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Offensive Line Rankings

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giants really did have excellent and underrated line play last year.

Can't dispute on Eagles front either.

Fair assesment of Redskin's line; seemed to weigh both our so-so performance last year with the real possibility of a great year this year.

I predict best o-line in the NFC for Skins this year: top running back, outstanding sack numbers. ( I swear my homer glasses aren't on right now. I don't even know where they are, promise.)

I can't help but think of the top RB in NFC East thread from a little while ago.

It's quite possible we could see three NFC East teams with top 10 lines at the end of this season.

Which leaves us with the Cowboys.

Good luck finding your helmet after the play, Drew.

- nomad

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im not gonna take this that seriously because this guy is talking from a fantasy standpoint. buuuuuut

Patriots at 15?????? They certaintly play like the 15th best.:rolleyes:

Packers and Lions are way too high.

won't comment on the skins. I always have trouble ranking our offensive line; talent-wise tops in the league but on the field:cry:

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Originally posted by flexxskins

I have no problem with that ranking. Our line was not as good as NY's but should improve tremendously with the return of Jansen and the addition of Rabach.

I'm with you. As of right now I don't think we have a top ten line.......yet. They certainly could prove to be by the end of this season.

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The personnel starting on our line could create the league's best line when the season is done. If everyone is pretty healthy and they gell quickly, few lines can match our players man for man across with no obvious weak spot. Dockery's play has been inconsistent, but, he's not "weak" in that when he's going good no one can beat him.

Take the Vikings last year when Dockery was destroying Kevin Williams so thoroughly the Vikings moved him over and Williams destroyed Randy Thomas -- who was playing pretty banged up. Dockery needs to put together a full season as strong as he finished last season and he'll be a legitimate top guard. He does have to develop consistency over the course of a season though, or he is the first guy you can see losing his spot to someone else.

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If Dockery's fat a$$ finally starts to play to potential our line could be sick. The mental errors have to stop though...we need WAY fewer false starts (yeah, I mean you Samuels), and we need our guards to run block better.

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I think this will be our most improved unit. Not because of Rbach, but the unit will start to play to its potential. Man Dockery, rabach, Thomas, that looks like a nice interior. And the two slatworth, Samuels, and Jansen make it a really good o-line to be behind. How in the heck are we 16 out of 32, when we have the best personell. I can't wait to earn respect this season.

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If everyone is pretty healthy and they gell quickly[/Quote]

This statement is true of almost every OLine in the league to be good. Especially the healthy part.

I look at the Redskins OLine and think that it should have played a lot better last year than it did. Even without Jansen. I was surprised at how poorly they played at times. I think health is the biggest key when it comes to every position but especially the OLine.

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Originally posted by Tom [Giants fan]

This statement is true of almost every OLine in the league to be good. Especially the healthy part.

I look at the Redskins OLine and think that it should have played a lot better last year than it did. Even without Jansen. I was surprised at how poorly they played at times. I think health is the biggest key when it comes to every position but especially the OLine.

You can't just come over here and make a post without a

slight dig huh Tom:cool:

When we kick your sorry arses twice this season, maybe you will crawl down from your crows nest:gaintsuck

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This article is a pure piece of garbage.

"The Eagles have done well to field a solid line in recent seasons, as the additions of LT Tra Thomas and RG Shawn Andrews have all been successful."

Uhhhhhhh, Andrews hasn't played one full regular season game.

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