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If any one thing will result in a dissapointing season, what is it???


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as much as i want to believe all of the good things i have been hearing, ramsey scares the **** out of me.

i believe we will be a great team and make the playoffs but i have been having nightmares of #11 closing his eyes and wishing for the best.

what one aspect of the upcoming season frightens you the most?


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Originally posted by Gfunk703

Jansen getting hurt again, or Springs getting hurt

Ramsey showed me in '03 he can lead the team, so I don't worry about that (remember, it was our defense that lost us gamers that year)

true, but last years giants game...i cant shake his decision making out of my head. i try, i cant.

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Originally posted by Gfunk703

Jansen getting hurt again, or Springs getting hurt

Ramsey showed me in '03 he can lead the team, so I don't worry about that (remember, it was our defense that lost us gamers that year)

our defense? i always thought our defense KEPT us in the game. maybe if we could score over 21 more than 3, 4 times, our D wont lose us games by giving up 14 points.

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Originally posted by [[ghost]]

our defense? i always thought our defense KEPT us in the game. maybe if we could score over 21 more than 3, 4 times, our D wont lose us games by giving up 14 points.

I think he's referring to the year before last, under Spurrior, where our D was pathetic.

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Getting swept (again) to Division rivals, namely Dallass and Philly.

It has been far too long since we have beaten either one of them. As a matter of fact I have trouble remembering when was the last time we beat the Eagles...Sad.

I'm sure the coaching staff is well aware of this.

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Originally posted by red zone

Why is the glass always half empty here at Extremskins? I'm looking for nothing but positivity in 2005/6!


i am without question positive.

its just a question, whats your biggest fear, that all.


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Originally posted by DB44

Getting swept (again) to Division rivals, namely Dallass and Philly.

It has been far too long since we have beaten either one of them. As a matter of fact I have trouble remembering when was the last time we beat the Eagles...Sad.

I'm sure the coaching staff is well aware of this.


Our defense last year is what saved us from really being blown out of the water. Remember, we were one bad pass away from beating the 'so-called' best of the NFC. If the offense picks up it's game this year and the defense plays even half-as good, our record will improve. But Beating Dallas will still be reason for a celebration. They have been too lucky for too long!!

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Originally posted by red zone

Why is the glass always half empty here at Extremskins? I'm looking for nothing but positivity in 2005/6!


there are plenty of homers and homer threads around bra, but after year and year of losing, it's hard not to sit in the middle

I'm always optimistic, but I don't like to get my hopes up too high about anything

and yes, in my previous post, I was referring to Spurrier's last season with us... Ramsey led our team on a number of scoring drives, but come down to the 4th quarter, and teams would just run all over us and win the game :mad:

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1. O-line getting hurt

2. Corners getting hurt

3. Losing games we should win, especially heart breakers to the Giants, Cowboys or Eagles. We have to go at least 3-3 in the NFCE if we have any shot of doing anything.

4. Portis getting hurt

5. Stupid penalties and mistakes making the team look bad

6. What if the pundits are right and Gibbs has lost his touch? (I seriously doubt this one)

7. Ramsey gets hurt or fails to perform (NOT BRUNELL AGAIN!!!)

Those are the big ones.........:(

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Originally posted by red zone

Why is the glass always half empty here at Extremskins? I'm looking for nothing but positivity in 2005/6!


Because we get our hopes up every year, only to see them come crashing down. I know thats why I'm trying not to get my hopes up this year, as bad as that sounds. Sure, I'm excited about the season starting but I'm tired of getting fired up and thinking "This is the year!" every summer.

That said, Ramsey is the key to our season. if he doesn't perform, we won't win. it'll be just like last year, awesome defense, no offense, losing record

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