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Bozo the kKklown

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Everything posted by Bozo the kKklown

  1. The Warriors have zero respect for them. When Kerr put Klay and Steph out at the beginning of the 4th, it was a sign that they were going to try and finish the series in Portland. Draymond these playoffs. If they awarded a Conn Smyth trophy in the NBA, it would be him.
  2. It’s a statement made by people who were failed by their US civics teachers.
  3. Of course not. They just vote for legislators cut school funding, welfare laws, make it harder to get food stamps and public housing and make healthcare difficult to receive and make life harder for that child. But I am sure if they saw the little child, they would pat them on their belly and give them a dollar. Well if we are the most powerful nation in the world yet cannot have the lowest infant mortality rate, then that says we aren't doing enough to make sure that child is successful.
  4. Is that why people are aborting at seven months? There isn't much research on it, but Ive seen stuff range from issues the baby was having during gestation, not being able to access abortions earlier in the pregnancy (cost, logistics, state laws, etc), or life-threatening situations for the women carrying the child. And its a small number of cases. I am not sure how often it is "I have been pregnant for seven months, but I have finally decided I do not want this kid." And even on the chances that is the case, and? right, and those babies who can't sustain themselves outside of the womb may have to be put to rest as well. Maybe the family cannot afford the healthcare costs that will nurse that child to good health. Maybe that family can't afford the lifetime of healthcare costs that child will have because of this period. Maybe, its whatever. IDK. My point is that they aren't dissimilar but many people are more concerned with the baby during gestation than after they are out the womb. That's fine, but infant mortality in the US is about 6 deaths per 1,000 births. That puts us in the company with Poland, Serbia, and Gilbratar. That's a fact.
  5. I guess, but those kids may have to die too. It’s fine when they are a day from the womb, but not before? If anything, infant mortality is pretty high in America for developed nations. We don’t do nearly enough to make having a child worthwhile to be focusing on the thing in a woman’s womb.
  6. Parent(s) have to make a life or death decision regarding that too.
  7. I dont think Ferry is a racist, and the context of his statement wasn't awful. I just don't think he is that good of a GM. Troy Weaver would be the guy I'd want.
  8. Arya “discovering” the Americas. What an awful finale for an awful season.
  9. Pass this but dont touch impeachment. The 2019 Democratic Party.
  10. I think you are moving elsewhere. I readily admit PG is a better talent than Iggy. Its not a debate who the better scorer is either. My point is Iggy knows how to play the game better than those many of the best players in the league. As in he knows where to be on the court offensively, where to help his teammates on the defensive end, etc. He makes the right passes, etc.
  11. Gym Jordan doesn't care, and neither does the GOP.
  12. Paul George's handle isnt as good as Iggy's imo and he isnt a playmaker. The biggest thing is PG doesn't have an IQ as high as Iggy's.
  13. The point I am making is that he shoudl never have been the first or second guy. Iggy did this in Denver as well and would have done this in Philly with better talent around him. I actually don't buy the "Warriors are all superstars" narrative. The Warriors bench this season was worse than past years and they struggled in the Clippers series. Its really been since KD got injured that they turned it around. What I do buy is that this is easily the best coached and most intelligent team we have seen in a long time.
  14. I don't think PG has the handles or playmaking ability to do it. And tbf, Iggy was doing this in Philly and Denver, both had less talent than this Warriors team.
  15. Of course it does, but do you think those other guys can do what Iggy does in the same position? Be a playmaker, set an offense, be a great passer, move without the ball, and play great perimeter defense?
  16. he has been a monster all playoff Iggy is one of the best basketball players of all time. I would rather have him on my team than a lot of people like Westbrook, George, Kyrie, etc. He just knows how to play basketball.
  17. Tbf, he didn’t goto HS with LeBron... he wrote articles about a high school LeBron. They went to the same high school but didn’t attend at the same time.
  18. My favorite thing about Brian Windhorst is that he was apoplectic when Lebron went to Miami. Wrote an article about how he turned his back on Ohio and how he was personally hurt by it.... only to join ESPN as the Lebron follower in Miami.
  19. it applies to this thread too since its what happened.
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