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Everything posted by CommanderInTheRye

  1. Story I just read on twitter was slightly different. They were all in Gruden’s hotel room the night before a road game. Gruden and Kapri planned to take turns. Kapri went first while Gruden watched and smoked a blunt. When Gruden was ready to tag in Kapri asked Gruden to get some ice from the ground floor first. When Gruden came back they had ditched him. Next day Gruden made him inactive. /s
  2. Has Snyder even been seen in public recently? Correct me if I’m off but the last I heard is that he has been on his yacht cruising the world while Rivera has been dealing with virtually all Redskins matters. I know this sounds crazy but given the hints we keep hearing is it possible that Snyder is intentionally staying in international waters to avoid being taken into custody?
  3. Holy ****ing ****! How the hell am I gonna sleep tonight!!?? After all this buildup we either get news that is the 21st century equivalent of the Titanic sinking or I am gonna cry foul.
  4. So it was a well known tagline that essentially means— you is fast! Gotchya. I was completely out in left field on my interpretation. You must have thought I was crazy. That’s what I get for not being a b-ball fan. lol Anyways, I think I’m still going to hold onto the “little girl talking” visual just for entertainment value alone. Cheers!
  5. I’ll see your sexual harassment and raise your “toxic maculinity” to “Immaculate toxicity” and put an additional 5,000 token side bet on some kind of Illuminati conection.
  6. Apropos of nothing: Been wanting to say this for a long time— If there was an award for the most unique name on this forum you would get my vote. Every time I read one of your posts I chuckle because an image immediately pops in my mind of a terrified five year old girl, hiding behind her mother, grabbing her dress and pointing a trembling hand while uttering, “Momma there goes that man!”. lol Maybe that interpretation works like a Rorschach test and reveals more about me than you but anything that vividly spurs the imagination is always welcome.
  7. I don’t know if this is good or bad but according to a guy on twitter with 13 followers a fleet of Mayflower trucks just pulled up to Redskins er make that “Washington football team park”. Snyder’s apparently barking out orders to get everything loaded up so they can peel out before midnight. /s
  8. I bet the secret goings on at Dans yacht (once he gets into international waters where anything goes) makes Smoot’s love boat orgy look like a Catholic elementary school dance.
  9. Hey, no harm meant. I was just pulling your leg on the burner account thing but my attempts at humor are very hit and miss. So you have good standing to oppose me on those grounds alone. On a more general vein you have a right to your opinion and I respect that right it even if I disagree— which in this case I do.
  10. Yeah twitter is full of ****. Here’s a guy with 500 followers that claims indirect knowledge of a Snyder-Epstein connection. There is NO WAY they could have kept a lid on a story that explosive for 5 days. *Mod Edit* https://twitter.com/passportabuser/status/1283485222395314177?s=21
  11. Anybody else listening to 980 WTEM right now. They are doing more wild speculation on this thing than we are.
  12. What if Bruce has turned states evidence (always wanted to use that phrase) and is singing like a canary to the coppers!?!? Cop: Talk or do we need to start hitting you with the yellow pages again? Bruce: Can't take no more. You got me copper. It was that weasel Snyder. He put us all up to it. All the wicked evil things that run through his mind. I’ll tell you everything that went down. Names, dates, payoffs, bribes you name it. I got photos, taped conversations, videos of their perversions and its all documented and hidden away where only I can get to it. Cops: Let’s go get it. Bruce: First I want complete immunity and a new identity in the witness protection program. Cops. Done deal from now on you work in the circus cleaning up behind the elephants and you go by the name JoJo the clown. Let’s move!
  13. Nor am I. What can we really say about someone that we only know from the image we view on tv? There are too many degrees of seoeration between us for me to be surprised by anything they do.
  14. Snyder is off somewhere in the south pacific sword in hand commanding his yacht. Complete Radio silence, scanning the open sea for torpedoes, and pushing F10 every few minutes on the Washington Post website.
  15. I would be in favor of holding my nose and making Bruce Allen the first inductee at Bezos’s Amazon Prime stadium if he helps us get rid of Snyder. Sometimes it takes a thief to catch a thief.
  16. On a side note the question of RedWolves vs Warriors just got relegated to page 10 under the fold. Getting me some popcorn and waiting for the Washington Post article....
  17. 980 WTEM is speculating right now that Bruce Allen may be responsible for leaking damning information on Snyder with the goal of facilitating an ownership change. Payback? XXXXXXXX Also:
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