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The Bush Administration appoints Male Veterinarian Director of Women’s Health


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Male Veterinarian Appointed Acting Director of Women's Health

Symbolic of the importance the Bush Administration places on women's health, a male veterinarian has been appointed by Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Commissioner Lester Crawford as acting director of the Office of Women's Health. Norris E. Alderson, PhD, has spent the majority of his career at the FDA holding various positions in the Center for Veterinary Medicine.

The Office for Women’s Health, which ensures that the FDA remains gender sensitive and monitors the progress of women’s health initiatives, was most recently headed by Dr. Susan Wood. Wood resigned late last month in protest over the FDA’s refusal to grant over-the-counter status to emergency contraception.

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Man, I must be numb to the complete inability to understand failure in this administration, because this does not shock me one bit. :doh:

You'd think after the failures of FEMA the man would learn, I guess not.

Symbolic of the importance the Bush Administration places on women's health, a male veterinarian has been appointed by Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Commissioner Lester Crawford as acting director of the Office of Women's Health. Norris E. Alderson, PhD, has spent the majority of his career at the FDA holding various positions in the Center for Veterinary Medicine.

The Office for Women’s Health, which ensures that the FDA remains gender sensitive and monitors the progress of women’s health initiatives, was most recently headed by Dr. Susan Wood. Wood resigned late last month in protest over the FDA’s refusal to grant over-the-counter status to emergency contraception.

BTW tex, what are you doing on Ms magazine anyways? :laugh:

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My first thought was, "Is this a joke?" A Veterinarian?

Now, upon reading Mr. Crawford's bio, I can see that he just isn't a veterinarian (though, upon the surface, it's still a strange appointment). But I also don't see, first of all, why he'd be appropriate for the position. Second, I believe it is much more approriate for a woman to take this position. I feel this appoint is less about woman's health and more about getting an industry and political crony into place. Also, apparently Mr. Crawford has fundamental religious views on certain woman's issues such as contraception.

Mr. Crawford's bio: http://www.fda.gov/oc/crawford/bio.html

While conducting quick research on Lester Crawford, I came upon the following letter. Apparently Mr. Crawford had sic'ed the FDA, who conducted a raid, on a company that was making dietary suppliments which were used by parents of autistic parents. I guess Mr. Crawford is already a good lickspittle, so one reason for his appointment; he is already familiar with the FDA security apparatus. This isn't the first time he was involved with removing a drug that many of its users saw as being beneficial and helpful for their condition. Mr. Crawford, and the FDA, epitomizes federal instrusion.


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Update: FDA press release

This is a revision of this statement posted earlier on September 16.

. . . .

U.S. Food and Drug Administration Commissioner Lester M. Crawford today announced the appointment of Theresa A. Toigo as the Acting Director of FDA's Office of Women’s Health. Ms. Toigo also serves as the Director of FDA’s Office of Special Health Issues (OSHI).

False story? Or quick backpedal?

(Get'cher tinfoil hats, here!)

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Just curious why all the outrage and attacks because the man is a vet?

A PHD in pharmacology and chaired a major college wing ,plus a position in WHO would seem to trump a doctorate as a vet.

Not to mention the FDA uses animal testing...seems training in that area would not hurt.

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Just curious why all the outrage and attacks because the man is a vet?

A PHD in pharmacology and chaired a major college wing ,plus a position in WHO would seem to trump a doctorate as a vet.

Not to mention the FDA uses animal testing...seems training in that area would not hurt.

You want to put a vet, with a pharmacutical backround in charge of womens health?

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You want to put a vet, with a pharmacutical backround in charge of womens health?

Go back and read the job desription,not too mention the nominee ;)

You feel a woman with a bs in pharmacology and a business degree is more qualified?

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Maybe this will help:

horizonal rule

This is a revision of this statement posted earlier on September 16.

FDA Statement



Sept. 16, 2005

Media Inquiries:

Suzanne Treviño, 301-827-6242

Consumer Inquiries:


Theresa A. Toigo Is Appointed Acting Director of FDA's Office of Women's Health

U.S. Food and Drug Administration Commissioner Lester M. Crawford today announced the appointment of Theresa A. Toigo as the Acting Director of FDA's Office of Women’s Health. Ms. Toigo also serves as the Director of FDA’s Office of Special Health Issues (OSHI).

"Terry brings more than 20 years of exemplary public service mostly as a patient advocate at FDA to this important position," said Dr. Crawford.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration's Office of Women's Health (OWH) serves as a champion for women's health both within and outside the agency. To achieve its goals, OWH:

* Ensures that FDA functions, both regulatory and oversight remain gender sensitive and responsive;

* Works to correct any identified gender disparities in drug, device and biologics testing, and regulation policy;

* Monitors progress of priority women's health initiatives within FDA;

* Promotes an integrative and interactive approach regarding women's health issues across all the organizational components of the FDA; and

* Forms partnerships with government and non-government entities, including consumer groups, health advocates, professional organizations, and industry, to promote FDA's women's health objectives.

As Director of FDA's Office of Special Health Issues, Ms. Toigo led the office that serves as the agency’s primary liaison with patients and their advocates to encourage and support their active participation in the formulation of FDA regulatory policy. OSHI serves as a channel through which patient issues and viewpoints can be brought to the attention of FDA medical and regulatory staff. OSHI also works with cancer and HIV patients and advocacy programs on issues related to the FDA drug approval process, clinical trials and access to investigational therapies.

Ms. Toigo has held various FDA positions in CDER, CBER and the Office of the Commissioner since joining FDA in 1984. Ms. Toigo has collaborated with the Office of Women’s Health on a variety of FDA initiatives related to the inclusion of women and minorities in clinical trials. Ms. Toigo received her pharmacy (BS) and business (MBA) degrees from Rutgers University.


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First, where are all the Bush fans supporting this Vet?

Second, does this mean that all women are really b!itches?


I don't think he needs support since he is commisoner not appointee ;)

Second ,Yes at least once a month. :D

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chomerics: less about being on MS, more about watching.

Just for grins:

Want to do something about global warming despite the money grubbing multinational's denials? To reduce individual carbon dioxide emissions dramatically, only a few minor lifestyle changes are needed to affect these annual savings:

Get an energy efficient fridge: 3,000 pounds.

Discard one less 30 gal. bag of garbage a week: 300 pounds.

Leave the car at home two days per week: 1,590 pounds.

Recycle: 850 pounds.

Switch two light bulbs to fluorescents: 1,000 pounds.

Get a low-flow shower head: 300 pounds.

Turn the thermostat down two degrees: 500 pounds.

Cut vehicle fuel use by 10 gallons: 200 pounds.

Switch to cold water for laundry: 600 pounds.

This seems to work well and it's free.


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* Works to correct any identified gender disparities in drug, device and biologics testing, and regulation policy;

Now, let's see.

The previous person who held this job just resigned. The reason she resigned is because, despite the fact that the Plan B contraceptive has been proven safe and effective, for over a decade, the FDA is still inventing reasons to keep the drug illegal. (Because the religous right doesn't want women to have access to contraceptives.)

This creates a vacancy. The Bush administration had several options to chose from, and they had a list of qualifications that the ideal applicant should have. Those qualifications included (but, no doubt, weren't limited to)

  • Is politiclly "attractive" to women. (It is a political, special-interest, appointment)
  • Is a woman.
  • Is an MD.
  • Has absolutely declared that he will keep Plan B off the market, even though there is no legal reason to do so, and even though the majority of the citizens want it to be available.

Anybody care to quess the relative weighting the administration chose to assign to these qualifications?

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