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Bozo the kKklown

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Everything posted by Bozo the kKklown

  1. They consider the sanctions an act of aggression, which if you look at the history of US foreign policy, it usually is.
  2. They are when they get to America, which reverses the 40 some odd years of policy we had in place and violates international law. https://www.aclu.org/blog/immigrants-rights/trump-administration-illegally-forcing-asylum-seekers-out-united-states
  3. He wants people to seek asylum in Mexico. https://time.com/5604991/donald-trump-migrants-asylum/ https://www.washingtonpost.com/immigration/as-trump-administration-pushes-to-return-more-migrants-to-mexico-legal-battle-over-policy-intensifies/2019/06/20/a486829a-92b7-11e9-b570-6416efdc0803_story.html?utm_term=.aa95a3ef4e67
  4. They been planning for war since we told them to kick rocks after they helped us in the Afghanistan war. The biggest thing isnt even the terror attacks. They would destroy the Kuwaiti and Saudi oil fields. They would destroy the world's economy along with the attacks. And its a ground war we cannot win. Its insane.
  5. It's based on that guy's source, but it doesn't sound out the box with Trump.
  6. tho he recently said he doesn't think we should goto war with Iran, he is also a Iran hawk https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2016/12/james-mattis-iran-secretary-of-defense-214500
  7. There is no definition of a concentration camp where you have to round people up. Even then, these people are being denied the right to apply for asylum here in the US. Why even point this out? She quoted an article and called it a concentration camp. The article actually pointed it out. That is not on her, but people not really being on it. There are folks in this thread who are attempting to conflate them. Larry's distinction is hogwash. I'm sorry, it just is. This is about humanity. You do not need to round people up to have a concentration camp like he suggested.
  8. You don't need to make a distinction when they are two separate terms. It's like saying the number one is after number two. Conservatives who are upset at the use of the word don't live in reality or are deliberately obfuscating from what is happening.
  9. That's the first problem. Auschwitz was an extermination camp, but Germany had a bunch of concentration camps around the country as well. Internment Camp and Concentration Camp are used interchangeably. There isn't a difference. That is what AOC meant. And a bunch of scholars on that time period have been calling what the US is doing at the Southern border concentration camps. They've been using that term for months. AOC is just the first high profile person to use it. She did it on purpose to have a concentration and because of it is right. Americans like to sanitize the past and we need to stop that. We had concentration camps in this country before and we are doing it again.
  10. You said it was sloppy because of the image it evokes in people. I get that the word should be a small part of the convo around whats happening at the Southern Border, but I think her using Concentration Camp was deliberate for bringing up the WWII world.
  11. there is a theory that he never authorized the strikes and this is just the White House owning the media again.
  12. Why was it sloppy when that is what is happening at the Southern Border? The point was to bring up that memory of WWII and what the concentration camps in the US and Germany and hope it appeals to peoples morals. It backfired because the right and corporate media have shown they have no morals.
  13. I really want to believe this but the concentration camps are out of the 1939-45 playbook. Thanks for sharing and your optimism, but this world effed over my generation and has always effed over people that look like me.
  14. Mehdi Hasan's latest podcast on Iran where he interviews Colonel Lawrence Wilkerson, Colin Powell's former chief of staff when he was Secretary of State. They discuss the media and political parallels between the Iraq War and what's currently happening in Iran. Basically, we are doing it again. https://theintercept.com/2019/06/20/iran-crisis-have-we-learned-nothing-from-the-iraq-war/ https://megaphone.link/FLM3841213137
  15. Its that and he has zero motor. He doesn't seem to care about bball. Saying that, I would take dude in the 2nd round no question.
  16. I wouldn't. I would just let the Mahinmi contract end and have the cap space.
  17. Any war with Iran would be a quagmire on the ground and it would destroy the world's economy as they would retaliate by destroying Saudi Arabia.
  18. We have a Concentration Camp on the southern border and Dems are scared to call for hearings on impeachment. This country is so finished.
  19. And waging a genocide in Yemen (although that was also Obama)
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