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Everything posted by Simmsy

  1. It doesn't look good, but I don't think this is bad. Dark Brandon is about to be released! Now, I'm not going to make excuses for Biden's memory or lack thereof, but dude was accused of being senile and not knowing when his son died...he's pissed. When dumbass Doocy asked him the question at the White House presser, Joe was clearly upset and I can see that it flustered him then and afterwards. Obviously, none of this is a good look, but I think its what the party needed. Biden isn't mad about the accusation of his memory, he's pissed that they're using his dead son, whether he actually forgot or not. The GOP and Fox have been pushing the senile Biden narrative well before this moment, probably as soon as they realized Trump is a moron. The good news is that Trump will use this, he will use Biden's dead son as a weapon and it will absolutely backfire like it did before. You guys wanted to light a fire under Biden's ass, well, here is your flamethrower. Let the campaign begin!
  2. I love JankyRondo, I highly recommend watching his reaction videos to our game highlights. I especially recommend the one from last year where we punked the Eagles.
  3. I know Biden never would, but if he were to go after the SC, I would go after "Robert's Legacy". I would tell the American people to look at the damage and corruption the chief justice had allowed to fester on his watch. Force Americans to look and really think about all of the terrible, hurtful and unpopular decisions they've forced upon this country. Maybe Gavin will take it on? We should go to the Qanon board and float a conspiracy that if Trump goes to jail, his VP will pardon and reinstate him as president. That might be his actual plan now that I think about it, now I know who he'll pick as his VP.
  4. I wouldn't be surprised by a leak. Our next president needs to take on the SCOTUS directly, call it corrupt and say it needs to be reformed. Better yet, I don't remember the SC having this much power...just ignore them.
  5. I liked the Outer Worlds too, but the game didn't hold my attention for very long. I played the game on hard, got my ass kicked on the very first shootout. I changed the difficulty back to normal, got past that one part and then permanently turned the difficulty back to hard. The was the ONLY difficulty I had with the game, its stupidly easy. Once you add in you perks, modded weapons and companions and the game is a breeze. It also doesn't help that the game isn't deep at all, in any category. My biggest gripe wit the game were the long load times and the quests that made you hop around and deal with those load times. Sounds like I hated the game, but I actually enjoyed my time with it.
  6. Haley being his Veep doesn't help either one of them, they may be the only political duo in history that is actually weaker when they join forces. Honestly, I had hoped that she would stick around a bit longer and throw more jabs for us.
  7. I was just thinking that we were going to get Youngkin out of here with minimal damage, guess I was wrong.
  8. I'll take your word for it, I've never had an Xbox at launch...I don't think I've ever had any system at launch. I love Starfield, one of my favorite pick up and play games of this generation. My advice, just play the game how you want, don't feel the need to do any quests or go in a certain direction. I've put well over 100 hours into it and I I haven't even visited two of the bigger areas that I know about. As for ship combat, I got my ass kicked too. Put some skill points into ship combat and upgrade your ship at port. Also, treat your ships like hermit shell crabs, always look for a better one. Whether you steal it, "find it" or buy it.
  9. I do expect them to work, at least from an Xbox prospective, they've always done that. They haven't been like Nintendo or Sony where they shut a network down when a system becomes outdated or fails. Microsoft only has the Xbox store, if that goes, everything goes. I understand what you're trying to say, but it isn't quite the same. Besides, that isn't really the important part, I don't get why everyone thinks Microsoft is hurting financially and has to take this action. They do not. Thats why I can't see them giving all or even most of their big "exclusives" to Sony, it will kill the Xbox brand and the console. No one is going to fully support a console that company making it doesn't even have faith in. I like my Xbox, but I'm not a fanboy. I'll cash out and go the PC route, I actually miss being able to test out a game before I buy it anyways.
  10. I use cloud gaming, brats are downstairs using it as I type this. it is the future of gaming, but not for a long time, I would say that even a decade is being generous. It limits too much of what you can play, when and where. Also, if there is no console, what happens to all of the games I bought digitally? I won't be able to stream those (its only Gamepass) and if there is no console, how can I download them to play them? Gamepass makes MS a lot of money, but not enough to make this kind of turn this quickly. I'm hearing Phil Spencer will speak on this in detail sometime this week or the next, why MS has not put out an official statement is confusing. Basically, at this point, I need to know if I should even bother buying games on a console that may not exist and with no way to access my games.
  11. What I meant is that streaming isn't always reliable, so then you would have to go the alternative route and actually have the game installed. You're going to need a system/console for that and I doubt they'll be ready for full streaming by the end of the XSX. Our bandwidth is more than adequate, but streaming on Gamepass is not. Its ok when it works, but there are often wait times to play a game because too many people are playing and the game lags. Not to mention that a lot of people still don't have viable high speed internet. You're going to need a system to run the game and storage to store it on. I don't see this going away for a while, if MS is going this route now, I think they're doing it way too soon and it would be a disaster at best. Anyways, if MS does go this route, I won't be going along with them. I'll go back to PC gaming and stay there forever.
  12. I'm the one saying that it would kill the Xbox brand. I've tried the streaming platform, trust me when I say its not ready. They're a long way off from reliable streaming and some of these games are over 100gbs. As it is right now, you'll need a console (or some system) to game on. Maybe their plan is to port everything to the PS5, but that would be a death sentence. Most see Gamepass as an accessory to the Xbox, not a reason to own it and definitely not a reason to buy one. I'm just saying, all of this stemmed from one leak of Starfield coming to the PS5 and was reported in one article. Now, apparently Xbox is leaving the console business. Out of all of the genres of journalism, videogame journalism is pretty pathetic. The integrity is pretty low, not saying its not true, but I wouldn't be shocked if this has been exaggerated.
  13. Over 80% of Gamepass goes thru the Xbox console, to kill it now would kill Gamepass. If this is/was the plan, it wasn't the plan for a long time, they have to denounce this because there will be no reason to support the Xbox afterwards. MS has tried to put Gamepass on other platforms and it didn't work out, Gamepass can't survive on it's own yet. Once again, what would be the point of owning an Xbox? What would be the point of owning Gamepass? The rumored business model doesn't work out, MS has ton of money to throw at this, much more than Sony. I don't know why people would think they would just give up now. Also, I saw the rumor sprout last night, it started as just Starfield coming to PS5, then it evolved to the new Indy game, then all all Xbox games, then no more consoles ever. I think we all need to chill until MS comes out and says something this evening, then we can panic.
  14. If this is true, then it would actually kill the Xbox. I don't see why SOME titles couldn't come to the PS5, but if they all do...then there is no point in owning an Xbox. You would literally be better off buying a Playstation, you guys don't really think Microsoft made all of these big moves just to cave, do you? Even so, if it isn't true at all, the damage has been done. Microsoft has yet to come out to either confirm or deny, so a lot of people are taking that as confirmation.
  15. I would like to get Kingsbury...so we probably won't. He'll probably stay with the 49ers or give up his career to become a Guatemalan basket weaver salesman or something. Until there is pen to paper, there is no deal in my mind.
  16. Yeah!? Well I agree 1,001%! I'm not going anywhere with this...
  17. They label them pedos so they can go after them. Should Mr. Pelosi take a hammer to the head? Of course not...unless he's a pedophile. Should anyone attack Hillary? No human would...unless she's a pedophile. Like I said, beating up, castrating or murdering a pedo is easy, actually helping children of abuse, making sure they have all the help and resources they need to overcome trauma? That **** is boring and not fun, they don't care about children. They use that so they can do whatever they want, same as always.
  18. Haha! Good! I hope she comes home every night and finds some MAGA chud sifting thru her underwear drawer screaming about "pizzagate" and throwing cans of Bud Light. I hope they poke the bear until she HAS to speak out, I want them to hang themselves on their own petard. On a side note, I told my friend (who doesn't follow politics at all) about this and what the GOP were doing. The only thing she said was "Thats stupid, why would they do that?". We're almost at the end, folks.
  19. I honestly believe that woman's motorized cart is stuck on that hill and she's actually been asking everyone to send help for her. You're giving them too much credit. They target pedos the same reason inmates in a prison do, because no one cares what you do to a pedophile, they're not considered people. They target them because they feel they can do whatever horrible, malicious thing to a pedo and not only NOT be a bad person...but be called a hero. In the MAGA mind, they'd rather pretend to be good people than actually put forth the effort to be decent human beings.
  20. 1. I'm really upset that I can't play anything Death Stranding, I'm not sure why its a PS exclusive, doesn't seem like the kind of game that would thrive as a PS exclusive. Out of all of the exclusives, this is probably the only one of Sony's that I've had any interest in and my interest to play this game is high. I'm still playing MGS5 and I absolutely love it! Thats my kind of game play, maybe I'll get to play it one day. 2. I fee like I'm stuck in a gaming rut, so I'm trying something new...a 4x strategy game on Gamepass called "Humankind". Basically, if you're familiar, its a Civilization knockoff. I've heard good things about it, seems very deep and complicated and I'm willing to immerse myself into something like this to learn how to play. At least thats what I'm telling myself, lets see how it goes once I'm drowning in menus (also, I'm playing on Xbox). 3. Palworld! We must talk about this game, the "Pokemon killer/thief"...this game is good! Pokemon is the same game I used to play over 25 years ago with graphical upgrades and minor gameplay tweaks. What makes Palworld so great is that it takes what makes Pokemon so much fun and builds EVERYTHING on top of that and puts it in a blender. You have open world exploration (comparable to Breath of the Wild), base building, crafting, etc. If you're able to, check this game out.
  21. That was aimed less at the team and more aimed at the posters on this board. The ones acting like the current unhappy fans are being irrational or unreasonable giving the unfolding of events. Obviously, we won't know if its starting to work until at least a month into the new season, so everyone is going to have to wait. Now, Harris may not have come out, looked into a camera and said "We're hiring a young, fresh coach.". However, everything he's done with current hires, his past hiring history and what he has said points to a different direction. I can tell you he definitely didn't say he want an "old, stale, 2nd chance coach". When he said he wanted to model the Ravens, I didn't think he meant with an older coach. Whatever, no point in arguing or "debating" this anymore until week 5 in my eyes.
  22. So more info is starting to come out, doesn't make me feel any better yet, but I'm willing to let things unfold for a bit before I put this hiring in the same category as the Carson Wentz trade (I'm trying to be objective...I really am.). Still doesn't look like a win in my eyes (at this time) and some of the ways some people are trying make this an easier pill to swallow really need to work on their bed side manner. I don't know who would be happy or excited about this hire, so lets not pretend we all should be baking a cake right now. We were promised young, fresh and new...we got none of that. Now, some of you are trying to say that we need Quinn as a bridge hire until we can get a young, fresh, coach...how is this completely different from Rivera? The coaches involved may not be exactly the same, but this situation seems quite familiar.
  23. Ok, fair enough, we don't know what happened behind the scenes so I shouldn't place blame. I am going to say that it feels to me that they put all of their eggs in the Ben Johnson basket and then had to scramble when he rebuked the Commanders. Johnson definitely gets some blame in the way he decided to tell us he wasn't interested, but the front office absolutely looked like they were caught flat footed.
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