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Sacks 'n' Stuff

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Everything posted by Sacks 'n' Stuff

  1. How is a tax going to help anything? "I really want to go into a lecture hall and kill a dozen kids and then take my own life but 5 bucks a round? Not sure I can swing that right now."
  2. Every week... Miz: Welcome to the most must see show on television. Welcome to... <awkward pause while he hopes someone will say Miz TV>
  3. English, Greek, German, French, and Italian according to wikipedia.
  4. #1698 Did you know that History Channel aliens guy speaks 5 languages?
  5. And then Hulk Hogan comes out, buries him, calls everybody the N word and walks out with the belt to the sounds of Rick derringer playing in the background.
  6. Holy crap. Sting is 56?!?!? That doesn't seem possible.
  7. Is it still Friday night? Most everybody has heard this song but this is the original (better) version released on an earlier album. It's simpler and not all popped up… Just Jason and a ukulele.
  8. I just put on my bathrobe and went around the house giving my dogs standard knife edge chops while yelling "Whoooooooooooo!!!!" for 5 minutes.
  9. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WhCC9O9GtGQ ^ I always liked this song. Give it a shot.
  10. Owens needs to be a face. He would be the everyman like Dusty was.
  11. Those mother****ers have 8 eyes. 8 eyes for watching you. Watching for your moment of weakness and then BAM! It's a shovel to the back of the head and your down on the floor having your soul and blood sucked from your limp, lifeless body.
  12. I heard Hacksaw Jim Duggan one time say that Snuka killed that girl.
  13. Yeah... This thread convinced me to put all my money into the market just a couple of weeks ago. Hope you guys are happy. You just lost my kid's school clothes money! IM BROKE MOTHER****ERS! IM BROKE!!!!
  14. I just heard it on the radio. Found this site (http://www.nflpenalties.com) and double checked to make sure that it was true.
  15. Redskins opponents were penalized more last year than any other team in the league.
  16. Give every team two byes. Then the league can extend the season to 18 weeks (still 16 games) and make more TV money while players would get more rest. Win-win.
  17. I saw that in the theater in college. I remember Mick's family coming backstage after that match and his daughter telling him she was worried he got hurt. He was like, "can't hurt daddy."
  18. If Piper were around today or if WWF was booked back then like it is today, how many times do you think he'd have been world champion? Ten?
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