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This is Why Ramsey is Riding the Pine


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In Year Four he stunk it up during preseason

"Big Ben" Roethlisberger during the preseason:


44% completion rate

145 yds

4.02 ypa

0 TDs

2 INTs

By your logic, he should have never left the bench once the season started...especially since his back up--who he replaced last season (sound familiar)--was outplaying him in preseason.

and showed zero progress in terms of either becoming comfortable as an NFL QB or within the Gibbs offense.

Apparently Gibbs himself felt otherwise...or he wouldn't have named him the starter LAST season. And Gibbs himself said Ramsey was becoming comfortable managing his offense as he named him the starter...I remember the press conferences and articles in which he said these things. But I know, we should throw out any successes Ramsey has had in the past, and any failures Brunell has had...the only thing that matters is what they did in preseason. Which is why Roethlisberger should have been benched.

Got cha.

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Why is Rothelaifjdaljfs still playing? Or why did Boller get the start? Or Harrington? Or Carr?

Draft position? Money invested?

And the only one NOT on the bubble to be yanked right now is Ben thanks to a strong running game, good O-line, and displaying the ability to (gasp) not turn it over.

Apparently Gibbs himself felt otherwise...or he wouldn't have named him the starter LAST season. And Gibbs himself said Ramsey was becoming comfortable managing his offense as he named him the starter...I remember the press conferences and articles in which he said these things. But I know, we should throw out any successes Ramsey has had in the past, and any failures Brunell has had...the only thing that matters is what they did in preseason. Which is why Roethlisberger should have been benched.

Kind of hard to say how Gibbs felt and the exact reasons as to why he was named the starter, but i'd speculate that it was due to him trying to instill more confidence in Ramsey to get the job done.

And about articles. If you read them without Ramsey glasses on you'll most likely see Gibbs stressing that Pat was being given an "opportunity" to be the starter.

There's ZERO comparison to the QB play of Ramsey and Ben. This is a non issue and one not even worth addressing. Let's stick with relevent points.

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This only cements Gibbs decision. I still dont understand why there are so many fans of Ramsey who has done NOTHING in the FOUR YEARS he has been with this team. He is a good guy with a lot of heart and character. Thats good and all but you need more than that to be a starter in this league.

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How many points did Ramsey give the other team? Zero.

How many points did Brunell give the other team? Zero.

How many times did the Skins threaten to score a TD with Ramsey in one quarter? Once.

How many times did the Skins threaten to score a TD with Brunell in three quarters? Once.

How many TDs did the Skins score with Ramsey in one quarter? None.

How many TDs did the Skins score with Brunell in three quarters? None.

What percentage of the offense did Ramsey make up while he was playing? 88%

What percentage of the offense did Brunell make up while he was playing? 30%

What percentage of 3rd downs did Ramsey convert? 57%

What percentage of 3rd downs did Brunell convert? 22%

What was Ramsey's yards per attempt? 9.55 ypa

What was Brunell's yards per attempt? 5.0 ypa

My bad. My whole life I've been watching the NFL and I have always thought that actual points win games. Now I see that yards to pass attempt are the real key. Also apparently "should have been" TD's and completions are very important.

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Points win games and Ramsey gives the other team points.

Didn't Brunell have 3 fumbles returned for TDs last year? Is that not considered giving the team other points.


My bad. My whole life I've been watching the NFL and I have always thought that actual points win games. Now I see that yards to pass attempt are the real key. Also apparently "should have been" TD's and completions are very important.

Skins' points with Brunell - 107 (~8.5 games)

Skins' points with Ramsey - 132 (~8 games)

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Round and round we go.

Ramsey is on the pine because the coaches gave him 1 last chance to start and he didn't show any improvement. I'm sorry that it was a very small window of opportunity but if Pat had played well he would still be the starter. Pat had his chance, very unfair and small, but a chance and he didn't cut it.

Ramsey has shown 0 improvement this season. He has a better O-Line, faster receivers and a new QB coach. I ignored all this during pre-seasing with the mentality that pre-season doesn't mean anything. Well aparently it does to Ramsey because he didn't step up his game when the season started.

At least Brunell looked better this pre-season. He might've looked like the same Brunell as last season against the Bears but I'm guessing it was more due to Gibb's conservative game-calling. We seriously had no chance of losing that game besides turnovers. Gibbs might've played not to loose that particular game but it doesn't mean we will do the same against better teams.

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Yeah, and Danny Wuerfel was absolutely stunning while going against backups a few years back...oh, and don't forget he was also playing with back ups, so preseason play is still a pretty good measure of how a QB will do against starters, right?

For those not quite catching on, I'm not saying that Brunell and Wuerfel are equal in talent....but I'm saying that the players they faced in preseason were. Players that could make a Wuerfel look like a Pro Bowler. Let's not overlook that fact.

One other stat to keep in mine:

3rd down conversions against the Bears -

Ramsey 4 of 7 3rd downs converted

Brunell 2 of 9 3rd downs converted

Converting 3rd downs keeps the chains moving, too...

How did Ramsey look against the second stringers last year?

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Round and round we go.

Ramsey is on the pine because the coaches gave him 1 last chance to start and he didn't show any improvement. I'm sorry that it was a very small window of opportunity but if Pat had played well he would still be the starter. Pat had his chance, very unfair and small, but a chance and he didn't cut it.

Ramsey has shown 0 improvement this season. He has a better O-Line, faster receivers and a new QB coach. I ignored all this during pre-seasing with the mentality that pre-season doesn't mean anything. Well aparently it does to Ramsey because he didn't step up his game when the season started.

At least Brunell looked better this pre-season. He might've looked like the same Brunell as last season against the Bears but I'm guessing it was more due to Gibb's conservative game-calling. We seriously had no chance of losing that game besides turnovers. Gibbs might've played not to looe that particular game but it doesn't mean we will do the same against better teams.

:applause: :applause: :applause: :applause: :applause: :applause:

Brunell may suck just like he did last year (when he was the suckiest suck that ever sucked). Ramsey, given a short and perhaps unfair opportunity, has proven to suck again this year.

I know preseason is pointless, but Ramsey really looked awful with his turnovers. Brunell looked like a new man. At least I see a little hope with Brunell.

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I still dont understand why there are so many fans of Ramsey who has done NOTHING in the FOUR YEARS he has been with this team. He is a good guy with a lot of heart and character.QUOTE]

Most people do not have the ability to remember more than three games prior. I have a tip. Get the DTV Super Fan package. Record all Redskins shortcuts. (Shows every play of the game in 20 minutes) Once you start forgetting the games you are all talking about, take a Saturday and sit down to watch a few.

Last year, Brunell performed awful. Not while scrambling, not when the protection broke down, but when a receiver was open and he was nested in the pocket, he often through a pass that was well off course. With Brunell, our offense is grounded to mediocrity.

I agree that Ramsey can make mistakes. But it’s in his head, and that almost always comes with experience and time. But can anyone tell me of a fading QB that made an exceptional return between their 13th and 14th year? I cannot. I have seen Mcnab play utterly confused for over a year, but the coach never mentioned of changing the QB, because he had the talent and he knew he would eventually get the confidence.

Personally, I feel that Ramsey has a chance to be something great. He has the skills and the talent, but never had the experience. When he is in the groove, he is great! I have seen him thread the needle on throws like the old Dan Marino. If he can stop thinking about being pulled as the QB if he messes up a single quarter of a game, he would have been great. Now Brunell has minimum time to practice with the 1st string offense. If Ramsey was no good, he should have had Brunell start from the beginning. The practices should have said it all. I will never agree with Gibbs making a decision in the first game of the season.

And quite frankly, I don’t care if this year Brunell turns everything around and has a better QB rating then Ramsey, because next year, we are still stuck with an inexperienced Ramsey and a fading, once great, Brunell.

And in football, you cannot concentrate on stats. Record the game and watch the player. There is too much involved for simple numbers. In the first game’s interception, if the receiver was watching the ball or QB, he would have been able to jump up and catch the ball. Something those WRs must do all the time.

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There is another factor. I believe Coach Gibbs will be rolling out a more extensive game plan against the Cowboys...taking the wraps off of plays he kept in the dark for the pre-season and the Bears game. I think Coach believes Brunell, with his experience, will be better able to pick up and execute the more complicated game plan...without as great a risk of turnovers. BTW, I also expect to see a more extensive defensive game plan. It will be wide open Monday night!!

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Dove, I liked your post and I agree that Patrick Ramsey has a chance to be great, but it's unlikely to happen in a burgundy and gold uniform.

I have watched Redskins quarterbacks on the field since the days of Sammy Baugh. We have never had a passer gifted with so much talent...nor have we had one so stupidly coached. The schemes devised by Spurrier and Gibbs for their passing games would have have rendered Baugh and Jurgensen inept.

For Patrick's sake, I hope he fares better with his next team.

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i dont feel like quoting in here everything califan007 has said but hes on the money and if you want turnovers look at brunell's stats last year and ramsey doing nothing??? in his career as A STARTER his qb rating is i believe a little above 80 and he does have more td's then to's...week 1: pick=his fault fumble=we got it back with minimal loss and all qb's make some mistakes which these two were his but look at culpepper and penningtons stats and ramsey looks like an mvp fumble #2 was a clothesline and ANY qb woulda fumbled including brunell hell i could throw three yard outs all game long and do what brunell does a qb needs time to develop and feel comfortable as the leader of his team ramsey in four years is yet to have this except in 2003 until he got hurt cuz he was sacked more than any qb in the league and did a damn good job...carr, harrington, orton, rattay and plenty others are being given complete control and PROMISE to develop themselves and leadership in their roles and ramsey is better than all of them as seen in stats....O AND BY THE WAY DID YOU SEE THE LIONS AND THEIR QB (cough harrington cough) beat the packers??? anyone agree our team is better and the lions already look like a possible wild card or even division winner if minnesota cant figure things out...gee i wish we would give the reigns to ramsey and see what happens...anyone with me?

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I love how you guys can defend Ramsey's errors by saying "everybody makes mistakes sometimes!" That is nothing short of absurd. Quit making excuses for everything Ramsey does. The guy is not a good QB. 4 years and he has no touch on his passes, makes poor decisions, doesn't handle the blitz, and has no pocket awareness. How many more years before you give up on him?

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I think Ramsey will be back in the line up pretty soon, I really don't see brunell getting it done. Ramseys # numbers are the same as Brett Farve and Troy Aikman for his first three years, and the turned out to be pretty good QBs. Only difference is that his first 2 seasons were spent running for his life under spurrier.

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I think Ramsey will be back in the line up pretty soon, I really don't see brunell getting it done. Ramseys # numbers are the same as Brett Farve and Troy Aikman for his first three years, and the turned out to be pretty good QBs. Only difference is that his first 2 seasons were spent running for his life under spurrier.

Sure, Favre and Aikman had mediocre to poor numbers in their first three years, but so did any number of failed NFL QBs. And Favre's first year he only attempted 5 passes. His 4th year (third year playing) he threw for 3800 yards and 33 TDs, which is lightyears beyond anything Ramsey has done.

Spurrier certainly hurt Ramsey, but it did help his numbers in some ways. By far his best performances came under Spurrier. My feeling is that Patrick is going to be one of those guys who spends the first half of his career as a backup and emerges somewhere as a starter in his 7th or 8th year ala Rich Gannon.

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