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Ramsey's future??? How would you feel...


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Obviously there are plenty of Ramsey/Campbell threads, but this is a little different. Let's hypothetically say that we win the SB this year under Ramsey. YAY... Everyone's excited and all, but the sh!t only goes downhill. Next year we lose GW b/c he decides he got what he desires from us and goes to a HC position elsewhere. Remember this is all hypothetical, and the situation doesn't have to exactly match this 8-ball future of mine. Anyways, in 2006-07 we lose some momentum and go about 9-7. Now Ramsey's contract is up, Campbells a big boy now, and Gibbs decides not to resign our beloved QB whom has brought us this SB (hypothetical).

What has this JC situation created for our future, and will it ultimately turn out with loss of respect for the organization by it's fans?

Many fans have become attached to Ramsey as our QB for this decade, so what will become of you fans if he is to leave after bringing us success?

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Straight Up Awful. Im telling you rite now that i couldnt be very confindent that my Coach thinks im ready to be number 1 and the rest of the NFL does, I mean having Brunell start till week 9 alone after our record was flat out garbage then drafting a new "future qb" wouldnt help my confidence either. Being ramsey he is probly one of the most loved players in washington next to Freddy smoot who just left. Im not sure how hes going to rebound from this pressure.

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Exactly, heres a guy who has a rough nfl introduction, plays through it. then, sees his eventual back up get a contract so FAT that brunell's cash advanced signing bonus is worth more than Ramsey's entire contract. Nice, always nice to see your back up get paid eight times more than you. Then the coach says, ok you, you played well, your our starter, but oh, we drafted another kid and he'll get a contract bigger than you too, but enough about your eventual replacement, get back to the film room boy! I mean thats ****ty, thats a raw deal, if ramsey plays well cut brunell, give ramsey his fat contract, and tell campbell the truth, your a back up here because we have a young solid starter, and if you feel ok with that, wed love to have you stay, if you dont well accomodate you to another team

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If Ramsey get us to the Superbowl, you will not cut him. Believe that. Its all going to come down to contract talks. If the club feels like Ramsey asking price is too high they will not re-sign him and let Jason Campbell take over

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Fellas, the jury is out on Ramsey. All he has to do is win.

If he takes us to the SB, he won't get cut because Gibbs will know that he can win. JC becomes trade bait.

I hope this happens, but I'm not sold on Ramsey.

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Ramsey decides his future by how he plays

That simple

If he does very well this season and has a repeat performance in '06, well he will be around for a long time

As Gibbs said, if he is effected by the fact that the FO drafted Campbell, well maybe he is not the guy you want at QB

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Jury may still be out on Ramsey, but Campbell hasnt taken snap #1 in the NFL. I dont think he was first round talent and half of all Qbs taken in the first round end up being busts anyways. If you get a QB that can win a SB you keep him. Look around the league.

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Guys, the Campbell pick is a insurance policy.

Ramsey has 2 years left on his contract. We got some other rookie in camp. Here is my opinion on whats gonna happen. IF we sign the other rookie QB from Richmond, We'll have 4 QB's on the roster. You can say goodbye to Brunell next year. If Ramsey does great, he stays, Brunell is gone, Campbell is a backup, and we have a 3rd string in the wings. If Ramsey does crap, Campbell starts, Ramsey backup's for a year and the other QB is 3rd, and we'll get and then we'll release Ramsey and Campbell will be the future and we'll get another QB. Damn.......I'm getting dizzy for all of these freakin scenarios. HERE IS WHAT I HOPE HAPPENS!!!


:point2sky HTTR!!!:helmet:

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not to be rude or offend any ramsey fans, but I have doubted him for a long time now and it just comes down to playing smart, and playing well. If he doesn't perform well this year then we will release him/trade him and let Jason take over, however we will suffer for another year or two watching Jason develope, or (wishfully) we might not and he comes in and is a beast.

But for Patrick I feel for him, he has the heart and desire to win and succeed and has never given up on our team regardless. He is fearless and full of character, I just wish he could perform a little better. His payday will come if he performs well.

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Originally posted by VAsBeachBoy

Many fans have become attached to Ramsey as our QB for this decade, so what will become of you fans if he is to leave after bringing us success?

I root for the team and the coach much more than any individual player. If Ramsey brings us a Superbowl, great, let's do whatever it takes to keep him. But if he wants to move on, I wish him well, except when he plays the Redskins. I just want the team to win, whether or not it's with Ramsey, Arrington, Taylor, Coles, Bailey, Smoot, or anyone else on board.

For now, Gibbs is the key to this team, not any individual player. because it's a team game and a coach's league, not a player's league.

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I don't think the Campbell pick says anything about Ramsey.

It's a classic Joe Gibbs move. He ALWAYS stables QBs,, not necessarily in round 1, true, but his QBs have a future of about 2-3 years on average.

He had Theismann and acquired Schroeder. Granted, Theismann's injury necessitated Schroeder's starting, but from that point on, he brought in Doug Williams even though Schroeder was proving capable. When Williams became QB, he drafted Rypien, When Rypien came in, he brought along Humphries. Each of his QBs enjoyed success, and each one's replacepment was acquired early in their tenure.

Maybe Theismann's injury scared him into having young Qbs always in rotation and ready to play.

Whatever it is, taking Campbell says no more for Ramsey than Humphries said for Rypien, or Rypien said for Williams. It looks to me to be a standard Gibbs cycle. He moves his Qbs, no matter what success they have.

Also, It is a well known remarkable fact that Gibbs won 3 Super Bowls with 3 different QBs, but it should also be noted that EVERY QB that started for Gibbs played in a championship or a Super Bowl. Schroeder took the Redskins to the Title game in 86 and took the Raiders to the AFC championship in 91.. granted, he was whipped each time, but that isn't the point.

Humphries took the 94 Chargers to the Super Bowl while we sat back and watched Gus.


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Originally posted by Bang

Whatever it is, taking Campbell says no more for Ramsey than Humphries said for Rypien, or Rypien said for Williams. It looks to me to be a standard Gibbs cycle. He moves his Qbs, no matter what success they have.

sliiiightly different, tho, when you make such a huge trade in order to aquire that back-up QB...Humphries was not drafted in the first round, so Rypien didn't have the same pressure from his presence...and Rypien himself was drafted in something like the 6th round, so aquiring him was hardly providing the same pressure to Williams as Campbell could realistically provide to Ramsey. I doubt too many starters get nervous or feel pressure because their team drafted someone in the 6th round at their position. 6th round is called "hopeful depth"...1st round is usually called "eventual starter".

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Originally posted by OldTownFan

Exactly, heres a guy who has a rough nfl introduction, plays through it. then, sees his eventual back up get a contract so FAT that brunell's cash advanced signing bonus is worth more than Ramsey's entire contract. Nice, always nice to see your back up get paid eight times more than you. Then the coach says, ok you, you played well, your our starter, but oh, we drafted another kid and he'll get a contract bigger than you too, but enough about your eventual replacement, get back to the film room boy! I mean thats ****ty, thats a raw deal, if ramsey plays well cut brunell, give ramsey his fat contract, and tell campbell the truth, your a back up here because we have a young solid starter, and if you feel ok with that, wed love to have you stay, if you dont well accomodate you to another team

I think people are reading into this way too much. No one is out to get Ramsey. Patrick Ramsey is Spurriers hand picked QB for his system. Meaning he was picked for his canon arm to throw in a deep pass offense by Steve Spurrier. Joe Gibbs is not sold on Ramsey. Hes willing to give him a chance, but is convinced that Campbell has all of the "little" things needed to lead his offense. I love ramsey as a person and hope he has a wonderful season but the facts are he has never won anything. Not in high school, not in college and for sure hasnt been exposed to it here. He was a good stats guy in college who had an NFL arm. Campbell took a small high school to a state title, led auburn to an undefeated season and BCS win, and is ideal for running the play action boot in Gibbs offense. It's not about what ramsey cant do, its about what campbell can potentially. Ramsey has a tendency of making horrid decisions in big situations. This comes from lack of big game exposure. (ex. Eagles game) I hope just as much as the next man Ramsey can pull it all together, however i definetly see the logic behind the campbell pick.

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You could not be more wrong if you tried, and by the obviously poor attempt to cover your clear bias for a kid who has not won anything at all, and I'm talking about Jason Campbell, you did try.

Did Joe Gibbs call you? Seriously, do you talk to him? have coffee time? How do you know that Ramsey lacks things that Campbell has? Ramsey has everything he needs to be successful, Sony Jurgenson told me this on King Street at dinner one time when I saw him (at the bar with the owners, and his stogie), Joe Theisman told me Ramsey could be a superstar in this league, at Sequia's in Georgetown, and those are two former successful nfl quarterbacks. "little things"....like what...? fill me in here buddy...what little things has Jason Campbell proven to be able to do at an NFL level....before you bite this bare hook, let me give you a clue, he has not played at this level yet...

Ramsey has won in high school, was successful in college, for four years, not one, unlike Campbell, oh, and one more thing Ramsey has won that is very important to note...THE RESPECT OF HIS FOOTBALL TEAM

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Originally posted by SlinginSammy HOF '63

That was pretty much the situation with Rypien. We win the SB in 1991 and he was god. We went 9-7 the following year and he struggled. By 1993 he was ran out of town.

Glad someone notice that, exactly the reason I brought it up. The only difference is I think many people (including myself to an extent) have become attached to Ramsey b/c of the hard work and suffering he has put in for this team to succeed, even though they have not. I was just wondering who would lose a tremendous amount of respect for an organization and coach ,who likes to cycle through QBs, if they drop Ramsey like a bad habit. I don't think anything could make Ramsey become obssessed with love of money (except Postons). Even if he won a SB I don't think he would ask for a huge paycheck. He obviously wants to be here and people want him here...

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If Ramsey wins the SB or even goes to it then we are in the same situation as SD is with Brees and Rivers. Actually I should say we are in a much better situation than them because no matter how you slice it we will not have nearly as much money tied up in Campbell as they have in Rivers. Sooooooooo we start negotiations with Ramsey before the 06 year and continue doing so during the year. Now if he craps out in 06 we can either put the tag on him or offer him a mid-level contract. Again JC is not costing us the farm like Rivers so we can be patient. In addition there is a 3rd choice but very unlikely. Right after the SB we trade Ramsey to a sorry us team for say their #1 and #2 picks if they are picking top 10. Now this would be a good thing to do if Gibbs feels that Ramsey was successful only because our D and the OL played at a top level and JC would have done as good if not better. All in all I say in Gibbs we trust. After all he is the ONLY coach that has proven 4 times (since the hypothetical is Ramsey makes it to the SB) that he can win the big one with a different QB.

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Originally posted by OldTownFan

Ramsey has won in high school, was successful in college, for four years, not one, unlike Campbell, oh, and one more thing Ramsey has won that is very important to note...THE RESPECT OF HIS FOOTBALL TEAM

I get along with my co-workers pretty well, too. Doesn't give me job security. If he does well, he'll have a nice career. He hasn't consistently been able to turn in even above-average performances, though, which is exactly why the team made the move to gain another 1st round pick and get a QB. They're not 100% sold on him, either.

Fans can like whomever they want, but I don't think anyone outside this board will revolt just because Ramsey might turn out to not be the guy.


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Hypothetical or not, Joe Gibbs has shown he can win with more than one guy at QB. Something the majority of successful coaches in the NFL have yet to do.

As for Patrick. He needs to improve immediately to remain Coach Gibbs first choice. :2cents:

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