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Everything posted by FootballZombie

  1. A lot of scripted stuff with predetermined targets. Then they leave room on some plays for stroud to elevate the team and take shots every once in a while. Very QB friendly, and requires high level playcalling to work They don't put the weight of the world on CJs shoulders
  2. Oof. Now I gotta start projecting which QBs have the best physical ability to drop back after taking a snap under center since we don't have a lot in the way of actual example. "Yeah, this guy can throw, but does he have oily hips? Can he swivel his head like an owl? Can he crab walk?!"
  3. He can be as confident as he wants. He also knows full well that a couple well placed injuries to key guys and he'd be S.O.L. Even the best laid plans can be ruined 4 snaps into a season. You can't guarantee success in the NFL. You can guarantee money tho. Practically everybody chases bag.
  4. That's why Carolina being the obviously inferior destination does not mean much in this scenario. It takes a DUDE to walk away from guaranteed generational wealth that is an order of magnitude better than other offers. And on top of that, you can go out and get another job when Tepper cans you in 2 years. Plus it likely wont be a 20 Mil diff. If we offer 4 yrs 11 Mil and Car goes 8 Yr 15 Mil your asking Ben to walk away from 76 Mil to come here... I'd know where I'd be coaching.
  5. Lemme see... I'm gonna step out on a quadruple re-enforced limb and say we take a QB in the first couple picks of the draft. I'm feeling extra bold so I'm gonna say it happens within the first 3 selections...
  6. Poking fun at peeps bringing up various scenarios that have a worse likelyhood of happening then Penix making it thru grade school without name related trauma.
  7. Dude's happiness is just infectious. Came in with a smile, told jokes... dude is just good peoples. Almost impossible to root against a guy like that.
  8. The attention complaint falls on deaf ears. Taylor Swift going to KC games has pulled more attention by itself than any other squad has received. Beyond that SF is great. Purdy is an MVP candidate. Same with CMC. That warrants buzz.
  9. Man jumped up 5 points in my book due to snow experience. lol. Maybe 6 as I'm currently wielding my trusty shovel Excalibur to fight the elements.
  10. Gotta imagine the Eagles would try to package players and picks to move up. Hurts, and some ones for Williams. Maybe AJ too. Dump the cancers on someone else.
  11. I don't like the straight line speed argument for him either. It looks like Daniels has very good wiggle as a runner to me as well. There were plenty of cut ups from when he won the Heisman were his weaving ability and lateral movement is excellent. He seems very good at making guys miss and miss big in open field. If he was in NFL street his "O Moves" rating would be great. What he seems to lack is that protective instinct to finish a run by protecting himself rather than running until he is taken down. You can only bob n weave so long before somebody gets an angle. Lamar is really great at that. You rarely see Lamar get in car crashes not only b/c he is elusive, but b/c when he gets what he can get out of a play, he is more than willing to eat dirt at the end of a run before someone can lay the wood on him. He will even eat dirt in the backfield if he does not see anything there. This is a learnable skill, one Daniels has to acquire, and that will be the difference between a good run and a good run that ends in a car crash.
  12. Its funny how Maye and Daniels get compared so often to Allen and Lamar when the latter two could barely hit the broadside of a barn in college. They are both light-years ahead of those two as college passers. Allen and Lamar were legit horrible accuracy-wise. There is more to it than completion % but Maye and Daniels put up 63% and 72% respectively. Allen and Lamar were 56% and 59% in their final college years. Neither Maye nor Daniels need to have the monstrously uncommon accuracy gains seen from Allen and Lamar to be successful in the NFL, because they are not the garbage tier passers those two were coming into the league. If Maye and Daniels improve just a little, they will be fine. They are starting from a much higher floor, the distance they have to climb is effectively much shorter. If either Maye or Daniels had the passing chops of college Allen or Lamar I wouldn't want to touch either w/ a ten foot poll b/c the odds of them improving to the degree needed to be successful is nearly a statistical impossibility.
  13. Amazing if you could. Otherwise he would be too effective Can't exactly tell Killer to go maul the QB w/o drawing some kind of roughing penalty. .
  14. We got horses in the WR room, that is for sure. EB just could not scheme up a way to let them run. Gonna have to likely replace Samuel now tho. Gonna need a 4.3 guy to keep that WR team speed up.
  15. I am pretty sure ATL had interview requests with both Ben Johnson and Bob Slowik, so Bill B landing there would be very good for us. ATL and LAC both interviewed Harbaugh, and this could open up a stronger pathway to that as well, whih would take the Chargers job off the board.
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