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Everything posted by CommanderInTheRye

  1. Turned on Sirius NFL radio and almost had an accident. Prayers up for Ron and his family. Do whatever it takes to make a full recovery. Football is a secondary issue.
  2. I guess this is as good a place as any to put this. Emmy nominees came out today. There’s a lot of good stuff ready for streaming. The drama series category in particular is loaded with great shows. The only nominated drama series I can’t recommend is “The Mandalorian” and that’s only because I haven’t seen it yet. A full list of nominees can be found here: https://variety.com/2020/tv/news/emmys-2020-nominations-complete-list-1234715939/
  3. Wow, that chicken parm looks fantastic! Some of the food in this thread looks like it was done by professional chefs for a cooking magazine layout. I eat like a caveman compared to you guys.
  4. But on the bright side they plan to send all season ticket holders a “new from old stock” Albert Haynesworth bobblehead in lieu of a refund.
  5. I know I’m late to the dance on this, but if anyone who likes sci-fi hasn’t watched “The Expanse” yet, take my advice and move it to the top of your queue. I started it yesterday morning and I’m already halfway through season two. So far it just keeps getting better.
  6. @Jumbo, normally I prefer micro-targeted threads. However, given the historic transitional period our team is going through, I think there’s a real benefit to having a smorgasbord type thread that covers a number of related topics in one place.
  7. Fart yes but old? If you say so. lol Based on the tenor and depth of your eloquent response, I think you’re right: Hamilton, is something that you definitely wouldn’t receive any benefit from viewing. (BTW the soaked Depends line was a joke.)
  8. I thought exactly the same thing. Just another learn your lesson in three hours and leave the theater a better man type polemical snooze fest. No way it could possibly live up to even a fraction of the hype. They ‘aint getting a dime of my money. Then it came out on Disney+ and I watched it thinking I’d probably end up switching to something else before long. Afterwards when I picked my jaw up off the floor and changed my fully soaked Depends I watched it a second time. Soon I’ll give it a third go. — Just my experience, ymmv.
  9. His grandma called him that. His grandma just passed. He may come to this forum and read what is said about him on the thread bearing his name. I know I would if I had just signed with a new team. Would you really want him to read what you wrote? Especially now while he is mourning? I know you meant no ill will and it is easy to forget that we are talking about human beings with feelings-- but we are.
  10. Today is the 24th anniversary of Kerri Strug’s amazing vault to win team gold in the ‘96 Olympics. This is my second favorite all time Olympic moment only behind Ali lighting the Olympic flame that same year. You could live a million lifetimes and be hard pressed to have one moment as awe inspiring as this one.
  11. Has their been any announcement about changes to Redskins Nation since Larry Michael resigned? Specifically, will it continue and will Julie Donaldson be the host?
  12. Washington Team Football or WTF also fits perfectly into our fight song with no awkward need for rephrasing (Archer) at all: Hail to the Team Football Hail victory Generic ball players on the war path Fight for old pc!
  13. Agreed. Washington Team Football abbreviated WTF works for me on multiple levels. Hail to the team Dan Snyder has given us. A shining light upon a hill of dung. The virtual paradigm of ineptitude. Hail to the WTFs!!! Snyder finally got it right.
  14. Absolutely love the hire of Terry “Heisenberg” Bateman!!! This organization is now officially “Breaking Bad”. /sarcasm So I google Terry Bateman and do an image search and this is what popped up... https://www.wcjb.com/content/news/Two-Arkansas-chemistry-professors-accused-of-making-meth--565065602.html?ref=602 P.S. Yes, I know it’s not the same Terry Bateman not even Snyder could be that tone deaf... Uh right? 🤔
  15. While reading this something must have gotten in my left eye. There’s an unusual moisture forming there for some reason. 👍
  16. Very astute and level headed Mr Califan. Hats off! And with that I will withdraw from the field for a period and take a self imposed time out to calm down and balance myself.
  17. As I said in different words to another poster if you have the right attorneys and an unlimited supply of money the law becomes a very malleable thing.
  18. OK that's it I'm calling shenanagins! Three possibilities at this point: 1. A burner account likely posting from a yacht somewhere in international waters. 2. Someone doing a bit of trolling at our expense. 3. An escapee from a home for mentally unwell fans of American football. Just kidding of course. 😃
  19. If memory serves the article stated that they asked to interview Larry Michael Wednesday morning. He quit a few hours later. Make of that what you will.
  20. True, unfortunately all too often what should be the law versus what is the law, are like distant cousins that aren't on speaking terms.
  21. Generally true but there is some wiggle room. And that wiggle room can create a gap so big you could send an aircraft carrier through it sideways if you have great attorneys and an unlimited budget. I am not an attorney so I'll quote one: https://www.brodenmickelsen.com/blog/can-you-report-a-sexual-assault-if-you-signed-a-nda#:~:text=Generally speaking%2C no type of,crime is against public policy.&text=However%2C the law is a,the level of criminal behavior.
  22. The article stated that everyone else was under an NDA and although they wanted to speak, Snyder's attorneys wouldn't allow them to. I assume the most juicy tidbits are locked away in some attorney's office never to be heard from again unless the NDAs can be voided.
  23. That is the standard move when you know bad news is coming but not immediately imminent. You leak something much worse and more sensational (Epstein etc.) than what will be reported so that you inoculate the public and desensitize them against the actual reportable facts. Imagine the impact this story would have had if it had been released last week before we had days of wild twitter fueled rumors to grab our imagination. Snyder should give his media consultants a fat bonus check for this successful agit prop campaign.
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