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Number 44

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Everything posted by Number 44

  1. LOL, yeah, the guy is the international spokesman for whiny Giants fans.
  2. Does anybody know for sure how it works? Are we the 4th seed throughout the NFC playoffs, or just for round 1? If it reverts to best record after the first round regardless of division champion status, we would play the Packers no matter what in round 2 if we beat Tampa. If we retain our 4th seed status in rounds beyond the first round, we could even have a home game in round 2 if the wildcard teams win both of the other two first round games, or we could play at Seattle or New Orleans if one of the wildcard teams win. I just really don't know what the format is after round 1.
  3. We know that the Tampa OL will do whatever they can to protect Brady. IMO, it all comes down to whether the officials let them hold with impunity or they throw the flags. If we are given a fair chance to pressure Brady and mount our best defense, we have a chance to win. If not, the guy has plenty of weapons and he is the GOAT. Unfortunately, I don't trust the officials to call the game straight-up.
  4. But wouldn't Mara make sure that the Commish steals draft picks from us for violating the "spirit" of the cap?
  5. Amazing isn't the word that comes to my mind. Can you imagine if teams blatantly held the Giants defenders every play, with zero calls made, what we'd be hearing out of New York?
  6. They really should rename the Comeback Player of the Year Award to the Alex Smith Comeback Player of the Year Award.
  7. I'm not so sure. Perhaps you are right, subjectively, and I might even agree, but the stats don't bear that out. Stats carry a lot of weight in contract negotiations. "My client is better than his stats show" doesn't result in big contracts all that often.
  8. To be clear, are you saying the Chiefs traded an additional first and a third to move up from 27 to 10, or are you saying that it cost them a third to move up those 17 spots?
  9. Yes! I remember when he played. He was a really good player. I was there long before him, though. 🙂
  10. So, no change, then? Correct me if I'm wrong but aren't we already a team that could very well win the NFC East? Man, I'm not necessarily against trading for Stafford, but that sure is a weak argument by that website.
  11. I put little, if any, stock in small sample size comparisons like this. Way too many variables. Opponent. Game script. Game plan. Injuries. Heck, even weather. Not saying you are wrong, just saying your evidence is flimsy.
  12. Damn. Both feet? So, since you really couldn't limp to favor one or the other, what did you do, just kind of waddle? 🙂
  13. I'm no doctor, but a "fractured throat" sounds a lot more serious than "may sit out this week." Holy smokes!
  14. I don't see RR being interested in either Winston or Fitzpatrick. The last thing a team built on defense needs is a QB that will turn the ball over right after our defense has stopped the other team.
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