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White House stands behind Rove over comments on liberals and terrorism


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A blatently partisan post, but hilarious nonetheless.

Notice how the man says "Liberals", not "Democrats" and yet all the Dems start barking like hurt dogs?

Now tell me how it's the same as Durbin etc etc..............


Democrats: Rove should apologize or resign

Friday, June 24, 2005; Posted: 12:49 p.m. EDT (16:49 GMT)

WASHINGTON (AP) -- A White House official said Friday the administration finds it "somewhat puzzling" that Democrats are demanding presidential adviser Karl Rove's apology or resignation for implying that liberals are soft on terrorism.

"I think Karl was very specific, very accurate, in who he was pointing out," communications director Dan Bartlett said. "It's touched a chord with these Democrats. I'm not sure why."

Congressional Republicans earlier joined the White House in standing solidly behind Rove, saying he shouldn't apologize and that he was outlining a philosophical divide between a president who sought to win the war on terrorism by taking the fight to the enemy and Democrats who questioned that approach.

The controversy, fought out in hearings, floor speeches and news conferences Thursday on Capitol Hill, was the latest of several highly contentious battles that have soured the already highly partisan atmosphere.

Earlier this week Sen. Dick Durbin, D-Illinois, apologized after being hit with a chorus of attacks from Republicans about comments in which he compared detainee treatment at the U.S. military prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, to the actions of Nazis and other repressive regimes.

Rove, the architect behind President Bush's election victories, on Wednesday night told a gathering of the New York Conservative Party that "Liberals saw the savagery of the 9/11 attacks and wanted to prepare indictments and offer therapy and understanding for our attackers." Conservatives, he said, "saw the savagery of 9/11 and the attacks and prepared for war."

He added that groups linked to the Democratic Party made the mistake of calling for "moderation and restraint" after the terrorist attacks.

Bartlett, appearing on morning news shows Friday, said that Rove was referring in his talk to Moveon.org, a liberal group that has been identified with movie producer Michael Moore.

"It's somewhat puzzling why all these Democrats ... who responded forcefully after 9-11, who voted to support President Bush's pursuit of the war on terror, are now rallying to the defense of Moveon.org, this liberal organization who put out a petition in the days after 9/11 and said that we ought not use military force in responding to 9/11," Bartlett said on NBC's "Today" show. "That is who Karl Rove cited in that speech ... There is no need to apologize."

Appearing on CBS's "The Early Show," Bartlett said that Rove was "just pointing out that MoveOn.org is a liberal organization that didn't defend or accept the way that we prosecuted the war in the days after" the September 11, 2001 terror attacks on New York and Washington.

Bartlett told interviewers that he didn't understand why Democrats "are throwing up such a huff."

Sen. Charles Schumer of New York, in a letter to Rove co-signed by Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton and Democratic senators from Connecticut and New Jersey, called the presidential adviser's speech "a slap in the face to the unity that America achieved after September 11, 2001."

White House press secretary Scott McClellan said Thursday there was no reason for Rove to apologize because he was "simply pointing out the different philosophies when it comes to winning the war on terrorism."

"Of course not," McClellan said when asked by reporters whether Bush would ask Rove to apologize.

Democrats said Rove, and his Republican allies, were now trying to change the subject when Democrats, and many Americans, are becoming increasingly critical of the course of the war in Iraq.

For Rove "to try to exploit 9/11 for political purposes once again just shows you how desperate they are," said House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi of California, who in recent days has been the target of Republican attacks for saying that the Iraq war was a "grotesque mistake."

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Folks, this is a label that the entire War Party has been using for about 4 years, now. (It's not true, but it shure sounds good in a sound bite.)

I'm remembering an Eastwood line from High Plains Drifter: "Wonder what took her so long to get mad."

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I find it amusing how the Dems credit Rove with being the architect behind GOP victories.

I have met the man ,and while he is pretty smart,I think the platform has more to do with victory.

Of course it is easier for them to accept losing to a evil GENIUS :laugh:

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Are we now going to pretend that wingnuts don't interchange "liberal" and "democrat"? Sure... If he's going to run his fat mouth he should at least have the balls to back it up. But, I guess he didn't get to be a chickenhawk by having courage.

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A political move by Rove, obviously. He wanted to stir the pot and make sure the right wing of the party is still behind Bush. The Dems have been in the press lately bashing the president. The polls have shown Bush opinion on the war is down. Rove is just trying to gain some of those lost votes back.

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I'll also point out, Rove's response to this wholly unintended controversy is also a dance we've been seeing for decades.

  • Make an inflamatory statement about liberals. (liberals molest children.)
  • Numerous people become outraged.
  • Tell the outraged people you weren't referring to them, just the "whackos".
  • Wait a few days
  • Refer to your opponent as a liberal.
  • Opponent gets outraged.
  • Point out that it's just a simple political label, nothing to get upset about. "Why are you ashamed to admit what you really are?"
  • Rinse, repeat.

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Once again shows how out of touch these guys are. Does he remember what the vote count was on going into Afghanistan to get the guys who actually DID it?

New York City voted about 80% for the "liberal" in the last election. I would love to see that chickenhawk Roverer come down to Ground Zero and spout his crap. He would end up with a broken jaw.

Could all of this just be a small smokescreen to get the public's thoughts off of these numbers?

Zogby. 6/20-22. MoE 3.2% (5/23-25 results)

Bush job ratings

Approve 44 (46)

Disapprove 56 (53)

American Research Group. 6/19-22. MoE 3% (May results)

Bush job ratings

Approve 42 (43)

Disapprove 53 (51)

Bush handling the economy

Approve 37 (37)

Disapprove 59 (57)

Harris Poll. 6/7-12. MoE 3% (4/5-10 results)

Do you favor keeping a large number of U.S. troops in Iraq until there is a stable government there OR bringing most of our troops home in the next year?

Wait for stable govt 33 (40)

Bring home in next year 63 (60)

Do you think the invasion of Iraq strengthened or weakened the war on terrorism?

Strengthened 43 (49)

Weakened 44 (47)

Gallup. 6/16-19. MoE 3% (3/18-20 results)

Do you favor or oppose the U.S. war with Iraq?

Favor 39 (47)

Oppose 59 (47)

It's about time for Rove to move on anyway. This president is now looking more and more the part of a lame duck. Rove has to move on to the next chickenhawk, coke-head draft dodger to turn into Mr. Patriotism / Great Leader in time for the 2006 elections.

It's all part of the new McCarthyism. If you disagree with the president you are obviously a traitor or somehow unpatriotic.

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Originally posted by Larry

I'll also point out, Rove's response to this wholly unintended controversy is also a dance we've been seeing for decades.

  • Make an inflamatory statement about liberals. (liberals molest children.)
  • Numerous people become outraged.
  • Tell the outraged people you weren't referring to them, just the "whackos".
  • Wait a few days
  • Refer to your opponent as a liberal.
  • Opponent gets outraged.
  • Point out that it's just a simple political label, nothing to get upset about. "Why are you ashamed to admit what you really are?"
  • Rinse, repeat.

Unless there's something new, I think I'm the first to point out that he said "Lib" and not "Democrat". Maybe I'm wrong. But where were all these apology demanders last week when Turbin Durbin was comparing our interrigation methods to that of the Nazi's? Hmmmmm.

And you know what the kick of it all is? The man is right. It took me a long time to find it, but I remember right after 9/11 Moveon.org ran a full page ad in the Washington Compost. I haven't found the whole thing, but here's part; It about made me puke

Moveon.org ("Justice, not Terror")

To combat terrorism, we must act in accordance with a high standard that does not disregard the lives of people in other countries.

If we retaliate by bombing Kabul and kill people oppressed by the Taliban dictatorship who have no part in deciding whether terrorists are harbored,

we become like the terrorists we oppose.

We perpetuate the cycle of retribution and recruit more terrorists by creating martyrs.

Please do everything you can to counsel patience as we search for those responsible.

Please ensure that our actions reflect the sanctity of human life everywhere.

Thank you. We've mounted a petition campaign, called "Justice, not Terror", that delivers exactly this message. Please add your voice at: Moveon.org petition

I think we can all agree Moveon is the mouthpiece of the Dems and libes in general, yes?

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Originally posted by Sarge

Unless there's something new, I think I'm the first to point out that he said "Lib" and not "Democrat". Maybe I'm wrong. But where were all these apology demanders last week when Turbin Durbin was comparing our interrigation methods to that of the Nazi's? Hmmmmm.

And you know what the kick of it all is? The man is right. It took me a long time to find it, but I remember right after 9/11 Moveon.org ran a full page ad in the Washington Compost. I haven't found the whole thing, but here's part; It about made me puke

Moveon.org ("Justice, not Terror")

To combat terrorism, we must act in accordance with a high standard that does not disregard the lives of people in other countries.

If we retaliate by bombing Kabul and kill people oppressed by the Taliban dictatorship who have no part in deciding whether terrorists are harbored,

we become like the terrorists we oppose.

We perpetuate the cycle of retribution and recruit more terrorists by creating martyrs.

Please do everything you can to counsel patience as we search for those responsible.

Please ensure that our actions reflect the sanctity of human life everywhere.

Thank you. We've mounted a petition campaign, called "Justice, not Terror", that delivers exactly this message. Please add your voice at: Moveon.org petition

I think we can all agree Moveon is the mouthpiece of the Dems and libes in general, yes?

Do you find your first and last sentences contradictory? You know exactly what he meant so quit your pathetic spinning.

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Originally posted by LC80

Do you find your first and last sentences contradictory? You know exactly what he meant so quit your pathetic spinning.

Not all Dems are liberal. But where was Schumer last week, or Billary for that matter?

Nothing but crickets all last week

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Originally posted by dreamingwolf

Im so glad all you guys are on their side

The Republicans created the us vs them mentality. The term moderate died when the Republicans took over Congress. Because I differ on some views with the administration I am automatically labeled a liberal non-patriot.

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Actually, Sarge, I'll point out that the ad you quoted opposed a token bombing of Kabul, not the removal of the Taliban.

(Aparantly, moveon thought we'd blow up an asparin factory, or something).

(And yes, I think this point illustrates that sometimes invading a country is better than simply bombing it. Bombing would have hurt the civilians a lot more than it hurt the Talliban. Invasion results in more American casualties, but it also accomplishes the mission (removing the Talliban.))

(I'll also point out, our politicians were virtually unanimous in supporting removing the Talliban. It's attacking Iraq that some folks disagree with.)

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bottomline is this is nothing compared to Durbin's comments yet most liberals were quiet when he spouted off last week. while i can understand why someone would take exception to Rove's comments I do not agree with this double standard. if a person from any party compares America to the evils of nazism they need to answer very specifically what their intention is. Roves comments are a merely an afterthought compared to Durbins "naive outrage"

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He was probably based his comment on the history of a certain Democrat when past terrorist acts occured. AKA...Slick Willie not doing anything big when the USS Cole was attacked, or the first WTC bombing. Sure he coulda got Osama, but nahhh.

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Originally posted by MaddogCT

Bush: We must remove Saddam.

Moveon: Remove the Taliban

Bush: I want to free the oppressed people of Iraq.

Moveon: Free the oppressed people of Afganistan.



Bush: We need to Kill terrorists

Moveon: Terrorists need understanding and counseling

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Originally posted by Johnny Punani

Bush: We need to Kill terrorists

Moveon: Terrorists need understanding and counseling

I know it's a stupid question, but you got a source for that statement? (The one you're crediting to moveon.)

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