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Everything posted by CommanderInTheRye

  1. If there isn't more that directly implicates Snyder our best hope to rid ourselves of this turd might be if the #MeToo movement gets involved and actively pickets and calls for his removal. If it starts to impact the NFLs image and bottom line something will have to be done.
  2. Bingo! My gut tells me that there's a whole lot more that was investigated but either it couldn't be corroborated, the corroboraters got cold feet (or a sack of dough from Danny) or Snyder's lawyers forced the Post to blink. We'll see if there are additional stories or this is all we get.
  3. A 21st century example of profiles in courage. Where are all the other reporters with years of verified knowledge of the fiendish goings on at Redskins Park? Cowering in fear under their desks or awaiting their reward of access to team news authorized by Snyder, no doubt.
  4. Everything that you say is rational and reasonable and makes good sense to anyone that analyzes the situation and acts accordingly. Snyder, unfortunately is not what I would call a rational player. He is ego driven, narcissistic and fatally insecure. A dangerous combination in a leader of an organization or country for that matter. He will not walk away quietly to do so would fracture his delusional image of himself. He would rather destroy everything that is lined up against him even if it ensures mutal destruction. He will have to be dragged from his perch at Redskins tower. May the football gods have mercy on all of us.
  5. I can do it on my ipad just by copying the link but on my windows 10 laptop I get no joy. So I would like to know how to do this too.
  6. The one inescapable conclusion of today's events-- Snyder "will not go gentle into that good night". With this latest move to get a war time consigliere/attorney on board he is signaling that he's willing to go full Macready against any and all comers be they newspapers, reporters, law enforcement agencies, former employees or even his fellow NFL owners. "Anybody touches me and we ALL go! Heh..heh..heh..." <queue title music for1982s "The Thing">
  7. According to twitter it had something to do with how people were treated during the three stage formal interview process. Apparently everything was fine during stage one— the office interview. Stage two— the informal Ribeye steak dinner had no issues either. It was only during stage three— the formal executive orgy, that Rooney rule violations occurred. African American interviewees were sent to the back of the line where they had to wait while others were serviced first. That is certainly far from what Art Rooney had in mind when he created his policy of inclusion. /s
  8. Snyder’s new Executive Vice President of PR and Image Cleanup. Signed sealed and delivered while he was island hopping in international waters.
  9. the Will we get to see the ending or will we be eating onion rings and listening to Journey when bang— everything suddenly fades to black?
  10. Jerry's best friend is money. I've always suspected that the amity between Jerruh and Danny is somewhat one sided and aspirational. With Snyder playing the naive puppy love smitten suitor. Danny respects and looks up to Jerry. While Jerry thinks Dan is somewhat of a socially awkward but nevertheless useful rube. He chums it up with him Texan style so he always has him in his back pocket if needed. Just my take from afar.
  11. I think generally you are correct but on something like this there may be no clear consensus among the owners. It may be like herding cats but if anyone is in position to sway wavering owners to one side or the other it's him.
  12. Depending upon what actually is in the final story we may end up in a position where Goodell is the only person that can save our franchise. His reaction will be everything. Does he back Danny or does he organize the other owners behind an effort to cleanse our team once and for all from the taint of Snyder's stewardship.
  13. We have been so desensitized by the insanity and chaos that pervades our team that the absurdity of this statement has lost some of it's impact: Front office and team personnel ****ing media members in exchange for scoops and leaks. I honestly don't know who this puts in a worse light; the media members willing to prostitute themselves for a simple story or the players willing to give up valuable team info for a quickie. Sheesh.
  14. The Washington Post Sports desk where everyone is working feverishly to complete this article... Bezos spares no expense to make sure his people have the best tech available from quick flip Rolodexes to double ribbon typewriters.
  15. Since we all know we aren’t getting much if any sleep tonight we should remember to check the Post website every 20 mins or so in case they drop the story before 4am. XXXXXX Paying off refs and we still don’t get calls AND we only win 3 games!!??
  16. When they raid a disorderly house everyone gets a free ride downtown. Everyone’s fair game whether they actively participated, knew about it, just lived there, passing by, delivering pizza or owned the damn place. They SHOULD have known better. Ignorance may be a state of knowledge but it’s definitely not a defense.
  17. Honestly, I wouldn’t blame him at all but I think he’s the kind of man that would see this as a supreme challenge and he wouldn’t want to leave his players or coaches to fight this alone.
  18. It was in a Washington Post article about the name change two Saturday’s ago and expanded in a few different sources after that. They said that Snyder had essentially been an absentee owner the past few months. He had been cruising on his yacht while Rivera was left running both football operations and the business side in his absence. The main contact Snyder had with anyone at the park was through his daily phone calls to Rivera. I don’t think he was in direct contact with the minority owners either. Clearly that makes sense now.
  19. If ANYONE did ANYTHING to a minor they are dead to me and I hope they get hit with everything the law has to offer.
  20. This aint funny no more. Snyder is gonna stay on that boat. He can’t be arrested in international seas. Bruce Allen done got him good.
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