rushing than passing. Steve will attack where you show a weakness ... any weakness.

Hey - you're in my back yard. Do you watch the games at the Palm Beach Ale House?

Hate to bust your bubble though, but Emmitt turned pro the year SOS became coach. He never played for the Ol' ball coach. SOS will definitely run the ball after he's got a lead on you. It's kind of like the finishing death roll of a Gator when it grabs it's prey and spins it around and around under the water. :D

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