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How tight of a leash is Brunell on?

Thinking Skins

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Ramsey wasn't on as tight of a leash as everyone wants to believe. He had the end of last year, all offseason and the preseason and never showed any progress, so if Brunell has a bad game Monday night, don't expect him to get benched. Everyone should stop believing that Ramsey's benching was based on last week. It just not the case.

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If he plays as badly as he did in any of his starts last year he should be replaced.

I don't really see the point in him starting anyway unless the plan is to get a real passing game going with fewer mistakes.

If the plan is a renewal of last years collection of record breaking ineptitude then I don't expect many wins. I'd rather see Ramsey have a few good games and a few bad ones than to watch Brunell fumble away a small lead accomplished on the strength of his 68 yards in the air on 25 attempts.

Hopefully I'm way off and he is much better and we win big in Dallas because Brunell has his best passing day in 3-4 seasons. Spanking Dallas in Dallas would be sweet. I know our defense can handle them but it doesn't matter when the QB can't pass for more than 100 yards in the majority of starts or throw 50% either.

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C'mon, get real. This guy has all the leash he wants. He played in about six games too many last year. He could throw six picks monday and there won't be any subs. Gibbs hates Ramsey that much. Brunell can do no wrong in the coach's eyes.

Agreed... unless injured, Brunell will start for this team until the Skins fall out of the playoff race, which hopefully won't happen. Even if he puts up numbers from last season, and the Skins win every other game, Gibbs will go with the super courageous, super smart Brunell.

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Ramsey wasn't on as tight of a leash as everyone wants to believe. He had the end of last year, all offseason and the preseason and never showed any progress, so if Brunell has a bad game Monday night, don't expect him to get benched. Everyone should stop believing that Ramsey's benching was based on last week. It just not the case.

I dont think that was the case either..I believe its because Gibbs is sick and tired of handing over the ball to the opposing team because of turnovers. He cant stand that. He hates mistakes and thats the reason why he probably cut Antonio Brown, didnt he fumble on a punt? Its probably a message that playing like that wont be tolerated no matter who you are! This Ramsy being cut didnt happen over night, its been going on for awhile!

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I'm sorry but I have to say that this thread is Ghey. Brunell isn't on a tight lease. Gibbs doesn't change QB's on a whim. Gibbs had seen enough of Ramsey to make his decision. He even said in the press conference on Mondaythat he has been watching tapes and felt that Brunell gives us the best chance to win. No offense to the poster, but maybe you should post these thoughts in the Ramsey got shafted thread? I'm getting kind of tired of Gibbs has his QB on a short leash threads.

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Everyone should stop believing that Ramsey's benching was based on last week. It just not the case.

I agree with this part of your statement. But Ramsey's benching had nothing to do with Ramsey's performance in the offseason, preseason, or week 1. It has everything to do with Gibbs being absolutely head over heels enamoured with Mark Brunell. Last years dud of a performance did nothing to change that. Gibbs was looking for any and every opportunity to reinstate Brunell as the starter, and Ramsey's non-injury was just the crack in the door Gibbs was looking for. After last year, no other coach in the NFL would be starting Brunell. Gibbs is the only one because he's convinced he sees something that no one else in the NFL does. Brunell is not on a short leash, and I don't think Gibbs has any intention of playing Campbell this season. For better or for worse, Brunell is Gibbs' man.

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Ramsey wasn't on as tight of a leash as everyone wants to believe. He had the end of last year, all offseason and the preseason and never showed any progress, so if Brunell has a bad game Monday night, don't expect him to get benched. Everyone should stop believing that Ramsey's benching was based on last week. It just not the case.

A quote from our local sports writer, "But shouldn't the Redskins coaches have realized this before the first game of the season? Shouldn't they have had some hint that he couldn't get the job done? They were with him every day."

Which also makes me think, I wonder if Brunell worked out any with the first team, other then some pre-season game time? :dallasuck

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Ramsey wasn't on as tight of a leash as everyone wants to believe. He had the end of last year, all offseason and the preseason and never showed any progress, so if Brunell has a bad game Monday night, don't expect him to get benched. Everyone should stop believing that Ramsey's benching was based on last week. It just not the case.

I'm in total agreement with Skins/Hoos on this one. Ramsey played ok last season but not as good as people would like to think. Remember the pick he threw to lose the Philly game?

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Ramsey wasn't on as tight of a leash as everyone wants to believe. He had the end of last year, all offseason and the preseason and never showed any progress, so if Brunell has a bad game Monday night, don't expect him to get benched. Everyone should stop believing that Ramsey's benching was based on last week. It just not the case.

Yes, he had the end of last year...in which he impressed Gibbs so much that he named Ramsey the starter based on his play at the end of last year. So if anything, those games showed Ramsey as deserving of being the starter, they didn't give evidence for benching him.

As for this year, if all of the offseason and preseason weren't enough for Gibbs to bench Ramsey before the opening game, then three extra series damn well isn't enough. Either what everyone says about Brunell being "Gibb's guy" is correct, or Gibbs just completely blew the situation and created controversy where none needed to be by not making the switch during the preseason.

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