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Everything posted by Simmsy

  1. If I can see the DNA moving around in my food...it's raw. "Pittsburgh Rare" is basically still alive. The chef is paid to cook, let'em cook. Alright, I'm moving this to the steak thread.
  2. You people and steak are ridiculous. I like my well done, but I don't get that at a restaurant, I go med well. I think its funny that so many of you get up, get dressed, drive out to a restaurant and pay full price for a raw steak, uncooked steak. I've worked in a restaurant, seen every crazy food combo there is, but people get weird over steaks. Sorry, I'm like 75 pages behind, I've got a ways to catch up in this thread.
  3. This is why some kids end up taking guns to school and "solving" the problem themselves. Not only did the school not punish the bully or stop the bullying, but now the mother of the victim is in trouble because of the school's lack of action. Funny how it seems that is when a school wants to step in, just to do the wrong thing all over again.
  4. I came up with the slogan that even a "moldy, rotten, half eaten potato is better than Trump" four years ago. I guess I have to bust out the ol' tater t-shirts again.
  5. I was waiting for you guys to add this detail to Ken Buck leaving, haven't seen this mentioned much. It looks like Lauren Boebert might be out before she ever gets in...
  6. Republican voters don't even know what they find so repugnant about the democratic platform. They don't know anything, about why they feel about anything. Half of what they believe about Democrats are lies or conspiracy theories anyways. Haha! How do you convince someone you don't eat babies? No, I don't have any evidence that I didn't try to sell an army of furries to China. However, they USED to vote. They don't vote for the party anymore, they vote for Trump. It used to be that Republicans would line up behind any candidate and vote for them because it was for the good of the party. Vote for the party, not for the person. They're not like that anymore, they're all about the person. The person who is one of the most unpopular presidents in history, the person who turns out record voters against him out of pure hate. A guy who hasn't won ANYTHING since 2016, when we all slept on this guy and thought we had it in the bag Hillary. The Democrats are now the "vote for the party, not for the person" party. It was a hard lesson after 2016, but it was a well learned one. This is the same guy who has also told his own people not to vote, not to vote by mail, the election is rigged, etc. I'm not going to say that is a reason why he loses, but I'm sure it isn't helpful. I don't think we need to understand these people anymore, I think we're trying to give them the benefit of the doubt. We're afraid to call them what they really are...
  7. Because he's a fool. I've worked for a boss who would go into a rage at any sign of bad news. Anytime something went wrong, anything there was a problem, it was never about fixing the problem. The first act was to always find out who did it, so they could be yelled at or humiliated in front of everyone. All this did was cause a huge turnover rate, the people that stayed would just hide, lie or ignore any problems and not bring them to the attention of the boss. This is how Trump's orbit operates, he'll walk into a buzzsaw and his people will let him do it.
  8. They'll die and over time, something viable will be born from the ashes. However, its going to be awhile until they die and purge all the cancer, we've got time to run over them. Everyone says we need two parties: 1. We need At LEAST two parties. 2. We don't need another party that is only dead weight, the GOP offers NOTHING to this country. They can feel free to die, they've earned it.
  9. Pretty sad that the DOJ has to be pressured to do it's job, Merrick Garland sucks. I couldn't imagine this cowardly fence straggler on the SCOTUS.
  10. I only really started to follow the off season a couple of years ago, I've told myself not to get too excited this time around. I guess this is the trap I shall fall into every year.
  11. That or the GOP will just take credit for the success of said legislation while doing everything to stop it from ever happening.
  12. If you buy Immortals of Aveum - Deluxe Edition on Xbox and you have Game Pass Ultimate, you can pick this up for $8. I've had this on my wishlist, but it was more out of curiosity. However, for $8, I'm more than willing to give it a try. https://www.xbox.com/en-us/games/store/immortals-of-aveum-deluxe-edition/9nhknm0zvg66
  13. C'mon, dude. Doesn't thinking about me, thinking about you while I touch myself fulfill all of your life needs? Why are you so shallow?
  14. Whew! Well, since I'm not racist, let me tell you what I REALLY think about K-Pop stars...
  15. Sifu: I bought this game and it goes against what I usually like. A beat'em up, rogue-like...game. I hate games that make you memorize move sets like a fighting game, I don't play game enough to remember sets like that, I wouldn't want to anyways. I also found the game to be rage inducing, it felt like my character wasn't performing the moves that I wanted. This game does look cool and I got it for $15, definitely a beat it in a couple of days and delete kind of game. I would recommend for $15. Ed-0: Zombie Uprising: This game caught my eye, but it was hard to find any actual info on what the game actually is and how it plays. If you've ever played the old Shiren the Wanderer games (I ****ing hate those games) Ed-0 is that game in real time and 3D. Its basically another rogue like, but with zombies. Go a far as you can until you die, level up, try again and see how far you get. The reviews I've seen do a terrible job portraying what the game really is, so watch this trailer instead.
  16. You know, I've been saying for a while that Dems don't push the successes of their legislation. Put Biden's record against Trump and he should clearly win, right? Forget all that, the average American knows nothing about policy, so lets focus on what most morons can distinguish. Just state that Biden is an all around better person than Trump. Sure, Trump's fans love his abrasiveness, but most people don't. Just show them side by side, most common people don't want the common asshole as a president.
  17. Yeah, that happens. No level cap though, feel free to just put your new points into that skill. I only regret not playing on a hard difficulty, I still die in the game, just wish it was harder.
  18. As someone who has remodeled kitchens/bathrooms, I don't get the white style kitchen or bathroom. Why make every stain and pube clearly visible to the naked eye?
  19. I shouldn't do this, but you guys must see the responses on a conservative message board, all about Katie Britt, of course...
  20. I checked back in...we need to find a way to nominate this **** for a Razzie.
  21. Yeah, I couldn't watch but a minute of it. Such a bad, fake acting job. I want to hear the panel make fun of her though...
  22. Ok, I have to go cook, but I think we all get the gist of it. I actually hope Trump sees this and thinks Biden blew it, lets have a debate, Donnie!
  23. All that screaming and no one has any idea what the dude was talking about. I've always felt good.
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