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Everything posted by Simmsy

  1. I don't feel like this is going to go anywhere, so I'm going to say one more thing and let it die. A while back I came across a reddit thread that asked people to share little life tidbits to live by and there is one that always stuck with me: "Don't point out someone's short comings unless they can be fixed in five minutes". Basically, if you see someone with lipstick on their teeth, let them know so they can go to the bathroom and fix. However, if someone has, ugly, jagged, yellow teeth...keep your ****ing mouth shut. So, I get why the GOP and their media would want to trash Biden, but what does Meet the Press and Jon Stewart get out of this? What is the end game? They say Trump is worse, he can't be elected, yet they have no problem hammering Biden over his age that hasn't been a problem. Last I checked, he wasn't the one throwing ketchup and ****ting himself. Its not like Biden's staff is treating him like Trump's staff treated him, giving him fake papers to make himself feel important and busy. Anyways, Biden isn't getting any younger. Does that mean everyday, as he gets older, they're just going to bash him more and more for being older? Also, I can't remember the last time a narrative was pushed that you can't vote for someone because their VP might take over. Why give the GOP all of this ammo for no reason? So we can make sure we do lose? The Dems would be stupid to push this narrative, Newsome did it the right way. Whenever this is brought up, strike it down as bull****. Just because the country doesn't pay enough attention to see Biden out and about everyday, doesn't mean he isn't active and definitely doesn't make him the worse of the two candidates.
  2. The something there was just talk, the same thing everyone always says when an old person runs for office, this is different. This is being fed by the media and its not his age they're focusing on here. They're focusing on his mental capacity, he's shown nothing that says he's senile or anything of the sort. Its also extremely one sided seeing as how Biden is only a couple of years older and much more fit mentally and physically. If Biden's age is the hill people want to die on for not voting him (I'm not saying your mom feels that way)...I'm sorry, but that is just wrong. I don't like that he's old either, but the other thing that bothers me about that is I don't feel that someone twice my age can connect with what my generation is going thru and needs right now. Never have I once thought he was too old to actually do the job or do it competently.
  3. People are concerned because they're being forced to be concerned. They have a partisan prosecutor going out of his way to say Biden is basically a doddering vegetable. You have news outlets saying he's decrepit (dude actually works out), yet comparing him to Trump, they want to portray that lard ass as a vigorous 25 year old. Biden is mixing up names, realizing it, correcting it, acknowledging it. Trump is saying the wind is killing all the whales, water breaks magnets and there are people coming here from made up countries, using made up languages (???). Don't get me started on Jon Stewart or Bill Maher, Maher has been a shell of his former self for a while, don't know why Stewart came back just to say that. I disagree, their concerns are stupid. Its stupid because it ISN'T an issue, going out of your way to make it one doesn't make it an issue. The fact that they point to Biden as someone who shuffles around in a diaper, while calling the other guy "energetic"...the one who ACTUALLY shuffles around and ****s his pants is disingenuous. This is a false narrative and shouldn't be entertained and definitely not in such a one sided manor. I can't take it seriously.
  4. So, legally, can ANY woman be pregnant at ANY time?
  5. Haha! Did you also know that if you put food in a big enough bowl it will always float in the tub?
  6. Years ago, there was a PS4 exploit that bricked PS4s. Sony initially did nothing and then released a statement of "Just don't do that thing that may brick your system". People who bought a PS4 were livid and at that point, I swore I would never be a victim of Sony's customer service. As some of you may know, Dead Island 2 had a free 4 day demo. I got it played, went out of town, came back and it expired (couldn't play the download anymore). So, I deleted it, saw that it was on Gamepass, got confused, downloaded it again to see if it would work or was some type of glitch. It didn't work, so I used my points to buy the game. Turns out, the game WAS added to Gamepass and it was a shadow drop. Obviously, I just bought the game with my hard earned MS reward points so I wasn't happy about this change. While hitting my bong in the bathtub, I sent a refund request. I didn't expect to get my points back, but I had to at least try. I sent the request and I got an automated email saying they would get back to me in 72 hours. In 15 minutes, I had my refund, no problem. This is why I stick with Xbox, they're not in first place so they can't **** on their customers like Sony. Microsoft has fixed any problem I've ever had and compensated me with extra for the inconvience.
  7. I've heard of "black face", but "black ass"? Anyways, I'd still hit it...and I am black...and very shallow.
  8. New mural honors the Richmond 34's place in civil rights history My Aunt was one of the 34, she couldn't make it because she lives in MA, she told my brother and I about it, but it was too late.
  9. The only other souls like that I was able to get down on (and finish) was The Surge, didn't like the sequel as much, but I wouldn't be against trying it again. Roguelike or roguelikes are pretty much what purebeast described, the term is so simple, yet so vague that it casts a wide net. However, the basic formula is the same, go as far as you can until you die, start over again. These games don't look like much, but become super addictive. If you have Gamepass, I recommend trying Brotato (more like Vampire Survivor) and Dead Cells is always a good bet (more platforming). Gamepass has a lot, if you have access to that, go try some out there, risk free. Alright, so it was between Cyberpunk: Phantom Liberty or Dead Island 2...so I have DI2. Sorry, CP2077. You're next, I promise.
  10. Haley sides with Alabama Supreme Court on IVF ruling: ‘Embryos, to me, are babies’ Why is Nikki Haley so useless? Do her opinion on anything matter on this point? I was going to post this and then say "How long until this dumbass starts walking this back?". Immediately, she walked it back immediately...but not far enough to please anyone...so why say anything at all?
  11. Cyberpunk 2077 DLC is $30, but I heard it was top notch, it was on sale for $25 last week. I should've gotten it then. I have no interest in Elden Ring or anymore souls like games, they're all pretty much the same and I'm over it. I've heard Armor Core was excellent, but isn't a full on souls like, so I might try that instead.
  12. There might still be a free play going on, I'm out of town until tomorrow so I can't check to see if mine is still active. Here is a video on the F.L.E.S.H. system.
  13. I don't get the hate for the game, especially from people who loved Skyrim/Fallout 4 (I didn't love those). I'm sure there will be a mod later, but I wish they had put in an option to play as a classic RPG. As in, you pick your character (merc, trader, researcher, pirate, etc) and you play as that. So after spending some time with Dead Island 2, I must say that if you enjoyed the first game (I adored it), this is a must buy. I've put about 12 hours into the (I play videogames very slowly), so I don't know how long it is, but I enjoy it. I find it funny that after the first Dead Island, everyone looked down on it and thought if Dying Light as the essential upgrade. I hate Dying Light, Dead Island 2 does everything Dead Island and Dying Light tried to do better than either game combined. First of all, there is so many ways to kill zombies that it never gets old! Electrocute, burn, melt in acid, bludgeon, slice and my personal favorite: jump kicking zombies into, off of and out of things. When you kick a zombie out of a second story window, just to see them smash on a car below and destroy the winshield...wish I had clipped that one. Dying Light took everything and gave it a serious tone, zapped the fun out of the game. Dead Island 2 puts fun first and it is a fun game, you will also die. The game isn't hard, but its really easy for two or three zombies to get out of hand, especially since enemies scale with you. I've also had a lot of fun with Dead Island 2's F.L.E.S.H. System which allows you to knock off pieces of zombies while you damage and kill them. You'll see heads come off, brains come out, I punched a zombie until his eyes were dangling out of his head, this alone will provide you with ample entertainment. Although I loved this prequel, this isn't the kind of game I play anymore, but this game has taken up a lot of my weekend. This is a must play, coming from someone who doesn't like horror games (this is more tongue and cheek) or action/melee games like this one.
  14. Haha! Pop the pins out, should be an easy fix. I once put a door on upside down, happens to the best of us.
  15. Yeah, thats why I don't like to tell people about my three foot penis. I'm not lying, ok? My girlfriend will vouch for me...but she lives in Canada...
  16. The name of the "informant" is Alexander Smirnov, I just wanted to know who was stupid enough to lie, under oath, about a sitting president on the behalf of Donald Trump.
  17. You talking about Baldur's Gate 3? Also, Dead Island 2 has a free trial until Monday on Xbox. I absolutely adored the first one and put WAAAYYY too many hours into that damn. Been playing the new one for an hour and I love it, I might have to put this down and wait until it goes back on sale and use my points (it was just on sale last week, should've gotten it then).
  18. I shouldn't body shame (Santos is a piece of ****), but dude has a front butt. I didn't know he was so fat.
  19. Dems won the seat, guess the GOP had to push that one thru tonight?
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