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Saving Private Ramsey


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That is the dumbest thing I've ever heard.. I'm sorry dude but he's been sh!t on since he got here. Exactly how much can one man expect to take?

Why does he DESERVE to start? He's done nothing. He's been sh!t on? Maybe if he didn't S-U-C-K so much on the field, there would've never been a controversy to begin with. Instead, he decided, ALL preseason long and through the first quarter of the game that he'd rather turn the ball over. Ramsey deserves nothing. Besides, he's being paid isn't he? Then he should show up to work. You have to earn the starting job. He was given his chance, and blew it. He obviously S-U-C-K-E-D as badly in practice as he did on the field during gametime. He deserves nothing except a warm seat on the bench or a clipboard.

I'm usually not so blunt about Ramsey because I think he's a good guy and he has some physical tools, but you Ramsey whiners are losing your minds. :doh:

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I've held my tongue on this subject all week, but feel compelled to add my two cents based on having had to read all this tripe throughout the week. Let's get a few things into perspective:


I wasn't aware that so many of you attended every practice, mini-camp, training camp, and otherwise; watched every play of every game for the past year plus, and analyzed the tapes till your eyes bugged out, and decided that Ramsey has out-played Brunell. I can assure you that coach Gibbs did all of these things, and he has decided that Brunell is the better option.


Gibbs did not make this decision in a vacuum. I'm sure he went to all of his offensive staff and solicited recommendations, then made a decision. I doubt all of the offensive coaches were solidly behind, and sold on Ramsey as the best option as Skins QB, then coach Gibbs said, "Well screw them, I'm going with Brunell anyway, cause I'm head coach."


When did Brunell become such a "noodle-armed" and "sucky" QB? Admittedly, the guy stunk the joint up last season through 9+ games, but it was just that, half a season, and he was injured somewhat.

Did any Brunell bashers happen to watch the NFL QB Challenge 2004 on ESPN? I did. Brunell, healthy, looked very good. He threw the ball with zip, hit targets accurately, and in the longest throw, actually beat out the majority of the field. He looked anything but "noodle-armed," and I remember thinking, "hot dog the Skins are back!" Sadly, I was mistaken.

Also, it wasn't that long ago that Brunell led his team to an AFC championship game, and multiple other playoff wins, including a 62 point smack down on the Marino-led Dolphins. He hasn't played a whole lot these last three years, and should be in pretty good shape for a 34 year-old man.

Finally, let me add that I did not agree with Gibbs' decision. It is his decision though, and his season and part of his legacy will ride with this decision. I played ball for 12 seasons, and as much as I know would NEVER deign to think I know enough to question the opinion of a man who has coached football almost his entire adult life, won three Superbowls, and is an NFL hall-of-famer.

I'll ride with the Redskins, and I'll ride with coach Gibbs.

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Why are some of you young guys questioning Joe Gibbs? Be patience and watch the overall of this team happen before your eyes. Gibbs will get players that have talent and that he can trust. They will be smart, team players. He will use coaching consistency to install his system. Does he still have a ways to go? Of course he does! But don't think the game has passed him over. Give me a break! We have a solid defense that now has depth and LaVar is not even a part of it (yet). We have a solid offensive line that now has depth. Gibbs needs a dependable QB and WRs that can make plays! I liked Moss' debut; he looked quick. But Patrick did not play well (again) and Brunell (like it or not) gives us the best chance to win now! And if we don't win now, expect to see Campbell get playing time to develop.

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if ramsey is asked to be traded... it shows he doesn't handle adversity well...

It shows he's not a team player.

even the media has said brunell had a very good camp. Joe knows what he is doing. I think this is a Jay Schoder(however you spell it) Doug Williams situation. With a Mark Rypien player waiting in the wings... we all know what happen to Jay.

Yeah,.....Ummmm, I am going to have to go ahead and disagree with you there.

Ramsey has been jerked around by this organization and this last debacle would have prompted me to ask for a trade too. If your employer pulled the rug out from under you this many times, would you be looking for a new job? I would.

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bottom line: all PR had to do was perform in games and in practice (same standard as McCants right?). His performnce through 7 games last season and on into preseason and the begiining of the bears game flat out *ucked.

If you would rate Ramsey's performance through 7 games last season as " flat out *ucked" then you would have to rate Brunnell's as the being the best player on our opponents team. :doh:

Ramsey's performance wasnt good but there was that much difference.

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Why does he DESERVE to start? He's done nothing. He's been sh!t on? Maybe if he didn't S-U-C-K so much on the field, there would've never been a controversy to begin with. Instead, he decided, ALL preseason long and through the first quarter of the game that he'd rather turn the ball over. Ramsey deserves nothing. Besides, he's being paid isn't he? Then he should show up to work. You have to earn the starting job. He was given his chance, and blew it. He obviously S-U-C-K-E-D as badly in practice as he did on the field during gametime. He deserves nothing except a warm seat on the bench or a clipboard.

I'm usually not so blunt about Ramsey because I think he's a good guy and he has some physical tools, but you Ramsey whiners are losing your minds. :doh:

I'm not saying he does or doesn't.. That's not up to me to decide.. But him wanting to get away from a team that has screwed him over and over again?

I see nothing wrong with that. Take off the rose colored glasses. The Redskin organization has treated him like crap on a consistant basis. Anyone of us would do the exact same thing. But since it's Joe Gibbs and the Redskins, some fans aren't allowed to look at this situation objectively outside the scope of being a fan, and in the scope of being a man. As a man, I wouldn't stand for this treatment. Loyalty is a two way street bud. When some of us speak up we're demonized for going against the allmighty Joe Gibbs. When all I'm really trying to do is give my objective opinion. I could care less who starts. I don't see either of them being great quarterbacks. I think Ramsey is the lesser of two evils. Some think Brunell is. Great no use fighting over it. Not like we're comparing Montana and Shuler.. One IS NOT clearly better then the other.

Anyway, to say Patrick should continually sit there and take this crap is dumb. No one here would do it. Your lying if you say you would.

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It's professional football, and he has a contract with the team. End of story. If I was him, I'd worry more about making less boneheaded mistakes, and a little less about what team I want to be traded to. If he continues to play like he has, nobody is going to want to start him, and he'll be back at square one. Here, he is one injury away (MB, that is) from getting back to a starting role in an offense that he knows.

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Professional sports is about performance and consistency. Do you all here that are coaches think Ramsey wasn't being scrutinized during the offseason, otas and preseason? He didn't cut it in the coaches eyes. Ramsey was named starter in the off season so he could improve. They and we were praying Ramsey was our saviour but alas he was not. Let's move on. Brunell didn't have a problem throwing the ball in the first Cowboy game last year did he?

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Professional sports is about performance and consistency. Do you all here that are coaches think Ramsey wasn't being scrutinized during the offseason, otas and preseason? He didn't cut it in the coaches eyes. Ramsey was named starter in the off season so he could improve. They and we were praying Ramsey was our saviour but alas he was not. Let's move on. Brunell didn't have a problem throwing the ball in the first Cowboy game last year did he?

Gibbs was insisting Brunell wasn't done before any of the offseason activities began. Brunell's horrible performance finally shamed Gibbs into naming Ramsey the starter. Ramsey's starter status had nothing to do with his performance one way or the other. It was just there to buy Gibbs time to look for an opportunity to reinsert Brunell. Gibbs has never been interested in Ramsey's talent, potential, or development. Don't be such a homer. Look at it objectively. It is what it is.


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I'm not saying he does or doesn't.. That's not up to me to decide.. But him wanting to get away from a team that has screwed him over and over again?

I see nothing wrong with that. Take off the rose colored glasses. The Redskin organization has treated him like crap on a consistant basis. Anyone of us would do the exact same thing. But since it's Joe Gibbs and the Redskins, some fans aren't allowed to look at this situation objectively outside the scope of being a fan, and in the scope of being a man. As a man, I wouldn't stand for this treatment. Loyalty is a two way street bud. When some of us speak up we're demonized for going against the allmighty Joe Gibbs. When all I'm really trying to do is give my objective opinion. I could care less who starts. I don't see either of them being great quarterbacks. I think Ramsey is the lesser of two evils. Some think Brunell is. Great no use fighting over it. Not like we're comparing Montana and Shuler.. One IS NOT clearly better then the other.

Anyway, to say Patrick should continually sit there and take this crap is dumb. No one here would do it. Your lying if you say you would.

You nailed it perfectly.

Free Patrick!

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Gibbs has never been interested in Ramsey's talent, potential, or development. Don't be such a homer. Look at it objectively. It is what it is.


doesn't this say something about Ramsey? I know most of us feel he's better than Brunell but I would be worried if an NFL fotoball coach isn't interested in a player's talent or potential.

It means to me that either Gibbs doesn't think he has much talent or potential, not enough to be the starter anyway, or that he'll never be able to improve enough to reach his potential.

You nailed it perfectly.

Free Patrick!

why should we trade Patrick for his benefit? We need a solid back-up which Campbell is not right now. I mean if we could trade him for an equal QB, like the Coles trade, it would be a different story. I'm a big Ramsey fan but I don't want us to make a trade that would hurt our team for Pat's benefit.
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All Ramsey does is go in and throw a bunch of interceptions and almost loose the game and once and awhile he will throw a pass downfield and someone will catch it and then we kick a field goal. Why does everyone swet ramsey so much, exactly what did he do that made you think he is the next dan marino. In my eyes he is the next Ryan Leaf.

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Can you really blame the guy? He has twice earned the starting job, only to have it taken from him. He spent all offseason being told that he was finally being given his big chance to prove himself, and all the while Gibbs was plotting to replace him with Brunell as soon as an opportunity presented itself.

I know Gibbs' policy is to try to have two proven quarterbacks on the roster, but that may simply not be realistic in today's NFL. There are other teams that would like to start Ramsey, and this is a critical time in his development as a quarterback. By playing these games and keeping Ramsey on the bench, Gibbs is literally threatening to ruin Ramsey's potential for a career in the league. Gibbs needs to do the right thing play him or cut him loose.

Overall I've been amazed at Ramsey's gracious response to all of this. I wouldn't expect him to show the loyalty he's shown to a team that has done nothing but offer him the smelly end of a stick that you use to clean off the bottom of your shoe when you step in dog doo.


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Getting Brunnell back on the field is probably the best thing to do right now. After Monday night when the whole world realizes he still cant play....again....maybe....just maybe....we will have heard the last of his worthless arse. I just wish we didnt have to go through the embarrassment on a national stage. Why couldnt it have been the bears. Oh wait, we saw he couldnt play then too.

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Getting Brunnell back on the field is probably the best thing to do right now. After Monday night when the whole world realizes he still cant play....again....maybe....just maybe....we will have heard the last of his worthless arse. I just wish we didnt have to go through the embarrassment on a national stage. Why couldnt it have been the bears. Oh wait, we saw he couldnt play then too.

Nice attitude man.

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