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Online Communities Now given access to camp? - THN Granted Access To Mini Camp

Dead Money

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Originally posted by Fred Jones

I hope the Redskins grant THN their request and they get some type of access to camp. I think it will benefit the entire online community including this site in the long run. I would also like another perspective about how players are performing during mini-camp.


Not that I can guarantee anything, but I'd bet you that if any fansite is ever granted access, it would be the one with the largest representation of Redskins fans on the planet.

Right now, that is Extremeskins, and there are no others that can come close to our level of activity, discourse, and community.

I'd like to believe that the team is well aware of us Extremeskins fans and may be more than happy to grant us the chance to give you that alternative perspective that you are wanting. Maybe not.

When we know, you all will know too :)

Regardless, we will continue to keep the door open and the lights on for all wayward Redskins fans across the planet looking for a place in etherspace to call 'home'.


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Due to the (formerly) moribund and overall lame nature of the official team site I kept expecting some deal with ES to go down whereby we became the official team fan site or some such.

Given the membership #s, I think some sort of official press access for games/practices etc. would be in order.

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We all know ES is the best board on the net for news, info, and fans opinions on our beloved Skins(or any NFL team for that matter that's why we have so many non-Skins fans as members) so lets not get pushy and start asking for access to practices and such...

ES has begun the task of developing a trusting long term relationship w/the Skins as we have had Q & A's w/Vinny Cerrato, Karl Swanson, and regularly w/Doc Walker...

Undoubtedly the ultimate goal is to have that insider access that the Washington Post and Times have been afforded but we need to continue to prove ourselves as a valid outlet for Skins info...This can be done by adhering to the standards the Mods have set on this board(i.e. well thought out legible posts and responses, and being respectful to other members just to name a few) and in doing this we will gain not only the respect of the Redskins brass but also the trust that the info/access we are given will not be missused...

Let's not forget that w/close to 31,000 members now eyes are on us and we are being monitored by some in the Redskins organization so let's continue to be the best Fan site on the net and all of the perks will follow!


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Hey guys. I write for TheHogs.net.

I spoke to Scott and apparently we have NOT been denied access but the folks at Redskin Park have not made their decision yet. Hopefully we will have access and provide news and content from mini camp but as of now, it seems more uncertain than before.

IMO, for a site to become accredited, the amount of members of the message board makes NO difference.

All that matters is that the staff members handle themselves in a professional and positive manner when they are approaching the team about becoming accredited.

Originally posted by Gfunk703

I just wanted to crush any remaining thought that they may have an exclusive over us. :D

To be specific, we did post the first article regarding Gouveia's desire to return to the Skins. And it was posted 3 weeks before the Post posted theirs last week.


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Thanks for the take, Jake. The Extremeskins Staff wishes only the best for our fellow Redskins fan sites. From our perspective, as it has always been, we all serve the same master---our love for the team and the community of Redskins fans.

We serve those interests as capably as we can, and we're sure you do as well.

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Originally posted by Blade

Guys, what in the world makes you think we DONT have access?

Have you NOT read our interview/chat with Vinny Cerrato and Karl Swanson? Have you not read our interviews with Doc Walker?

Lets be cool about this and applaud THN for earning the trust of those at Redskins Park... but dont mistake this for a snub on Extremeskins either. We are still the ONLY fan site who has had interviews with those who report directly to the Coach and Owner on a daily basis.

When the time comes for us to request access, I'd like to believe that we would be granted the same.

I agree. I met these folks at the Tampa Bay game last year (tailgating across from Jericho) and they are great. I've visited the site a few times. Good for them and hopefully, good for us (news-wise!). Its no slight to extremeskins as far as I see it.

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We saw the Gouveia article. Even linked it in our news section:


We honestly hope THN also gets access to mini-camp and the like because it's great for the fans. One selling point though the team does care about is scope of audience reached. I hope our sites have the opportunity to work together to improve what fans of our team want.

Good luck.


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Based on the announcement made recently by Art regarding minicamps, it really seems as though the organization is making a real effort to reach out to all aspects of the Redskin fan community. I applaud this move and, like most here, feel as if we'll all benefit from having some access to the players/team. It will be interesting to see how this whole thing works out.

Now, if they could just continue that love for the fans by getting rid of corporate tix at games so more diehard Skins fans on the waiting list can get seats - we'd know we have arrived...


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