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Sacks 'n' Stuff

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Everything posted by Sacks 'n' Stuff

  1. It's true. Of course when Hillary pointed it out they all screamed about how horribly scandalous it was that she would say such a thing. I think I might run and my whole platform be that the GOP voting base is a bunch of mouthbreathing morons. Don't sit home and let them elect another piece of ****.
  2. They don't care dude. They really don't give two ****s about anything except D & R. You know how much time & money & frenzied energy was spent on the whole email thing? Well it certainly wasn't because they care so much about classified information or carelessness with our intelligence. The last little flicker of hope left that party months ago. And for what? For Donald ****ing Trump? The GOP is an infestation.
  3. Edit: nevermind. I don't even know what we're talking about. I've slept 10 hours in the last 4 days, popped in, and only read the very last post.
  4. If there was any aspect of his life that he knew that someone was going to look, it's his taxes. He's audit every year.
  5. I'm sure that he has very good lawyers and that the people who are doing his taxes know all of the tricks.
  6. Yes, but the article makes a good point. There might be something embarrassing in the tax returns but we're pretty much past that point except to satisfy curiosity. There is almost certainly nothing criminal in there. He has people working for him that are way too smart to let that happen.
  7. It would certainly improve my efficiency. I mean, not at first because I probably wouldn't get much work done for a few weeks but in the long run, yeah. The amount of time I'm spending on Photoshop right now just isn't good.
  8. The whole Trump owing money to Russia thing is fake news made up by the democrats. There's a reason that Trump is working on (and kicking ass I might add) mending relationships with our Eurasian brethren in a way that Obama and Hillary would never be able to do. They have a pee tape.
  9. Notice? Or care? USA - 2017. Trump is president and the GOP has achieved mindless zombie voter zen. Nothing matters to them except R and D.
  10. The bigger tragedy is that, despite the obvious baselessness and danger, a large percentage of the population believes everything he says.
  11. How about that George W Bush email investigation? That one still going on? How about the everyone else who did the same thing email investigation?
  12. I'm saying its more transparent silliness to have different expectations for timelines into investigations and the results thereof based on whether the person being investigated happens to belong to the same political party as you.
  13. Maybe in a few more years we can find something in those Benghazi email foundation servers.
  14. Btw... wasn't it like a fortnight ago that US - Russia relations were at an all time low? What happened with that?
  15. Really? REALLY?? You're kidding! Yes twa. You got us. Everybody retreat. The jig is up.
  16. All the bad hombres have poured in by now. We're as good as dead and we don't even know it.
  17. Gonna be real fun to rehash a lot of your posts when this is all said & done.
  18. WHAT THE ****?!?!?!?! This **** has gotten out of hand. Time to impeach this mother****er. edit: Flynn has something on Trump, doesn't he?
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