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Everything posted by joeken24

  1. Dude. Leaks come from agents. If talks are going on with Morgan, his agent is involved. As long as players have agents, leaks will exist. IMO, anytime Ian has a report, its from an agent. He doesn't have the connections in the building anymore. And if he got it before Keim, he definitely got from Moses' agent or someone in the agency.
  2. I think agents do everyone a disservice with their leaking. They sit back in the shadows while the player and the team gets villainized. So now we hear that Morgan didn't ask for a trade. This off the news that the team gave him permission to seek one. He's got 2 years left on his contract, right? So that together would spin the story to sound like Morgan is unhappy and wants to get the **** out. A Trent situation, right? Interesting ****, right? But I believe his agent leaked. John Keim confirmed it to save face and is probably pissed that it broke like it did. I also don't think the team or Morgan wanted this out. I actually think this what is happening: First off, Ron has said many times that he's looking to create competition and position flex. They did that by bringing in competent (relatively speaking) linemen to compete on the offensive line. That includes RT. There is a possibility that Morgan could lose the position based on what happens in practice. He may not. But its perfectly legit and is suppose to happen if you are looking to have the best players on Sunday, regardless of contract (another Ron philosophy). Maybe his agent is getting ahead of things just in case Masko deems another blocker as a better fit. I don't think Moses would be cut. I just don't think his agent wants to risk Moses not winning the job and/or being a swing tackle. I don't think money is anywhere near prevalent in this situation. Like Kerrighan, Moses may lose playing time. His agent is looking out for him, all be it hardball-ish IMO.
  3. No loss is because of one or two players. Not saying that. But there is not one player on any of those teams that stood out as a bright spot. I don't ever recall being upset after a losing season and saying to myself, at least we've got Moses and Scherff. This year we had a losing season. But there is no doubt that this D-line, Curl, McClaurin, Gibson and a few others were bright spots that I am looking forward to seeing ball out next year.
  4. Dependability does not mean productivity. I am hearing a lot about Moses not missing games. But the actual question is, was Moses dominant? That is solid no. He is a solid OT that has false starts and holding issues. This is truly what I see on Sundays. Whenever I saw a play get called back for holding, I was expecting that holding penalty on #76. The fact that they are ok with cutting him tells me Masko has seen enough on film to be ok with it. But now I'm really not sure who is going to be in the lineup. We know who the Center and RG will be. But after that......???????
  5. I suppose the question we need to ask ourselves is if Moses is replaceable? I would say yes. I think we'll get the same (hopefully better) production from the new guys. As a matter of fact, Ron seems to be picking players with position flex.
  6. Damn. Cut after being the starter? I remember saying this year was one big tryout/training camp. We just happened to make the playoffs. Ron and Masko got an entire year of film. They saw what most of us saw but probably considered the names and not all the damn sacks and blown up runs we witnessed over the years. No one on our offensive line was world beaters. They weren't even deemed as dim spots. Let alone bright. So while I like the somewhat hometown kid playing here. They're looking to improve the line play.
  7. The focus was on the right side only because I thought the right side was obvious. Apparently not since they are allowing Moses to seek a trade and will probably not spend what Schereff may be looking for next year. If Leno starts, he'll be taking Moses' place.....at jumping offsides.
  8. Didn't realize Leno was as small as he is listed on the site (6'3 - 307). Is that true? I would think tackles range in the 6'5; 315+ range. Just found this videos that speaks to his size as it relates to the bull rush. Kinda figured he'd be susceptible to that. I'm wondering if they would be open to moving him inside next to his 6'7 - 327lb ex-teammate? I think Cornelius did fine last year. To me, our left guard position has been a position of weakness for a while - not left tackle. I mean, finding a Trent Williams is not easy. At some point they'll find that generational one. In the meantime, I think we're good. For me, somebody on this line has got to shore up the left guard position. Maybe Flowers (who I totally forgot about but now makes me smile). Ron wants a nasty mauling O-line. So the **** do I.....finally. ****, I want barbeque hogs this time. IMO, this line is a position of strength now. Cosmi Charles Flowers Lucas Leno Wes Who starts? I don't know. But we now have road graders for Gibson and possibly the second coming of MJD bursting out the backfield. We also have good skill players to keep 8 defenders out of the box. I'm smh based on the possibilities. I am imagining Cosmi (and his yac skills along with his TE speed. lol) coming in eligible in 11 personnel or playing fullback in short yardage/goal line formations. Definitely going to be interesting to see what Masko does with these guys.
  9. I think we've shored up the O-line nicely. I'm sure they'll continue. I think it allows us less work going into next year. Particularly with the right side. I mean it wasn't as if Moses and Scherff were deemed as the bright spot for the team over the years. They're both good for sure. But not dominant (fact is, we don't have a dominant linemen on the team.) So in that, I think Moses and Scherff are expendable next year. Although I think Scherff is gone anyway. Now with all that said, I like what little I saw from Charles at guard. think Cosmi moving inside is intriguing as well this year. This year I think our swing tackle is Lucas with Leno with Charles or Cosmi at guard. Wes is interesting as well. We have damn near all college left tackles on this team. I like that.
  10. Good defense is mobile. I am think Tampa and KC will be prime time with a full capacity stadium. Get ya popcorn ready. BTW, what is Fitz' record against Tom? Is it 2-9 or the other way around?
  11. You're right about not knowing if a QB is generational (although Andrew Luck struck me as that dude). But this team specifically needs to get it right at that position for once in its history. They have never drafted a franchise QB. But to that, I consider a franchise as a guy that runs your offense at a high level, makes plays when it needs to be made, leads your team and stays healthy. I am actually wondering about this Montez kid. They talk about him highly from time to time. If he makes the 53 this year that'll definitely be intriguing.
  12. Check out what Ron says about QB at the 23:18. Makes so much sense IMO. It is exactly why I'm of the opinion not to trade up for a rookie unless he's "generational". In order to win in this league, you need your entire team built along with a QB that's not going to **** it up for you. Fitz has a history but that seems to be what it is....history. His job will not be to keep his job. He'll probably do less chance taking. Fitz doesn't have accuracy issues and he's seen every defense known to man. So unlike a rookie, he'll be prepared and able to get the line into the right blocking scheme etc.
  13. I envision Samuels causing havok in the slot and Brown getting single coverage (on the entire route tree). This offense could be a problem. Especially since film shows our running backs as extremely viable options out of the back field. Defenses will have to play honest with Fitz or Taylor at QB. They both have a solid ability to maneuver in the pocket and get the ball to the open receiver (Fitz' INT issues is a narrative at this point IMO). I'm sure defenses are going to have to play zone against this offense. Be interesting to see a film breakdown of how Fitz handles zone coverage. I know he struggled against Rex Ryans' a while ago. I think he'll be fine. He's got good footwork already. Plus he's in good company with McClaurin to learn. The fact that he's a deep threat should cause defenders to play off, enabling him to run the short and intermediate routes.
  14. This is some Randy Moss **** right here. Love it. He'll get that ball from our current QBs. At the 47 second mark of this video
  15. I think this OL is now a position of strength. The fact that we're talking about who will start says a lot. Personally, I was thinking Charles and Flowers will take up the left side. But Cosmi looks like a beast. Charles struck me as the same. Flowers did a great job at guard when he was here. Now with all that said, last year's starting right side wasn't bad. Would Charles/Cosmi and Flowers be an upgrade over the current starters? Regardless, we've got debt. Plus we've got solid explosive running backs that should make the line look right in the run game. I think we've done a good job of managing the risk of losing Schreff. Fact is, we've got next year's draft and a FA period to find his replacement if he doesn't sign.
  16. Reyes has never played football. So it will be interesting to see what he can do. But to that, it is kind of a slap in the face for college, FAs looking for jobs and just players overall that have played all their lives and just haven't gotten an opportunity because they didn't have an advocate working on their behalf. Hopefully, he plays up to this opportunity.
  17. I am totally bought into the team to building a massive wall of ballers on both sides of the ball. Then stick a young capable rookie QB into it to learn how to be a pro and how to play team football with no pressure. Sick and tired of drafting saviors. They never ever work.
  18. On the one hand, I am all for the player getting as much as they can in the small window they have to do it. But players are expendable. They are also not guaranteed. So you look at Kirk. Did we miss? I don't think so. Did he get overpaid and (so far) under-deliver? I would say yes. I'll put it like this, if I'm looking for a house, I'm not going to offer the high in a buyer's market. I may not even do it in the sellers market. Reason is (and more than likely), I can find a comparable house somewhere else for less. The guard position (on the weak side no less) doesn't command extraordinary compensation. Scherff is really attempting to gain leverage. Good business move. But right now he has none. Next year will be different. But only if he plays well. If he doesn't, we may miss him personally, but another guy will take his spot after he goes somewhere else to get paid. Because that is what it comes down to.....dinero, bag, paper, dolla bills. I am good with whatever decision Brandon makes. My immediate concern is that he protects in the pass game and mauls in the run.
  19. Interesting. Be nice to see the offer details. I am inclined to think the new regime is into keeping their own. But technically BS is not their own. Just sayin' Plus the offer is based on this year's cap right? Not sure. But if it is, this may not be the time for a player to sign a long term deal. According to NFL.com his projected contract was five years, $85 million ($17 million per year), with $48 million guaranteed. If that was the offer, five years is a long time. Especially when you consider where the cap will be when things open up and the TV deals kick in. I'd wait, play on the tag and bet on myself. Kid better stay healthy and ball out.
  20. Interested to see what our defensive lineup will be vs 11 man. If we can pick up the LB out of ND I think we create better matchups. I also think good FS play would improve the ability to defend it. I think a good FS knows where the help is needed. A LB against a scat back is rarely a good matchup Mr. Apke. However, I think Owusu-Koramoah provides what this defense needs to alleviate those big plays the defense gave up last year (which was mostly out of 11 man). We'll see. Found this short article interesting. https://steelersdepot.com/2020/12/beating-washington-football-team-three-plays-to-attack-their-defense/
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